Thou shalt not frack!


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Thou shalt not frack!

Pope Francis tells anti-fracking activists he’s preparing remarks about environmental pollution"

By Travis Gettys
Thursday, November 14, 2013


The pontiff was photographed Monday with environmental activists holding T-shirts with anti-fracking slogans during a meeting at the Vatican.

The pope met with a group of Argentine activists to discuss hydraulic fracturing, a method used to extract gas, petroleum and other underground natural resources that contaminates ground water and creates other environmental hazards.

The activists said Pope Francis told then he was preparing an encyclical — a letter that addresses Catholic teachings – about nature, humans and environmental pollution.
The new pope has upset conservatives with his open-minded comments on social issues, although most American Catholics say they agree with him.

As do most Argentineans.

"Finally, a logical pope. If your belief tells you that God gave us the Earth to be stewards of, then injecting millions of gallons of water and chemicals into the ground to fracture massive rocks for their extra oil and gas and in the process threatening the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend, seems like a really bad idea." ~ Sven Eberlein
One of his aides confused him with the translation of Twerk. And now he's got the 2 mixed up..

So what? He has no idea where the Vatican heat comes from.. He thinks it's warmed by candles..
That's nice.

Who cares?

About 1.2 billion Catholics?

"'s worth a mention when the guy with a direct line to 1.2 billion people's ears says that it's not cool to frack." ~ Sven Eberlein

Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church which states that, in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope is preserved from the possibility of error[1] "when, in the exercise of his office as shepherd and teacher of all Christians, in virtue of his supreme apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine concerning faith or morals to be held by the whole Church". ~ Wikipedia
One of his aides confused him with the translation of Twerk. And now he's got the 2 mixed up..

So what? He has no idea where the Vatican heat comes from.. He thinks it's warmed by candles..

At least he thinks.

And cares.
I'm all for this actually.

It won't make one bit of difference in America, but if it further reinforces the smarmy Europeans' ban on fracking, that's less competition for LNG exports and more money for us.

Hooray Pope!
As do most Argentineans.

"Finally, a logical pope. If your belief tells you that God gave us the Earth to be stewards of, then injecting millions of gallons of water and chemicals into the ground to fracture massive rocks for their extra oil and gas and in the process threatening the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend, seems like a really bad idea." ~ Sven Eberlein
USGS Release: No Contamination from Fayetteville Shale Exploration Found in Sampled Wells (1/9/2013 11:05:14 AM)

A study that examined the water quality of 127 shallow domestic wells in the Fayetteville Shale natural gas production area of Arkansas found no groundwater contamination associated with gas production, according to a report released today by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Scientists analyzed water-quality data from samples taken in Van Buren and Faulkner counties in 2011, focusing on chloride concentrations from 127 wells and methane concentrations and carbon isotope ratios from a subsample of 51 wells.

"For more than one hundred years, the USGS has been a source of freely available, unbiased information on our natural resources such as oil, gas, and water, helping government and local leaders make wise decisions for the public good," said USGS Director Marcia McNutt. "This new study is important in terms of finding no significant effects on groundwater quality from shale gas development within the area of sampling."

Chloride is a naturally occurring ion that is found at elevated levels in waters associated with gas production. Chloride moves easily through groundwater without reacting with other ions or compounds in solution, making it is a good indicator of whether chemicals used during hydraulic fracturing are reaching groundwater. In this case, the chloride concentrations from this study were not higher than samples taken from nearby areas from 1951 through 1983.

Methane is the primary component of natural gas, but also can be found naturally in shallow shale formations in the Fayetteville Shale area that are used as sources of water for domestic supplies. What methane was found in the water, taken from domestic wells, was either naturally occurring, or could not be attributed to natural gas production activities.

"None of the data that we have looked at as part of this study suggests that any groundwater contamination is resulting from natural gas production activities,"
I only FRACK until I think its about to blow, then I pull my amazingly long and turgid drill out.
...seems like a really bad idea."

"seems", eh? Well, if it "seems" like a bad idea, then by all means, let's go with your intuition instead of fact-based decisions. Once again, we see Leftist central planners basing laws and regulations on intention instead of actual results.

[ame=]FrackNation Movie Clips - The Truth About Fracking - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]FrackNation (Phelim McAleer) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]PJTV: 'FrackNation' Film Sets Record Straight about Natural Gas Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing - YouTube[/ame]
Star --------

Never answered my question about fracking from your last thread...

Did you support fracking BEFORE you discovered that it is responsible (not Obama) for the 30 yr low in US CO2 emissions?

Do you support it now?

If not.. Why not? If it helps your GWarming fear more than anything else being done on the planet?
Thousands of feet of steel casing cemented within yet more thousands of feet of steel casing.

At least three times over.

For what? To protect fresh water aquifers at 100 ft.? :lol:

Fuck you.
Check it out - GE to invest $10 billion (WITH A B) in clean energy, with fracing at the top of the list.

These aren't government dollars, folks. These aren't our tax dollars. This is the way the shit should go down...

General Electric's Billion-Dollar Fracking Bet (GE, STO)

This cross-company business initiative has already generated a whopping $160 billion in sales since its 2005 launch, and General Electric Company expects natural gas hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to continue to play a pivotal role.

BTW - there is no K in fracing.

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