thor and lipoma...damn it


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
so a few months ago we noticed thor had a bump on his first it just looked like a tuff of hair but its a off to the vet we go....knowing full well its most likely a lipoma or fatty lump...dobermans are bad for the vet does a fine needle aspiration... and puts it on a slide...holds it up and goes...fatty lump...

i can do this at home and will with anymore lumps that come up.....

on the slide it looks just like a smear of grease....they are only worrisome if they are under the armpits....they look like hell....your dobie becomes lumpy
so a few months ago we noticed thor had a bump on his first it just looked like a tuff of hair but its a off to the vet we go....knowing full well its most likely a lipoma or fatty lump...dobermans are bad for the vet does a fine needle aspiration... and puts it on a slide...holds it up and goes...fatty lump...

i can do this at home and will with anymore lumps that come up.....

on the slide it looks just like a smear of grease....they are only worrisome if they are under the armpits....they look like hell....your dobie becomes lumpy

My dog had what we thought was a lipoma on his thigh it turned out to be cancer.

We had it removed and put him through radiation. It was a tough 6 weeks for the little guy but he's doing pretty good now. The prognosis is very good. all the research I've done says that while this type of tumor does often recur that we cut the chance from 50% to less then 10%. We're hoping we bought him another 3-5 years
i am so sorry.....i hope it was not bone cancer......that is why we had him checked....we were 99% sure it was just a fatty tumor but it can be mass cell cancer...

good luck with the mutto....
i am so sorry.....i hope it was not bone cancer......that is why we had him checked....we were 99% sure it was just a fatty tumor but it can be mass cell cancer...

good luck with the mutto....

No it was hemangiopericytoma
A type of soft tissue sarcoma

I guess if you're pup is going to get cancer this type is one of the most treatable.
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none of them are fun....but treatable is great....dobermans are too inbreed now...too many health issues...i keep saying thor is the last....i am old now...damn.....but i cant imagine not having one...simple as that....

at the vet the girls are calling him a 'lovebug' i kept saying...that is a fearsome watch dog who will rip your throat out....on command....stop cuddling him....they were kissing him on the forehead....

my vet is a low volume vet....she rarely has anyone may pass someone on the way in as they leave but no waiting room full of animals....but they got no respect for the killer breeds...from the sweet talk you would think he was a poodle...

if you have a low volume vet in your area...give them a will be amazed the simple differences...
Glad Thor's okay! How old is he? My Greta (doberman) is almost 8 1/2; my other dobie, Hannah will be 8 in July. They are both doing great so far. Greta had one of those fatty lumps, also.

My dobies, a little-known person can't kiss them on the head they will pull away. In fact, they don't even want people they don't know patting them on the head, they pull away. I explain to people, they think you're grabbing them, stroke them under the chin. That they'll allow. :) But once they get to know you just a bit, and that you're on the approved list, they'll get very chummy with you. I have had more than one visitor sitting on my couch find themselves with a dobie curled up beside them, her head on their lap.
that is the problem....thor is only about 6.....he is not aging well....

while he was in the treatment room.....they were calling him lovebug and hugging him....i could hear them....he comes out and i am going....look this is my killer dog...who protects me...he is not a lovebug...and yall need to muzzle him...they just laughed
that is the problem....thor is only about 6.....he is not aging well....

while he was in the treatment room.....they were calling him lovebug and hugging him....i could hear them....he comes out and i am going....look this is my killer dog...who protects me...he is not a lovebug...and yall need to muzzle him...they just laughed

LOL, that's funny!

One vet DID muzzle one of my dobies. The younger one, Hannah. She had a limp that was not going away and our regular vet referred us to a specialist, a German dude! I guess over in Germany the Dobermans are kept more as working dogs, guard dogs, and are a bit "hotter" than the American lines. So first thing the German vet does is put a muzzle on her!

She's kind of a nervous dog, and my husband and I were going, "Our poor, sweet little a muzzle!" Her eyes were really big, like she was wondering "What the heck!?"

With our regular vet, they'll be giving him the evil eye over their shoulder and he just ignores them, which is the way to be. He acts like an alpha, haughty and not afraid of them at all. They give him the evil eye, but they've never growled at him. Only my miniature pinscher has growled at the vet! : )

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so a few months ago we noticed thor had a bump on his first it just looked like a tuff of hair but its a off to the vet we go....knowing full well its most likely a lipoma or fatty lump...dobermans are bad for the vet does a fine needle aspiration... and puts it on a slide...holds it up and goes...fatty lump...

i can do this at home and will with anymore lumps that come up.....

on the slide it looks just like a smear of grease....they are only worrisome if they are under the armpits....they look like hell....your dobie becomes lumpy

My JRT had them all over his body too..BTW we bought us a new JRT puppy today.. STumpy,, Our kids are bringing him to us on Monday.
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that is the problem....thor is only about 6.....he is not aging well....

while he was in the treatment room.....they were calling him lovebug and hugging him....i could hear them....he comes out and i am going....look this is my killer dog...who protects me...he is not a lovebug...and yall need to muzzle him...they just laughed

LOL, that's funny!

One vet DID muzzle one of my dobies. The younger one, Hannah. She had a limp that was not going away and our regular vet referred us to a specialist, a German dude! I guess over in Germany the Dobermans are kept more as working dogs, guard dogs, and are a bit "hotter" than the American lines. So first thing the German vet does is put a muzzle on her!

She's kind of a nervous dog, and my husband and I were going, "Our poor, sweet little a muzzle!" Her eyes were really big, like she was wondering "What the heck!?"

With our regular vet, they'll be giving him the evil eye over their shoulder and he just ignores them, which is the way to be. He acts like an alpha, haughty and not afraid of them at all. They give him the evil eye, but they've never growled at him. Only my miniature pinscher has growled at the vet! : )

Min Pins, although beautiful are fearless, relentless, land piranha. They'd try to take a piece out of Godzilla.
Yes, of all my dogs, it is the min pin I'd be most worried about biting a kid or something. I think part of it is he's so small...he has to protect himself. So if you pick him up wrong or something, you could get bitten. Well, I guess you shouldn't pick him up "wrong," huh? That's my take. : )

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