Three Classic Examples of How Liberalism Has Lost Touch With the People of the USA


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
These are just recent examples and I could go into whole chapters of more examples if I had the time, but these do well enough.

1. This idea that the public's anger about the open borders is merely about racism is just plain old horse shit. The people being victimized by criminals are most often THE DAME RACE as the criminal. The problem with the border isno different as it is primarily the Hispanics in our country that live near the border and get the criminal run off from this number one criminal industries of human trafficking and drug smuggling.

Americans getting kidnapped by Mexican criminals
Americans targeted in Mexican border cities by kidnappers

Blacks being tossed under the buss to make room for more illegal immigration
American Blacks Being Thrown UnderThe Bus By Legal And Illegal Immigration

The criminality of illegals by the numbers
Illegal Alien Crime and Violence by the Numbers: We’re All Victims | The Constitution Party
The New York Times reports that about 4.5 million illegal aliens in the U.S. drive on a regular basis, many without licenses or insurance, or even the ability to read road signs written in English.[2] (Meanwhile, the California legislature has just voted to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens.) writer J.C. Grant notes, “There is a statistically significant correlation between state per capita illegal immigration rates and car thefts. This correlation is particularly strong: the odds are less than two in one million that the correlation is a chance occurrence.”[3]

If just car thievery were the main concern, it would be an important problem to address. However, the Office of Immigration Statistics reported that of the 188,382 deportations of illegal aliens in 2011, 23 percent had committed criminal traffic offenses (primarily driving under the influence). Congressman Steve King (R-IA) estimates that illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that’s a death toll of 4,745 per year.[4]

The 23 percent criminal traffic offenders figure is only part of the overall picture. According to the Center forImmigration Studies, another 23 percent, more than 43,000 illegal aliens, were convicted of drug offenses. The violent crime category of assault, robbery, sexual assault, and family offenses comes to 12 percent. The non-violent crime grouping of larceny, fraud, and burglary totaled seven percent, and on the list goes — equaling 100 percent of illegal aliens who have been through the criminal justice system and inflicted thousands to millions in cost per alien on the system, for issues having nothing to do with their illegal entry into the country.[5]

2. Liberals have this bizare hostility to fast job growth and they often characterize it as "uncontrolled" or "wild" or "reckless" when the rest of the country wants and desperately needs jobs NOW, not later after passing the smell test of liberal ideological orthodoxy.

Palo Alto Mayor Wants to 'Meter' 'Reckless Job Growth' - Breitbart

The crime in the view of libtards is that the need for government assistance is being reduced faster than they can compensate for it politically.

3. The liberal hostility toward our peace officers is just irrational and likely stems from the paranoia related to their illegal drug use and they see the police as more of a threat day to day than as their protectors and guardians.

Here the Police in LA are complaining that the Police Commission wants to require the police to RUN FROM ARMED CRIMINALS! This is insanity, but you cannot explain that to upper middle class libtards who see the cop as the biggest threat in EVERY SITUATIOna nd cannot imagine how ordering police to flee criminals can go badly.

LA Police Union: Police Commission Wants Cops To Run From Armed Suspects

The Los Angeles Police Commission wants LAPD police officers to run away when a suspect confronts them with a weapon, warns the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the labor union of the city’s police officers.

The organization posted a blog post critical of the commission’s recent decision to find that fault lay upon an LAPD officer who used deadly force when a female suspect, Norma Guzman, came at him and his partner swinging a large knife.

“The key facts in this case are not in dispute. A female suspect, armed with an 8 to 9-inch knife, charged at officers, repeatedly ignored commands to stop, and was recorded yelling ‘shoot me’ as she swung her knife from side to side,” the LAPPL Board of Directors wrote in a blog post.

The armed suspect immediately closed the space between her knife and the police officers from 70 feet to no more than 5 feet in less 10 seconds. At this point, the first officer shot from his service weapon....

The commission stated that the first officer’s “position initially provided Officer C with a position of tactical advantage” but lost the advantage as the suspect came at him. They wrote, “this advantage rapidly diminished as the Subject continued her advance, leaving him with neither distance nor effective cover as the Subject approached the space between two parked vehicles by which Officer C was located.”

“Suspect charging from the front. Vehicles on either side. Where do you ‘redeploy?’ Run backwards. This is absurd and it’s dangerous. What happens if the officer loses his footing with a charging suspect? What happens if the suspect runs into a nearby home or store and confronts its occupants with her weapon?” LAPPL asks.

The LAPPL continues, “What if the suspect also had a concealed gun? What is created when an officer turns tail and runs away is a large target. It’s called a back. The officer would put their lives in further jeopardy by running away if the suspect had a gun. At this close range, running away would create a self-caused danger to the officers and the public.”

The commission — composed of five mayoral appointees and city council-confirmed civilians who broke ranks with Police Chief Charlie Beck — claimed the LAPD Officer violated deadly force rules, in the case which happened last year. Despite support from Beck, Guzman’s family and local activists want the officer to be charged criminally, the Los Angeles Times reported.

This is the kind of insanity that is driving the "Hands up Dont Shoot" lies of Black Lies Matter and the drive to disarm and cower our peace officers that keep the public from being attacked by criminals.

And the result is not what these liberals morons think it will be.

The public will take justice into their own hands and start executing criminals that the justice system is unable to control. And that will lead to a vigilante movement that will quite plausibly result in an open revolt against our delusional liberal urban governments.
1. Show me where we have a open border? Obama has deported many hundreds of thousands of illegals.

2. 10 million private sector jobs. Believe me, you're not going to do better by removing our food safety regs or polluting our air. How exactly is Trump going to grow our economy faster? He better be ready to flip the loserterians off big time as it is going to need government to tax the corporations for screwing us, to build his wall and to push any country around.

Please consider how china and india are doing it. Investment through the ass! We need stronger unions and investments in America.

3. I support our officers and thank god for them. Just that they can't be murdering people in cold blood like anyone else.
Liberalism isn't for morons. Most Americans are morons, who have no clue what liberalism is. To them anything they hate is liberalism.
1. Show me where we have a open border? Obama has deported many hundreds of thousands of illegals.

The Mexican border is wide open, dude. All you have to do is come here without documentation and ask for assylum because you will be killed back in Oslobistan.

2. 10 million private sector jobs. Believe me, you're not going to do better by removing our food safety regs or polluting our air. How exactly is Trump going to grow our economy faster? He better be ready to flip the loserterians off big time as it is going to need government to tax the corporations for screwing us, to build his wall and to push any country around.

We can have fast job growth even with reasonable regulation. Telling companies that they cannot produce carbon dioxide is NOT a reasonable regulation ever authorized by Congress.

Please consider how china and india are doing it. Investment through the ass! We need stronger unions and investments in America.

Agreed, but unions are not stronger wed to the political left. Compare the success of the NRA, which supports candidates of both parties in every election, vrs the lack of success of the pro-life movement which is joined at the hip to the Republican Party. The NRA is wildly successful while the GOP fucks the prop-lifers at every turn.

Unions need to stand up for workers rights across the board and not just their own membership. They also need to shed themselves of managerial staff that has never worked the jobs personally.

That equates to stronger unions, not just kissing the Democratic Party's ass.

3. I support our officers and thank god for them. Just that they can't be murdering people in cold blood like anyone else.

And they dont.
Liberalism isn't for morons.

No, actually it is for morons.

It is for morons who think that cops can protect the public under guidelines that compel them to retreat from armed criminals.

Only an actual, genuine, certified moron can believe such insanity.
Liberalism isn't for morons.

No, actually it is for morons.

It is for morons who think that cops can protect the public under guidelines that compel them to retreat from armed criminals.

Only an actual, genuine, certified moron can believe such insanity.
Learn what liberalism is? It founded this nation. Were the Founders idiots, moron?

What parts of this do you disagree with, idiot?

Elements of Liberalism:
  • Individualism: Individualism is the central idea or theme of liberalism. ...
  • Freedom: Another important core value, principle or element of liberalism is freedom. ...
  • Reason: Liberalism harbours upon reason. ...
  • Toleration: ...
  • Consent: ...
  • Constitutionalism: ...
  • Equality: ...
  • Justice:
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Learn what liberalism is? It founded this nation. Were the Founders idiots, moron?

What parts of this do you disagree with, idiot?

Elements of Liberalism:
  • Individualism: Individualism is the central idea or theme of liberalism. ...
  • Freedom: Another important core value, principle or element of liberalism is freedom. ...
  • Reason: Liberalism harbours upon reason. ...
  • Toleration: ...
  • Consent: ...
  • Constitutionalism: ...
  • Equality: ...
  • Justice:
That is Classic Liberalism and that has nothing to do with Liberalism of today, though they claim the word.

  • Individualism: Individualism is the central idea or theme of liberalism. .
No, Liberalism of our time despises individualism, and they give out participation trophies for morons that want to feel like they won something. Dissent from any Liberal agenda today and you will find out how much they respect individualism.
  • Freedom: Another important core value, principle or element of liberalism is freedom. ...
Lol, yeah, right, like the freedom to own a gun and bear it in public, or to believe int he religion you want, or to worship God as you see fit? roflmao
  • Reason: Liberalism harbours upon reason. ...
Hahah, yeah, right. Which is why liberal controled colleges and universities are shutting down conservative groups all over the country and denying them a fair hearing of their point of view via force? That your idea of the use of "Reason"? roflmao
  • Toleration: ...
Toleration like the toleration they show dissenting nuns that dont want to provide abortion services to their employees?
  • Consent: ...
Consent? Consent to what? Consent to having your business/farm seized and sold off at auction because you cant pay off your Daddy's inheritance taxes?
  • Constitutionalism: ...
ROFLMAO....since when has the liberal establishment done anything other than piss ont he Tenth Amendment?
  • Equality: ...
Yeah, but some are more equal than others, roflmao.
  • Justice:
You mean like the Just-Us departments refusal to prosecute a violent gang of blacks who took weapons to a voting site in Philadelphia and intimidated voters because the Civil Rights laws are not meant for white people? That Just-us?

roflmao, thanks for the belly laugh, kid, great end to my Sunday.

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