This Regime Has the Nuts to Ask Us to Pay More Taxes??

And what of those non federal employees who rest their capital in foreign banks and earn interest not reported to the IRS? How many billionaires and 200 Millionaires cheat in this manner?

The story's not about random, run of the mill tax cheats. It focuses on one group of tax cheats - those in the Obama Regime.

Thanks for your input (meaningless) anyway.


Yeah, run of the mill tax cheats don't cost us anything.

You know, if it were ME....I'd stop posting after I got my ass handed to me a couple dozen times and reassess my opinions.
But then I tend to LEARN from my mistakes.
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And what of those non federal employees who rest their capital in foreign banks and earn interest not reported to the IRS? How many billionaires and 200 Millionaires cheat in this manner?

The story's not about random, run of the mill tax cheats. It focuses on one group of tax cheats - those in the Obama Regime.

Thanks for your input (meaningless) anyway.

well no the story is about how Obama people owe taxes, but the rest of washington is just as bad.

Thats the story, but you being a hack think its just about Obama. This is why you are stupid.

The only way President Obama would figure into this is if HE owed back taxes.

Why do people fall for this crap?
What a stretch.

Why would this be embarrassing to President Obama? He's not the National Sheriff, you know.

As for the 1%, all he is asking is that they pay their fair share. Why is that unreasonable?

And another idiot progressive using the subjective "fairness" argument, yet again... fucking laughable..

How about everyone paying an EQUAL % share, you fucktard??... ~50% are still paying zero in federal income taxes, and you damn sight know they are not earning zero

That is unless you want unequal treatment somewhere else and won't complain when it is against one of your pet causes or stances.... say... gay marriage?? You want to arbitrarily select for unequal treatment of others, don't be shocked or scream murder when something from your side is singled out too
What a stretch.

Why would this be embarrassing to President Obama? He's not the National Sheriff, you know.

As for the 1%, all he is asking is that they pay their fair share. Why is that unreasonable?

And another idiot progressive using the subjective "fairness" argument, yet again... fucking laughable..

How about everyone paying an EQUAL % share, you fucktard??... ~50% are still paying zero in federal income taxes, and you damn sight know they are not earning zero

That is unless you want unequal treatment somewhere else and won't complain when it is against one of your pet causes or stances.... say... gay marriage?? You want to arbitrarily select for unequal treatment of others, don't be shocked or scream murder when something from your side is singled out too

Our current system, minus a few things that need fixing (ie. capital gains tax rate), is an equal system. I know it, you know it. Stop envying the poor, it's not a good look for you.
What a stretch.

Why would this be embarrassing to President Obama? He's not the National Sheriff, you know.

As for the 1%, all he is asking is that they pay their fair share. Why is that unreasonable?

And another idiot progressive using the subjective "fairness" argument, yet again... fucking laughable..

How about everyone paying an EQUAL % share, you fucktard??... ~50% are still paying zero in federal income taxes, and you damn sight know they are not earning zero

That is unless you want unequal treatment somewhere else and won't complain when it is against one of your pet causes or stances.... say... gay marriage?? You want to arbitrarily select for unequal treatment of others, don't be shocked or scream murder when something from your side is singled out too

Our current system, minus a few things that need fixing (ie. capital gains tax rate), is an equal system. I know it, you know it. Stop envying the poor, it's not a good look for you.

As shown to you so many times.. it is not... a progressive system BY DEFINITION is not an equal treatment system...

It just makes you feel good inside to try and justify the inequality in treatment to say so

You're the one with envy... hence your support for having only the higher earners pay more of a % burden...
What a stretch.

Why would this be embarrassing to President Obama? He's not the National Sheriff, you know.

As for the 1%, all he is asking is that they pay their fair share. Why is that unreasonable?

And another idiot progressive using the subjective "fairness" argument, yet again... fucking laughable..

How about everyone paying an EQUAL % share, you fucktard??... ~50% are still paying zero in federal income taxes, and you damn sight know they are not earning zero

That is unless you want unequal treatment somewhere else and won't complain when it is against one of your pet causes or stances.... say... gay marriage?? You want to arbitrarily select for unequal treatment of others, don't be shocked or scream murder when something from your side is singled out too

Oh, this imaginary group is now up to 50%? Last I heard this story, it was 47%. That means it will be 60% in a few weeks.

Fact is, your hero, Mittens' tax return showed he had "zero" income from wages and he paid "zero" in income taxes.

If yore momma is subsisting on Social Security, she also has zero income from wages and pays zero in income taxes.

See how that works? Or do you believe that the elderly living on Soc Sec are actually welfare suck ups or some such stupidity.
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What a stretch.

Why would this be embarrassing to President Obama? He's not the National Sheriff, you know.

As for the 1%, all he is asking is that they pay their fair share. Why is that unreasonable?

And another idiot progressive using the subjective "fairness" argument, yet again... fucking laughable..

How about everyone paying an EQUAL % share, you fucktard??... ~50% are still paying zero in federal income taxes, and you damn sight know they are not earning zero

That is unless you want unequal treatment somewhere else and won't complain when it is against one of your pet causes or stances.... say... gay marriage?? You want to arbitrarily select for unequal treatment of others, don't be shocked or scream murder when something from your side is singled out too

Oh, this imaginary group is now up to 50%? Last I heard this story, it was 47%. That means it will be 60% in a few weeks.

Fact is, your hero, Mittens' tax return showed he had "zero" income from wages and he paid "zero" in income taxes.

If yore momma is subsisting on social Security, she also has zero income from wages and pays zero in income taxes.

See how that works?

Do you know what a ~ means when put in front of a number... it is aprox... as in I am not going to go to the 10th decimal place in exact percentages.... you see places with statistics saying anywhere from 46-51% for the number paying zero in federal income tax... many getting money FROM the federal tax system

My hero is Romney?? Please show any post where I showed support for Romney... until that time, please refrain from posting

and funny
goes right in with your federal 1040 FEDERAL INCOME TAX FORM

so go kill yourself... you're wasting oxygen that others could utilize
And another idiot progressive using the subjective "fairness" argument, yet again... fucking laughable..

How about everyone paying an EQUAL % share, you fucktard??... ~50% are still paying zero in federal income taxes, and you damn sight know they are not earning zero

That is unless you want unequal treatment somewhere else and won't complain when it is against one of your pet causes or stances.... say... gay marriage?? You want to arbitrarily select for unequal treatment of others, don't be shocked or scream murder when something from your side is singled out too

Our current system, minus a few things that need fixing (ie. capital gains tax rate), is an equal system. I know it, you know it. Stop envying the poor, it's not a good look for you.

As shown to you so many times.. it is not... a progressive system BY DEFINITION is not an equal treatment system...

It just makes you feel good inside to try and justify the inequality in treatment to say so

You're the one with envy... hence your support for having only the higher earners pay more of a % burden...

Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.
Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.

Let's consult a HIGHER AUTHORITY on if paying the SAME tax rate is a good idea?

"The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."

Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations

Here endeth the lesson.
Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.

Let's consult a HIGHER AUTHORITY on if paying the SAME tax rate is a good idea?

"The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state."

Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations

Here endeth the lesson.

Oooo.. a WRITING of someone's opinion, even from the 1700's.... wow... and his prowess and accomplishments were what??

Marshall Applewhite put his opinions and beliefs out there too

We have brilliant minds in science that also believed in Naziism and Communism...

Just because someone is published, does not make them right
Our current system, minus a few things that need fixing (ie. capital gains tax rate), is an equal system. I know it, you know it. Stop envying the poor, it's not a good look for you.

As shown to you so many times.. it is not... a progressive system BY DEFINITION is not an equal treatment system...

It just makes you feel good inside to try and justify the inequality in treatment to say so

You're the one with envy... hence your support for having only the higher earners pay more of a % burden...

Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.

And the difference in value of dollar #5 is different than dollar #10000005 is what??? It buys something differently HOW?? Yet it is taxed differently because of your SUBJECTIVE view of its importance to an individual....

No... it is not equal... Sorry that your disguised unequal treatment does not fool me

I suppose you would support that each citizen gets one vote for every 100K earned.... I mean, it's the same system for all... if you happen to finally make it to a 100K salary, you are treated just like everyone else who does... that's equal, right??

As shown to you so many times.. it is not... a progressive system BY DEFINITION is not an equal treatment system...

It just makes you feel good inside to try and justify the inequality in treatment to say so

You're the one with envy... hence your support for having only the higher earners pay more of a % burden...

Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.

And the difference in value of dollar #5 is different than dollar #10000005 is what??? It buys something differently HOW?? Yet it is taxed differently because of your SUBJECTIVE view of its importance to an individual....

No... it is not equal... Sorry that your disguised unequal treatment does not fool me

I suppose you would support that each citizen gets one vote for every 100K earned.... I mean, it's the same system for all... if you happen to finally make it to a 100K salary, you are treated just like everyone else who does... that's equal, right??


You expect that dumb fuck to comprehend this?? LOL!!!!
As shown to you so many times.. it is not... a progressive system BY DEFINITION is not an equal treatment system...

It just makes you feel good inside to try and justify the inequality in treatment to say so

You're the one with envy... hence your support for having only the higher earners pay more of a % burden...

Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.

And the difference in value of dollar #5 is different than dollar #10000005 is what??? It buys something differently HOW?? Yet it is taxed differently because of your SUBJECTIVE view of its importance to an individual....

No... it is not equal... Sorry that your disguised unequal treatment does not fool me

I suppose you would support that each citizen gets one vote for every 100K earned.... I mean, it's the same system for all... if you happen to finally make it to a 100K salary, you are treated just like everyone else who does... that's equal, right??


Life necessities are not subject no matter how many names you call me. Someones first priority with money they earn is not to buy a yacht or 3rd home. Not before they are sure they have food, healthcare and a single roof over their heads. This is why the first dollars earned are the most important to basic survival.

The fact that you can't grasp that, and are in the minority even on this right leaning site should tell you how clueless you really are. Don't believe me? Start a thread and see how many people agree with your idea for a flat tax with no exemptions whatsoever.
If you include all taxes and fees, the poor pay as much %wise as Romney. Another stupid, offensive, brainwashed argument from the dupes...
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Of course it's equal. Everyone pays the same rate at each dollar level. Equal. Sorry that your simpleton ideas don't mesh with the real world.

And the difference in value of dollar #5 is different than dollar #10000005 is what??? It buys something differently HOW?? Yet it is taxed differently because of your SUBJECTIVE view of its importance to an individual....

No... it is not equal... Sorry that your disguised unequal treatment does not fool me

I suppose you would support that each citizen gets one vote for every 100K earned.... I mean, it's the same system for all... if you happen to finally make it to a 100K salary, you are treated just like everyone else who does... that's equal, right??


You expect that dumb fuck to comprehend this?? LOL!!!!

LOL, Ok tough guy

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