This US Astronaut Was Also A 'MiG Mad Marine' In The Korean War! I Moscow thugs 🐷 and commies are gonna hate !


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The Korean war was the last war wear US fighters using 50 cals machine guns to down fighters after this 20mm Cannons. The reason for the change was 50cal was expending more rounds to down migs.

John Glenn :thup: was a classy guy. I like your videos and keep watching them.


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Glenn had a distinguished Korean War service while MacArthur never spent the night in Korea and ordered American Troops into the biggest ambush in history. Timid Harry Truman finally called it quits and ordered American Troops into defensive positions while the N.K. advanced and truce negotiations dragged out. The three year quagmire ended up where we started at the cost of anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 lives lost. MacArthur received a tickertape parade while real heroes like Glenn were all but forgotten.
Unfortunately very little to nothing is know in the West about the hundreds of PLAF pilots or rather (CPV) that saw action in the Korean war.

The most known one was Zhao Baotong, 赵宝桐, who is officially accredited from the US side with 9 kills. However there were dozens (like a family relative of mine) who had 3-6 kills during the Korean war and was awarded a Combat Hero medal from N-Korea.

Zhao Baotong.jpg
Nazi Titty Winkle still desperately trying to deflect from the terrible beating his Kyiv Nazi brothers are suffering .Also praying that their evil False Flag happens as fast as possible . What an evil bunchof planet war criminals they are going to be when they attack the ZZ PP and then blame Russia .
Unfortunately very little to nothing is know in the West about the hundreds of PLAF pilots or rather (CPV) that saw action in the Korean war.

The most known one was Zhao Baotong, 赵宝桐, who is officially accredited from the US side with 9 kills. However there were dozens (like a family relative of mine) who had 3-6 kills during the Korean war and was awarded a Combat Hero medal from N-Korea. View attachment 801505

View attachment 801502

Nazi Titty Winkle still desperately trying to deflect from the terrible beating his Kyiv Nazi brothers are suffering .Also praying that their evil False Flag happens as fast as possible . What an evil bunch of planet war criminals they are going to be when they attack the ZZ PP and then blame Russia

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