This Woman Is a Hero, she shouldn't spend one day in prison

I would want to kill the MF with my bare hands AND make him suffer immeasurably. I would want that fucker to pay and pay big. Let's not forget about all these guys that get a slap on the wrist for doing crap like this, when they should probably be locked away forever to protect the children. He might get 5 months for ruining your baby's life!
And you might get life in prison and your baby gets 2x the ruin.

Thats where courage comes in.

Courage not to fulfill your own desire to quench your rage so that you can avoid compounding the pain and suffering of your child.

Yup, I would probably go to jail. I don't think I could control myself.
And i wouldnt fault you for it, but youd be hurting your child too by avenging them.

Double edged sword.

Negative 1, 000 dragon points

I have a very hot temper, what can I say? I feel that I would just freak out if I found out something like that.
Frisky eh? <3 lol

A little whiskey makes me frisky . . .

I would want to kill the MF with my bare hands AND make him suffer immeasurably. I would want that fucker to pay and pay big. Let's not forget about all these guys that get a slap on the wrist for doing crap like this, when they should probably be locked away forever to protect the children. He might get 5 months for ruining your baby's life!
And you might get life in prison and your baby gets 2x the ruin.

Thats where courage comes in.

Courage not to fulfill your own desire to quench your rage so that you can avoid compounding the pain and suffering of your child.

Yup, I would probably go to jail. I don't think I could control myself.
And i wouldnt fault you for it, but youd be hurting your child too by avenging them.

Double edged sword.

Negative 1, 000 dragon points

I have a very hot temper, what can I say? I feel that I would just freak out if I found out something like that.
Frisky eh? <3 lol

Are those your kids in your avatar? Cute! :) Very nice photography too.
I certainly would not be shocked if he did it and that is exactly why she did what she did. There is so much sickness in the world.
As I stated, certainly possible. Then again, so it is possible that they were divorcing and this fit her narrative. I'll wait to see what happens down the line.
I don't get it. Why don't certain people post against what was done to the little girls in the Duggar case? It started with them when one was only 4 and continued for several years.

And yet, he has been defended and excused.
Seems like a fit punishment for any and all pedos

So, you advocate using this punishment for Josh Duggar, right?

For he is definitely a pedo.

Some have defended him because he was 14 when he was first caught and confessed, but it continued for several years and multiple incidents. He's 27 now, has three very young kids and another on the way.

Do people just not know where adult pedos come from?
Which has exactly what to do with THIS story? be specific and explain why you posted an attack on what ever group you are attacking over an incident that has zero to do with this story in this thread?
Which has exactly what to do with THIS story? be specific and explain why you posted an attack on what ever group you are attacking over an incident that has zero to do with this story in this thread?

You're not smart enough to use the quote function so I could be wrong that you are addressing me.


You can't be serious.

The OP concerns the molesting of a 7yo and the actions the mother took to protect the child. The youngest victim of Duggars was 4yo when the molestations started and they continued several years. In that case, the parents did nothing but send him to live with a kiddie pornographer. And of course, pimp out the whole litter for $40K an episode.

You're free to disagree but IMO, children should be protected from child predators.
His step daughter, not daughter. She 'suspected' not caught him molesting. Big difference. She premeditated the attempted murder, she did not just remove the child and call police.

Step daughter or daughter it makes no difference!

I doubt if she just had a hunch she would have done what she did.

Easy for one to say I would have just called the police, in a one might be temped to do the same. I know I would want to the person to suffer at my hands if something like this happened.
I don't get it. Why don't certain people post against what was done to the little girls in the Duggar case? It started with them when one was only 4 and continued for several years.

And yet, he has been defended and excused.

Not by me he hasn't!
Which has exactly what to do with THIS story? be specific and explain why you posted an attack on what ever group you are attacking over an incident that has zero to do with this story in this thread?

You're not smart enough to use the quote function so I could be wrong that you are addressing me.


You can't be serious.

The OP concerns the molesting of a 7yo and the actions the mother took to protect the child. The youngest victim of Duggars was 4yo when the molestations started and they continued several years. In that case, the parents did nothing but send him to live with a kiddie pornographer. And of course, pimp out the whole litter for $40K an episode.

You're free to disagree but IMO, children should be protected from child predators.
In other words you have personal beef with some reality tv group and think you can just bring it up when ever you want and claim some nefarious group of "others" are defending them, right?
The use of a firearm in this case to prevent the rape of her daughter might have been justified. I'm not sure how setting him on fire might work out in the court system though.
The use of a firearm in this case to prevent the rape of her daughter might have been justified. I'm not sure how setting him on fire might work out in the court system though.

Of course, she will probably face some charges, considering the fact that she did plan it (by purchasing the gasoline). Obviously the alleged crime was committed, not in the heat of the moment (as if he was caught in the act), but later on. With that information right there, she is going to be screwed, I'm sure.
Seems like a fit punishment for any and all pedos

Convicted ones certainly. Unfortunately...

"after suspecting he had been molesting her 7-year-old daughter.

On July 17th Tatanya Hedman, 40 was seen buying gasoline from a gas station on camera mere hours before the incident occurred. According to police, Hedman poured gasoline all over her sleeping husband, 52-year-old Vincent Phillips and proceeded to light him on fire."

Suspicion isn't proof.

Playing defense attorney (aka devil's advocate) Some parent-child physical contact might look like abuse but isn't. Recall a case years back where an Arab Muslim father "molested" his daughter sitting on his lap in the stands of a school event. Apparently he was tickling her and she was giggling and laughing enjoying it, some onlooker claimed it was 'touching of her genital area' so CPS swooped in seizing the kid putting her with a Christian family who didn't respect the Muslim kids' dietary restrictions etc etc.

Point being, some cultures don't freak out like our's does. What's understood to be abusive in our's isn't in all. Whether this guy actually did something traumatic or abusive to his stepdaughter isn't known by the media article. Any assessments then are premature and speculative.

Even if he's guilty, the woman is as well. Can throw her a parade but she's still going away for quite a while. What if the fire spread, burned down their house, a neighbor's house, or killed the daughter or someone else? Still heroic and justified? Therein lies the rub.
The use of a firearm in this case to prevent the rape of her daughter might have been justified. I'm not sure how setting him on fire might work out in the court system though.

Oh please. You mental midget gun fetishists -- dealing with every issue by shooting at it... SMFH
The use of a firearm in this case to prevent the rape of her daughter might have been justified. I'm not sure how setting him on fire might work out in the court system though.

Oh please. You mental midget gun fetishists -- dealing with every issue by shooting at it... SMFH

So if you caught some guy molesting your daughter, you wouldn't shoot him?
The use of a firearm in this case to prevent the rape of her daughter might have been justified. I'm not sure how setting him on fire might work out in the court system though.

Oh please. You mental midget gun fetishists -- dealing with every issue by shooting at it... SMFH

So if you caught some guy molesting your daughter, you wouldn't shoot him?

No. I wouldn't shoot anything. What I would do, he would wish it had been only a gunshot.

The point had nothing to do with the offense. It had to do with this knee-jerk testosteroe-poisoned one-track-mind mentality of dealing with everything that happens by shooting at it. Sometimes I tire of living in a nation of emotional six-year-olds.

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