Democrats try to ram through Puerto Rican Statehood bill before Jan 3rd

No we will not. The Commies are working tirelessly to wipe out the white race; not in a genocidal way, but in a population way. They figured out several years ago white people are what's holding them away from their goal which is a single-party country. This is evidenced by demographics in our voting system that we've known about for years.

You're joking, right? White people are wiping out themselves by having less and less children. My grandma had like 6 kids. My 2 brothers and I didn't have that many combined.
Why do you think they welcome illegals with open arms? Why do you think Dementia reversed all of Trump's successful policies? Why do you think he's not lifting a finger to do anything about our border problem and the record number of people coming over? Why do you think he's getting rid of Title 42 next week? It's all a plan to wipe out whites, and the stupid whites are supporting it.

Once we whites are no longer the majority, we will have a single-party country.

They don't welcome illegals with open arms. The border patrol catches them every day.
Oh good lord, white out all white? Are you serious? That's just retarded.

Biden at the One-Year Mark: A Greater Change in Direction on Immigration Than Is Recognized

You're joking, right? White people are wiping out themselves by having less and less children. My grandma had like 6 kids. My 2 brothers and I didn't have that many combined.

They don't welcome illegals with open arms. The border patrol catches them every day.
Oh good lord, white out all white? Are you serious? That's just retarded.

Biden at the One-Year Mark: A Greater Change in Direction on Immigration Than Is Recognized

Yes they catch them every day, and they release them into the country everyday as well. You don't call that welcoming them in with open arms? In fact once over the border, they seek border patrol to arrest them for that reason.
Does Puerto Rico not want to be a state?
Puerto Rico has held six plebiscites on whether it should become a state, most recently in 2020, when 52 percent of voters on the island endorsed the move. None of the plebiscites has been binding, however, and turnout has often been low, amid boycotts by critics who support the status quo or independence.
The bill passed by House Democrats does not give the option of the status quo, thus denying the status quo from the people.
In essence, the Democrats are saying "become a state or leave".
Good luck with that one
Texas and Florida then we'll take back control of Arizona and Colorado. Then we'll target to gain control of Nevada.and those illegal fleeing their shithole countries will clean up California to prevent turning into a shithole
The bill passed by House Democrats does not give the option of the status quo, thus denying the status quo from the people.
In essence, the Democrats are saying "become a state or leave".
Once again the Dimwinger party is the anti-choice party.

They only like people to have choices if the choice ends with the murder of a child.
Will Puerto Rico be the next US state? Independence bill goes to US House vote today - as Dem representatives 'look forward to making history'

A bill to vote on Puerto Rico's status within the United States is headed to the house for a vote after being approved by a House committee on Wednesday.

The Puerto Rico Status Act will determine whether the island becomes a state, and independent nation, or a sovereignty associated with the US

Puerto Ricans could move a step closer to a referendum on whether the island should become a U.S. state when the House of Representatives votes Thursday on a bill outlining the process.

A House committee approved the Puerto Rico Status Act on Wednesday, paving the way for the full House vote. The bill was cosponsored by Representative Nydia Velazquez, a Democrat from New York.
The bill was also lead by Rep. Steny Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland.

If the bill passes the House, it will need 60 votes in the closely divided Senate and Democratic President Joe Biden's signature to become law.

Puerto Rican independence bill goes to US House

No problem, we will just divide a red state up into four states.....Six new GOP Senators. ;)
PR will become a state 100 years after DC becomes one, neither PR or USA are interested....
It's already over. It's been over for a long time. Did you miss the memo that Eisenhower sent out?
FFS, Pelosi & Ryan both stopped allowing new amendments to be introduced on the house floor. Now they have to have committee approval first. That was the final nail in the Republic coffin. And as far as "democracy" goes, the way the primaries are ran, where the party colluding with the media to pick who runs, who's funded, who get's the most attention on national TV (and many local channels) was the final nail in "democracy."
You're worried about the democrats having the majority for ever. That's just not even possible. It's a uniparty made out to be a two party system.

We will still have republican majorities.

And conveniently there will always be just enough Republicans who can be bought and Democrats will still get huge honking pork bills passed, the next one is around $2 trillion, and as long as the big companies get their bennies and tax breaks it will pass.
And conveniently there will always be just enough Republicans who can be bought and Democrats will still get huge honking pork bills passed, the next one is around $2 trillion, and as long as the big companies get their bennies and tax breaks it will pass.

There's an easy solution to stop overspending, and that is we all start paying for it when it's spent. But good luck finding leadership with the balls to actually do that.
There's an easy solution to stop overspending, and that is we all start paying for it when it's spent. But good luck finding leadership with the balls to actually do that.

Even Democrat used to demand that nay spending increases be paid for with new revenue sources. But Republicans have been just as enthusiastic about deficit spending since Reagan.
Has anyone noticed that the only people talking about this in terms of Senate seats are Republicans
Are you really going to sit here and tell me that if this was a guaranteed placement of Republican Senators, that the dems would be pushing for this?

The reason why the repubs are talking about the Senate seats is because the dems won't talk about it, but we all know that's the reason.
Are you really going to sit here and tell me that if this was a guaranteed placement of Republican Senators, that the dems would be pushing for this?

The reason why the repubs are talking about the Senate seats is because the dems won't talk about it, but we all know that's the reason.
Is it a guaranteed anything?
Even Democrat used to demand that nay spending increases be paid for with new revenue sources. But Republicans have been just as enthusiastic about deficit spending since Reagan.

Yes, tax the rich. Whenever there is money needed, tax the rich some more.

The problem is they add all this to our deficit and debt, and it doesn't change your life or mine so nobody really cares.

If we were to have a national consumption tax, you'd see how quickly the public would get interested in what these jokers are spending and on what. Let's say it's 10 cents for every dollar spent. This money would be exclusive to the deficit, and if there is anything left over, it goes towards paying off our debt.

Now, when the deficit exceeds what is collected with the consumption tax, we simply increase that tax. Funding the Ukrainian war, more green initiatives, free college or government payments, 87,000 new IRS agents, whatever. When they waste money for shit we don't need to be involved in, up goes the national consumption tax.

If we all had to pay (rich, poor, anybody in between) people would be outraged at having to fund this money the day a bill passes, and we the people would have control over all this excessive unnecessary spending.
Yes, tax the rich. Whenever there is money needed, tax the rich some more.

The problem is they add all this to our deficit and debt, and it doesn't change your life or mine so nobody really cares.

If we were to have a national consumption tax, you'd see how quickly the public would get interested in what these jokers are spending and on what. Let's say it's 10 cents for every dollar spent. This money would be exclusive to the deficit, and if there is anything left over, it goes towards paying off our debt.

Now, when the deficit exceeds what is collected with the consumption tax, we simply increase that tax. Funding the Ukrainian war, more green initiatives, free college or government payments, 87,000 new IRS agents, whatever. When they waste money for shit we don't need to be involved in, up goes the national consumption tax.

If we all had to pay (rich, poor, anybody in between) people would be outraged at having to fund this money the day a bill passes, and we the people would have control over all this excessive unnecessary spending.

All of which is why it'll never happen. Consumption tax, flat tax, VAT tax, whatever. And it appears not to be exclusively a democrat issue. I do not believe the repubs want to overspend as much as the democrats do, hence I vote for the GOP. But nevertheless, fiscal responsibility is gone and at some point future generations will be stuck with some very unpleasant choices to deal with debt, interest on the debt, and revenue+spending. Newsflash for Lefties: increasing revenue (taxes) will not come close to solving the problem.
All of which is why it'll never happen. Consumption tax, flat tax, VAT tax, whatever. And it appears not to be exclusively a democrat issue. I do not believe the repubs want to overspend as much as the democrats do, hence I vote for the GOP. But nevertheless, fiscal responsibility is gone and at some point future generations will be stuck with some very unpleasant choices to deal with debt, interest on the debt, and revenue+spending. Newsflash for Lefties: increasing revenue (taxes) will not come close to solving the problem.

It would have to be a consumption tax. A consumption tax is tangible. It's something you see right on your receipt of every purchase. I know because we have one here. 5 cents goes to state and 3 cents to the county mostly for public transportation. This is what we need on a national level to control spending to avoid the problems you highlighted above.
Is it a guaranteed anything?
No, but I was reading an article the other day that said puerto ricans who moved to the mainland US tend to vote Democrat.

I'm sure the dems have done the research, and weighed the risk and concluded that it will be a benefit to them, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to get this passed.
No, but I was reading an article the other day that said puerto ricans who moved to the mainland US tend to vote Democrat.

I'm sure the dems have done the research, and weighed the risk and concluded that it will be a benefit to them, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to get this passed.

The political party strength in Puerto Rico has been held by different political parties in the history of Puerto Rico. Today, that strength is primarily held by two parties, namely:

The rest of the strength is held by three minority parties[2]


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