This School Helps Poor Kids Succeed, Teacher Unions Try To Shut It Down

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
The students are chosen by lottery.

The students who attend this particular charter school are doing way better at school than the control sample who lost the lottery.

And the charter school spends far less money than the regular public schools in the same location.

The kids at the charter school like going to school.

The kids who lost the lottery are very sad that they lost.

The charter school wants to expand so more students can attend, but the teachers' union is trying to block the expansion.

The students are chosen by lottery.

The students who attend this particular charter school are doing way better at school than the control sample who lost the lottery.

And the charter school spends far less money than the regular public schools in the same location.

The kids at the charter school like going to school.

The kids who lost the lottery are very sad that they lost.

The charter school wants to expand so more students can attend, but the teachers' union is trying to block the expansion.

Lots of problems in education, mostly because the people who run education aren't interested in educating kids. The politicians in the US are useless.
The students are chosen by lottery.

The students who attend this particular charter school are doing way better at school than the control sample who lost the lottery.

And the charter school spends far less money than the regular public schools in the same location.

The kids at the charter school like going to school.

The kids who lost the lottery are very sad that they lost.

The charter school wants to expand so more students can attend, but the teachers' union is trying to block the expansion.

Socialist bastards want to have all of us pay fro private schools?
A school corporation is having problems in Texas. Public school worked for years. And it will work better now if we quit spending so much for law enforcement and the military. Education does not need to be privatized.
The students are chosen by lottery.

The students who attend this particular charter school are doing way better at school than the control sample who lost the lottery.

And the charter school spends far less money than the regular public schools in the same location.

The kids at the charter school like going to school.

The kids who lost the lottery are very sad that they lost.

The charter school wants to expand so more students can attend, but the teachers' union is trying to block the expansion.

well now, do not discount that the families who submitted for the lottery WANT to be there. That alone weeds out many problems.

Our society is in such a downward spiral I'm almost ready to say no more compulsory schooling. Not quite. But almost.
If anyone doesn't realize unions today only exist to further their own money and control then youre living in a fantasy world.

The need for a union 95% of the time doesn't exist. It isn't like it is 1940. We have state and federal labor laws now, we have OSHA, we have minimum wages and so on. Unions were a necessity 80 years ago when we didn't have any of those.

Unions now are mostly unnecessary but they still exist because they promise more wages, more rules on the employer and talk about all the things they will do for the workers. But in the end, it's about money. Unions aren't free, when they get workers a raise the union gets a raise because they all have to pay union dues and they have to follow union rules on top of employer rules.

You don't get the option to not join either. They voted a union in at a job I previously had and I was against it. Well my hours steadily got cut till I had 0 hours on the schedule and in the end the others were sorry they voted them in. I ended up quitting because they were forcing me to sign up.

Unions are a business, that's all they are. They exist to take workers money.

The only union id support is a police union because if anyone needs help it's the cops. Any other union? Yeah, they can F themselves.
A school corporation is having problems in Texas. Public school worked for years. And it will work better now if we quit spending so much for law enforcement and the military. Education does not need to be privatized.
Spending more money on public education hasn't proven to be effective at raising grades. It has raised teachers and administrators pay, as well as property taxes, however. The biggest problem with education is that there is something seriously wrong with our kids.

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