.....those docs, those damn MaraLago docs........

Another Big Fat Nothing Burger for your traitors running your 6 year long treasonous assault on Democracy must hurt when you forgot to use Lube on that Obama Bobble Head Dildo you shoved up your ass. Is it permanently lodged up there, little DemNazi?

Let's face it, this was just another lying smear campaign that 100 years ago would be considered treason and sedition and people like you would be hung in the public square for.

Same as the treasonous COUP you attempted with Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane.

Not so....he still has to determine what items were privileged......the 'classified' doc's aren't in the picture. DOJ even said so.
Which of course was already done by the DOJ.
They’ve already separated anything where privilege could apply. This will be wrapped quickly.
The Following is a Production from The Lying LibTards Litmus Test:

Answer the following question LibTards:

Why didn't The FBI and Federal Elections Commission Investigate how The DNC Rigged the primaries for Clinton, and charge The DNC and Clinton Campaign with Election Fraud in 2016?

Bet they did it through Dominion Voting Machines, right dupes?

Because it never happened Stupid!
Donald took our stuff. I want it back.
---Former President Donald Trump in a Wednesday night interview again insisted he had declassified the records seized by the feds at Mar-a-Lago — and said there’s no definitive document declassification process for US heads of state.---

---Former President Donald Trump in a Wednesday night interview again insisted he had declassified the records seized by the feds at Mar-a-Lago — and said there’s no definitive document declassification process for US heads of state.---

So? That has nothing to do with the charges listed in the affidavit.

The only thing that shows is Trump likely made top secret documents available for FOIA requests.

Of course this is all a moot point until Trump states under oath that he magically declassified the documents. I don't think telling Hannity quite cuts it.
No, dumber-than-fuck, he's made it clear he doesn't want to expose the field agents that were just doing their job. He wants to root out the corruption at the upper levels.

It's something that would occur to someone with a conscience and ethics.... you'll just have to take my word for it.

Bullshit. He had no compunctions at all about attackng the FBI and slandering them.

The idea that Trump has a conscience or ethics is laughable. This is a man who defrauded members of his own family out his brother’s inheritance.
And SUDDENLY, we held out breaths, as a HUGE case of NOTHING happened. We where shocked at the level of NOTHING, we so underwhelmed, we yawned and took a nap.
Just be aware that you submissive cucks are setting a precedent with your don't-give-a-shit attitude about the theft of Top Secret documents which will come back one day and bitch slap you in your mouth-breathing faces.
Just be aware that you submissive cucks are setting a precedent with your don't-give-a-shit attitude about the theft of Top Secret documents which will come back one day and bitch slap you in your mouth-breathing faces.
It has been proven ], theft, just like Hillary's destruction of files? Trump left them to be taped together.
Just be aware that you submissive cucks are setting a precedent with your don't-give-a-shit attitude about the theft of Top Secret documents which will come back one day and bitch slap you in your mouth-breathing faces.
You realize, kind sir, that alleging something without facts isn't an legal excuse to search for evidence to support that allegation. Its a circular argument. You need to do better. I think you already know that. So, what has the DOJ actually found , what DAMNING evidence do they have to support raiding a ex-presidents domicile? What?
You realize, kind sir, that alleging something without facts isn't an legal excuse to search for evidence to support that allegation. Its a circular argument. You need to do better. I think you already know that. So, what has the DOJ actually found , what DAMNING evidence do they have to support raiding a ex-presidents domicile? What?
Are you living in a cave? How is it possible your propagandists have kept you this profoundly ignorant?

Are you living in a cave? How is it possible your propagandists have kept you this profoundly ignorant?

All allegations aside. If Democrats/DOJ had valid proof Trump did...(I forget the allegations..., incited insurrection, or sank the Lusitania or whatever), I would say LOCK HIM UP! You have PROOF Trump did something, g5000? Real Proof? We would like to see it.
Bullshit. He had no compunctions at all about attackng the FBI and slandering them.

The idea that Trump has a conscience or ethics is laughable. This is a man who defrauded members of his own family out his brother’s inheritance.
And yet there's no written evidence that Trump molested his daughter in the shower....

Unfortunately, we can't give your stuttering shit clown the benefit of THAT doubt....

Ears, Cankles and Potato should go... like to hell

Ears, Cankles, and Potato sound like a new childrens' TV show. Something that economic parasite day traders would watch.

Russian Collusion wasn't proven you delusional whore. In fact, the opposite was proven that Russian Collusion was a manufactured lie financed and ordered by The Marxist Muslim, Biden and Clinton and carried out by their Moscow Moles in The FBI. It was a COUP and the people involved should be hung for treason.

Manafort was gone after for things he did during The Obama Administration when he worked for The Podesta Group. Then they were able to silence him about corruption in Ukraine Re: Biden and Obama. He is still under a gag order not to talk about it till this day and for the rest of his life.

Flynn was unjustly gone after for things that were perfectly legal to do when on a transition team. When was the last time you told the truth, and can you even remember when you first began to start whoring yourself out to The Dark Side?

Get Trump was put in action the moment Obama, Clinton and Biden knew they had a fight on their hands in 2016. Evil Sore Losers is what they are, and so are you.

You don't care about the documents. No one does. If you cared about the documents, they would be in NARA hands and not The FBI's who is just fishing through them looking for ways to damage president Trump before the 2024 election.

All you care about are your precious lies, spin, and controlling the narrative. You don't care about this country or it's people. You only care about your Godless agenda your slave masters tell you to regurgitate every day.

Nothing will save such people like you and your friends from the flames of Hell when they will be made accountable for their lies.

Regurgitating Trump's lies just shows how stupid and gullible you are.

Manafort was jailed for tax evasion and bank fraud. For hiding all of the income he made in Europe and not paying any income tax on it at all. He also plead guilty to passing the Republican data base of voters for the 2016 election, to his Russian handlers.

Why do you think that Paul Manafort, a man so deeply in debt to Russian oligarchs that he feared for his life, was working for Donald Trump for free? All of these people who have been in the pay of the Russian government for years, are working for Donald Trump for free. Why do you think that is Tree?

Not only do you not have the power to condemn ANYONE to hell, the Bible says that the punishment you condemn others to, will be YOUR punishment for the arrogance of judging others. If you had really read the Bible, you would know that.

Go back to your porn. That's who you really are.

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