This sunday , June 11 2017, Puerto Rico votes on statehood

So basically, every state with an Indian name is a foreign word.

Injuns didn't have countries. Hell - they didn't even have a written language till the white man came. The savages didn't even know words existed.
Puerto Rico (rich port) would be the only state with Spanish or foreign words in it. Sounds a bit strange though.

Nevada is Spanish for snow and Montana is Spanish for mountain Colorado is Spanish for reddish/colorful. And the names New York, New Hampshire & New Jersey came from a foreign country, England,
Up to this point there have been 3 choices - statehood, independence or stay the same. The votes evenly split. With two choices, my guess will be statehood - though we all know that the US is a terrible, mean, downright selfish country - so maybe not. ;)

Hispanic is not a separate race, btw. Having spent a little time in Puerto Rico, is it a country of contradictions. Friendly and fun loving people except in the barrio of San Juan...beautiful beaches but the entire country wears a patina of broken glass and trash, except in the wealthiest enclaves and tourist areas...a country where the people live behind bars and walls while horses and packs of mangy dogs roam free. Many of the ambitious and educated work and/or live in the US - and for those I know it is a sorrow that their fellow countrymen have so little pride in their beautiful island.

High unemployment, high US public assistance rates - the largest employer is the government. Though pharma and rum were still there - I didn't see much in the way of agriculture. Petty theft is common and expected - during the day leave your windows down and the car unlocked, carry your valuables with you. At night park your car within an enclosed compound and remember to lock the gates.

Even our modest apartment had front and back tiny compounds fully enclosed with tall wrought iron fencing and gates. Every window, even on the 2nd floor was barred. Front and back doors had separate iron gates - as did the stairwell leading to the upstairs bedrooms. No a/c.

Oh, and dominos is the national pastime - the bars have tables set up and everybody brings dominos to the beach - but wear shoes, the sand is full of broken bottles.

I don't know how I feel about statehood - I'm not sure what Puerto Rico would bring to the union other than an open hand.
Hopefully the republican controlled congress won't let them in even if they vote "si". We don't need another failed state composed of illiterate non-white welfare trash.

Puerto Rico goes to the polls for statehood

june 7 2017 Puerto Rico’s government is banking on a push for statehood to solve the structural issues that led to its financial crisis.

Puerto Ricans will vote Sunday to decide the territory’s status.

If statehood wins, as expected, the island will enact what’s known as the Tennessee Plan, an avenue to accession by which U.S. territories send a congressional delegation to demand to be seated in Washington.
Puerto Rico will send two senators and five representatives, chosen by Gov. Ricardo Rosselló (D), later this year, once the plan is put into action.

Statehood remains a long shot as many Republicans are wary of adding a 51st state that could add two Democratic senators and seven Democratic electors to the Electoral College.

Their vote is largely symbolic. As Puerto Rico doesn't vote itself in. The other states vote it in.

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