This should piss the off

isn't it funny how they only respond to their own hate boards, and stay away from anyone who calls them out with fact, even when it's a dog.

the best line is near the end. If the troops ever leave iraq. wasn't that another one of obama's campaign promises? er uhm, failed campaign promises? LMAO Libs just don't get it do they. we can't live without oil. if it was up to the libs we'd be back to driving fred flinstone mobiles, eating un cooked food and freezing our ass off in the winter. who needs oil right? Thank God for the GOP
That video needs an update, to include the rest of the story... Seems like it left out key people in favor of party.
isn't it funny how they only respond to their own hate boards, and stay away from anyone who calls them out with fact, even when it's a dog.

Too bad it's chock full of FACTUAL errors.....but don't let that get in the way...right?
It's funny and it's clever. Why nitpick on historical facts; the right has employed dozens of Tom Parsons to rewrite history - some are so 'employed' on this very message board.

" Parsons, Tom - "Parsons was Winston's fellow-employee at the Ministry of Truth. He was a fattish but active man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasms -- one of those completely unquestioning, devoted drudges on whom, more even than on the Thought Police, the stability of the Party depended. At thirty-five he had just been unwillingly evicted from the Youth League, and before graduating into the Youth League he had managed to stay on in the Spies for a year beyond the statutory age. At the Ministry he was employed in some subordinate post for which intelligence was not required, but on the other hand he was a leading figure on the Sports Committee and all the other committees engaged in organizing community hikes, spontaneous demonstrations, savings campaigns, and voluntary activities generally. He would inform you with quiet pride, between whiffs of his pipe, that he had put in an appearance at the Community Centre every evening for the past four years. An overpowering smell of sweat, a sort of unconscious testimony to the strenuousness of his life, followed him about wherever he went, and even remained behind him after he had gone."
Darn, who the heck used a favorite show of my youth to present history.

"Eenie meenie chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak. Are they friendly spirits? Just listen?"

Modern Timeline for Iran-Iraq Conflicts

Iraq, Iran, and September 11: A Chronology

The Iraq Crisis and War - Timeline - a chronology of events

More history.

"When David Duke was running for governor of Louisiana, he always had a country or bluegrass band on the platform with him, in all the photographs I saw. That band always had a guitar picker and a banjo player. I always had the fantasy of pulling David Duke aside and telling him "Well, Dave, the guitar was invented by Spanish-speakin Arabs, and, well, as for the banjo, now, you're probably gonna want to sit down and let me pour you a really stiff drink before I tell you..." Ken Burch
There are too many factual errors to list, but I'll offer one.....

It uses the phrase 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and claims that the USA armed and helped the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Anyone who knows the facts or even watched Charlie Wilson's War knows that the USA did not supply aid or arms to the Taliban, but actually to the Northern Alliance who were enemies of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

I hear this fallacy repeated constantly that the US armed and trained Bin Laden and/or the Taliban and it's simply not true. Bin Laden had practically nothing to do with the Mujahideen's victory over the Red Army.
Only to very concrete thinkers.

What sort of thinker do you claim to be?


Willow Tree is a top five finalist as 'dumbest' to post on this message board. She and Stephanie are one-two in the running for dumbest females.

What sort of thinker do I "claim" to be? I don't make claims. I made an observation on the post, "Perhaps because it's all about history??"
"To distort the facts, makes it meaning completely useless."

This quote is an example of a concrete thinker. Distorting facts makes a statement very useful, it gives one insight into the character of the person, their diligence in fact checking and/or their basic honesty. A bit more abstract than a concrete thinker would consider.
There are too many factual errors to list, but I'll offer one.....

It uses the phrase 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and claims that the USA armed and helped the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Anyone who knows the facts or even watched Charlie Wilson's War knows that the USA did not supply aid or arms to the Taliban, but actually to the Northern Alliance who were enemies of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

I hear this fallacy repeated constantly that the US armed and trained Bin Laden and/or the Taliban and it's simply not true. Bin Laden had practically nothing to do with the Mujahideen's victory over the Red Army.

Set me reading something here. How little did Bin Ladin have to do with it and where did the Mujahideen's members go? This goes to the core of Ronald's foreign policy success. Anyone who cares about his legacy must know this in and out. Would be akin to supporting Nazi policy in the 30s as a buffer against Russian power.
there's thinker

and then there's thinkier..

makes you dinkier donchyathinkier?
Set me reading something here. How little did Bin Ladin have to do with it and where did the Mujahideen's members go?

The Mujahideen were made up of a number of groups. Where did they go? We know that at least two of those groups were the same people who our Spec Ops worked with to oust the Taliban.

This goes to the core of Ronald's foreign policy success. Anyone who cares about his legacy must know this in and out. Would be akin to supporting Nazi policy in the 30s as a buffer against Russian power.

LOL....or maybe FDR and Truman for being allied with the Soviet Union to destroy Nazi Germany?

What it really goes to show you is how ungrateful Muslims can be. We help them rid their nation from an aggressor in the USSR, and they turn around and attack us.

You may blame Reagan (of course, Clinton didn't correct that at all either), but who said we owed them more than helping them free their Country of a Russian puppet government? It really isn't our fault they failed after we gave them a helping hand.
Set me reading something here. How little did Bin Ladin have to do with it and where did the Mujahideen's members go?

The Mujahideen were made up of a number of groups. Where did they go? We know that at least two of those groups were the same people who our Spec Ops worked with to oust the Taliban.

This goes to the core of Ronald's foreign policy success. Anyone who cares about his legacy must know this in and out. Would be akin to supporting Nazi policy in the 30s as a buffer against Russian power.

LOL....or maybe FDR and Truman for being allied with the Soviet Union to destroy Nazi Germany?

What it really goes to show you is how ungrateful Muslims can be. We help them rid their nation from an aggressor in the USSR, and they turn around and attack us.

You may blame Reagan (of course, Clinton didn't correct that at all either), but who said we owed them more than helping them free their Country of a Russian puppet government? It really isn't our fault they failed after we gave them a helping hand.
And China to destroy Japan
What sort of thinker do you claim to be?


Willow Tree is a top five finalist as 'dumbest' to post on this message board. She and Stephanie are one-two in the running for dumbest females.

What sort of thinker do I "claim" to be? I don't make claims. I made an observation on the post, "Perhaps because it's all about history??"
"To distort the facts, makes it meaning completely useless."

This quote is an example of a concrete thinker. Distorting facts makes a statement very useful, it gives one insight into the character of the person, their diligence in fact checking and/or their basic honesty. A bit more abstract than a concrete thinker would consider.

So I guess it's not what is said but who says it in your view?

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