This Snow today - Up to a FOOT in Some Places


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
Luray, Virginia
in the Midwest. What a great Thanksgiving you're going to have. Chestnuts roasting, Uncle Stas half-shitfaced, etc. I envy you.
To the Libberhoids, is this the first "blast" of this season's climate change? Right before you celebrate Ramadan, or whatever the fuck you worship?
Should I move the truck, pull out the snowblower and get ready for more, or disrobe for the heatwave that's heading our way?
You have the brains of a dog, who sees you put food in his bowl and thinks you are the food god.

Your mind can only think about what travels into your eye in the present moment. Intelligent people see things far away and changes that you don't see in your yard.

You breathe air and your mind says to you, there must be air in the whole universe because its right here where I am.

Shhh, it'll be ok.
Pretty mild in the east. Could it be .....gasp....normal weather cycles? The climate anarchists have the argument surrounded though, if it's hot it's man made global warming and if it's cold it's man made global warming. One of the reality channels, typical of the one that fooled us about mermaids, has a special about "Extinction" just in time for the kiddies who are out of school for the holidays to get a dose of left wing paranoia.
My dogs don't pretend to be smart, unlike liberals who try to mask it with a lot of huffing and puffing.

Smart to you is goober your neighbor or some bugwit on the radio, smart to a liberal is someone with a PH.D and a lifetime of studying something.

Barney Fife and Sarah Palin are the Einsteins of con-land.
My dogs don't pretend to be smart, unlike liberals who try to mask it with a lot of huffing and puffing.

Smart to you is goober your neighbor or some bugwit on the radio, smart to a liberal is someone with a PH.D and a lifetime of studying something.

Barney Fife and Sarah Palin are the Einsteins of con-land.
Thanks for opining from Dim-land, where they don't realize thousands of years ago glaciers covered most of North America and they had accurate to fractions of a degree methods of measuring ocean temps in the 1800s.
in the Midwest. What a great Thanksgiving you're going to have. Chestnuts roasting, Uncle Stas half-shitfaced, etc. I envy you.
To the Libberhoids, is this the first "blast" of this season's climate change? Right before you celebrate Ramadan, or whatever the fuck you worship?
Should I move the truck, pull out the snowblower and get ready for more, or disrobe for the heatwave that's heading our way?


The first thread of the year denying climate change because it snows in the winter time
Conservatives in every society, at every moment in history are the equivalent of the people on the shore screaming at Columbus, 'you're going to sail off the end of the Earth, what makes you think YOU know better'?

"I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves. "For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process. - Albert Einstein -

Bigger wall? Keep out the unfriendliness? The conservative mind is hard-wired to operate on fear.
Conservatives in every society, at every moment in history are the equivalent of the people on the shore screaming at Columbus, 'you're going to sail off the end of the Earth, what makes you think YOU know better'?

"I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves. "For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process. - Albert Einstein -

Bigger wall? Keep out the unfriendliness? The conservative mind is hard-wired to operate on fear.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen here in a while. Conservativism is based on a look before you leap philosophy. Is it fear that governs the looking before leaping? Or the reality that you may go over the cliff. Liberals are driven by their emotions like most children, they simply can't or won't grow up. If they don't get what they want unopposed then mommy and daddy are meanies and don't love them.
I don't know of any conservatives operating in fear. One only has to click on Al Gore for a dose of fear. Perhaps you Libs should forego forecasting what will occur in the world climate-wise and focus on things you do best, like trying to infiltrate the military with queers, burning bibles and taking away innocent people's firearms that they use to defend themselves from kooks like you. Thanks.
Conservatives in every society, at every moment in history are the equivalent of the people on the shore screaming at Columbus, 'you're going to sail off the end of the Earth, what makes you think YOU know better'?

"I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves. "For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process. - Albert Einstein -

Bigger wall? Keep out the unfriendliness? The conservative mind is hard-wired to operate on fear.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen here in a while. Conservativism is based on a look before you leap philosophy. Is it fear that governs the looking before leaping? Or the reality that you may go over the cliff. Liberals are driven by their emotions like most children, they simply can't or won't grow up. If they don't get what they want unopposed then mommy and daddy are meanies and don't love them.

One of the current false memes that conservatives LOVE to hold in their hands like a precious little bird, that they rely on logic and others on emotion. This is the brainwashing accomplished by Faux News and con-talk-radio. They push this falsehood over and over and over.

Fear is an emotion, and conservative's minds operate on the fear model. Google it.

All humans have fear, it is just in the people that tend towards a conservative bent this emotion is at the fore. It prevents them from moving forward until almost all of the danger has been either dispelled or eliminated. It also is why conservatives are afraid of 'other' and 'change'. The unknown causes fear in almost all humans, but again it is in the fore for people of a conservative bent. So even when the danger is minimal or even absent the conservative leaning mind is overly cautious. And in say the jungle this comes in handy for survival. When there are hundreds of things in your immediate environment that might kill you right now then being overly cautious is an advantageous trait. Seeing a new cave and not walking straight in, a new plant and not tasting or eating it. Coming across a clearing in the jungle and being hesitant before crossing in the open. When there are many immediate mortal threats then being ultra-conservative helps you survive.

But once removed from that most dangerous environment this ultra-conservative mindset is a hindrance. It makes you timid even in situations where there is very low or no danger. The outright primal fear exhibited towards immigrants is an example of this. Is some fear warranted in lieu of terrorist attacks around the world, of course. We should be slow and deliberate in screening people that want to come here. That is rational. The irrational and ultra-conservative overly fearful reaction is 'we have to close our borders and let no one in'. A mental and physical way of digging a moat around your tribe and isolating yourself from the scary world.

If you didn't read this far I don't blame you, long posts make me not read as well. Now and then a thought needs to be in black and white though. And there are many books written on this very subject that explain it far better than I do.
You have the brains of a dog, who sees you put food in his bowl and thinks you are the food god.

Your mind can only think about what travels into your eye in the present moment. Intelligent people see things far away and changes that you don't see in your yard.

You breathe air and your mind says to you, there must be air in the whole universe because its right here where I am.

Shhh, it'll be ok.
Anybody believing in global warming is a fool and an idiot. Scientists pushing that nonsense need their accreditation revoked.
Pretty mild in the east. Could it be .....gasp....normal weather cycles? The climate anarchists have the argument surrounded though, if it's hot it's man made global warming and if it's cold it's man made global warming. One of the reality channels, typical of the one that fooled us about mermaids, has a special about "Extinction" just in time for the kiddies who are out of school for the holidays to get a dose of left wing paranoia.
If global warming was not solvable by taxing us, liberals wouldn't be pushing it.
My dogs don't pretend to be smart, unlike liberals who try to mask it with a lot of huffing and puffing.

Smart to you is goober your neighbor or some bugwit on the radio, smart to a liberal is someone with a PH.D and a lifetime of studying something.

Barney Fife and Sarah Palin are the Einsteins of con-land.
When you lie about your data, you are discredited. You can't undo that.
Conservatives in every society, at every moment in history are the equivalent of the people on the shore screaming at Columbus, 'you're going to sail off the end of the Earth, what makes you think YOU know better'?

"I think the most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?’ This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves. "For if we decide that the universe is an unfriendly place, then we will use our technology, our scientific discoveries and our natural resources to achieve safety and power by creating bigger walls to keep out the unfriendliness and bigger weapons to destroy all that which is unfriendly and I believe that we are getting to a place where technology is powerful enough that we may either completely isolate or destroy ourselves as well in this process. - Albert Einstein -

Bigger wall? Keep out the unfriendliness? The conservative mind is hard-wired to operate on fear.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen here in a while. Conservativism is based on a look before you leap philosophy. Is it fear that governs the looking before leaping? Or the reality that you may go over the cliff. Liberals are driven by their emotions like most children, they simply can't or won't grow up. If they don't get what they want unopposed then mommy and daddy are meanies and don't love them.

One of the current false memes that conservatives LOVE to hold in their hands like a precious little bird, that they rely on logic and others on emotion. This is the brainwashing accomplished by Faux News and con-talk-radio. They push this falsehood over and over and over.

Fear is an emotion, and conservative's minds operate on the fear model. Google it.

All humans have fear, it is just in the people that tend towards a conservative bent this emotion is at the fore. It prevents them from moving forward until almost all of the danger has been either dispelled or eliminated. It also is why conservatives are afraid of 'other' and 'change'. The unknown causes fear in almost all humans, but again it is in the fore for people of a conservative bent. So even when the danger is minimal or even absent the conservative leaning mind is overly cautious. And in say the jungle this comes in handy for survival. When there are hundreds of things in your immediate environment that might kill you right now then being overly cautious is an advantageous trait. Seeing a new cave and not walking straight in, a new plant and not tasting or eating it. Coming across a clearing in the jungle and being hesitant before crossing in the open. When there are many immediate mortal threats then being ultra-conservative helps you survive.

But once removed from that most dangerous environment this ultra-conservative mindset is a hindrance. It makes you timid even in situations where there is very low or no danger. The outright primal fear exhibited towards immigrants is an example of this. Is some fear warranted in lieu of terrorist attacks around the world, of course. We should be slow and deliberate in screening people that want to come here. That is rational. The irrational and ultra-conservative overly fearful reaction is 'we have to close our borders and let no one in'. A mental and physical way of digging a moat around your tribe and isolating yourself from the scary world.

If you didn't read this far I don't blame you, long posts make me not read as well. Now and then a thought needs to be in black and white though. And there are many books written on this very subject that explain it far better than I do.
Look jackass. In the 1970s the fear from leftists was global cooling. We were going to be covered in ice in 20 years. That didn't happen, so it changed to global warming. What's it called now? Climate change! LOL. Quick with the bullshit, already. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, I'd be a liberal voter. But I'm not. I didn't buy into the bullshit in the 70s.

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