This "Space" for sale.


Gold Member
May 7, 2010

It seems conversation of space and it's mysteries has really taken off on this forum! So let me start in by saying my knowledge on space is very limited(old school sci-fi reader), that said I'm curious on what people think about the private sector taken on some of the responsibilities of our Space program;

On Thursday, the White House ordered a top-to-bottom review of the entire manned space program, one that will be led by former Lockheed Martin CEO Norman Augustine, long considered a friend of private space ventures.

Both developments show that the once-reluctant space agency and the Obama administration are ready to support commercial human spaceflight.

It's a dramatic change, one that could reduce America's dependency on Russia for the next half-decade after the space shuttle program ends, and one that could kick-start a space program that some see as having stalled for 40 years.

"Our government space program has become over-burdened with too many objectives, and not enough cash," says William Watson, executive director of the Space Frontier Foundation, a Houston-based group promoting commercial space activities. Watson said that allowing private companies to handle routine orbital duties could free up NASA to focus on returning to the moon and going to Mars.

NASA Approves Partial Privatization of the Space Program - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -

For me, I can see this as a good thing! With corporations vying for NASA contracts I can see this leading to a boom in space technology, as they say competition is the mother of innovation! Of course on the other hand(there always seems to be another hand) corporations are known for dirty tactics; espionage, selling of secrets, etc...
Being that this is a subject that is rather old, hell probably since the dawning of NASA, it has probably been debated on this site before, but since we seem to have some new blood I'm curious on what their stance is on this subject.

It seems conversation of space and it's mysteries has really taken off on this forum! So let me start in by saying my knowledge on space is very limited(old school sci-fi reader), that said I'm curious on what people think about the private sector taken on some of the responsibilities of our Space program;

On Thursday, the White House ordered a top-to-bottom review of the entire manned space program, one that will be led by former Lockheed Martin CEO Norman Augustine, long considered a friend of private space ventures.

Both developments show that the once-reluctant space agency and the Obama administration are ready to support commercial human spaceflight.

It's a dramatic change, one that could reduce America's dependency on Russia for the next half-decade after the space shuttle program ends, and one that could kick-start a space program that some see as having stalled for 40 years.

"Our government space program has become over-burdened with too many objectives, and not enough cash," says William Watson, executive director of the Space Frontier Foundation, a Houston-based group promoting commercial space activities. Watson said that allowing private companies to handle routine orbital duties could free up NASA to focus on returning to the moon and going to Mars.

NASA Approves Partial Privatization of the Space Program - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -

For me, I can see this as a good thing! With corporations vying for NASA contracts I can see this leading to a boom in space technology, as they say competition is the mother of innovation! Of course on the other hand(there always seems to be another hand) corporations are known for dirty tactics; espionage, selling of secrets, etc...
Being that this is a subject that is rather old, hell probably since the dawning of NASA, it has probably been debated on this site before, but since we seem to have some new blood I'm curious on what their stance is on this subject.

It appears, like everything we Americans tend to do, once fired up, Space will be and fall into the private sector and engage there. NASA, meanwhile, if we do not collapse our desire to search, will go onto the next chapter of space exploration. FTL speed propulsion.

Good question

Well Stephen, I was just about to post that FTL was not something that I could expect to see in my lifetime. Then I thought back to my maternal grandfather. He was two years older than I am when Sputnik was launched. And when he was 81, he watched men walk on the moon. And stated that was the most important event in his whole life.

So, perhaps there is hope that I will see at least the beginnings of FTL.
Well Stephen, I was just about to post that FTL was not something that I could expect to see in my lifetime. Then I thought back to my maternal grandfather. He was two years older than I am when Sputnik was launched. And when he was 81, he watched men walk on the moon. And stated that was the most important event in his whole life.

So, perhaps there is hope that I will see at least the beginnings of FTL.

Beautiful post about your grandpa. And yes, we are close to figuring the parameters of breaking the light speed barrier on paper. Close, but not yet.

To find other life, or to find a suitable place for us, as a lifeboat for us in place of our home, spacefaring is the most important thing we could be doing.

Carl Sagan's The Pale Blue Dot, is so vital.

Good post.


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