Thug harasses old homeless man, gets his ass knocked out...

That was justice with a capital "J". Awesome! Ali thought he was all that, but down for the count in three punches. Loved it! Pay back is a bitch.
Many bullies are like that, tough against a defenseless homeless man, but an easy knockout for a real tough guy. I like his stance, clasping his hands in front of him so he could punch unpredictably and with an inside arc. Obama's son had reach on the guy but it availed him not because he lacked rattle snake speed.
I saw something like that once. A black guy was giving a red headed white guy some shit from his yard (the white guy was standing across the street by his truck). The negro thought the white guy was intimidated by him so he walked over to him. The white guy punched him in the face twice and the black guy started walking backwards toward his house (still giving him shit, like the punches didn't bother him). His girlfriend or wife came out holding a baby and the black guy took the baby, then went back over toward the white guy like he wanted to fight again. :lol:
I saw something like that once. A black guy was giving a red headed white guy some shit from his yard (the white guy was standing across the street by his truck). The negro thought the white guy was intimidated by him so he walked over to him. The white guy punched him in the face twice and the black guy started walking backwards toward his house (still giving him shit, like the punches didn't bother him). His girlfriend or wife came out holding a baby and the black guy took the baby, then went back over toward the white guy like he wanted to fight again. :lol:
He went back to fight holding a baby?
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

I was just about to say the same exact thing but you beat me to it. I volunteer often with a homeless outreach program here in my city and the conditions these people face are horrifying. The victimization rates they face for violent crime and sexual assaults is staggering. Mental heath is the largest factor when it comes to homelessness in my city. Most people foolishly jump to addiction as the main reason, though that is cause in some cases, but they would be incorrect.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

I was just about to say the same exact thing but you beat me to it. I volunteer often with a homeless outreach program here in my city and the conditions these people face are horrifying. The victimization rates they face for violent crime and sexual assaults is staggering. Mental heath is the largest factor when it comes to homelessness in my city. Most people foolishly jump to addiction as the main reason, though that is cause in some cases, but they would be incorrect.

The numbers are rising where we volunteer, two -three years ago we would see roughly 40-50 people when we feed, now it's closer to 80-100. I was speaking to one of them that lives in a homeless camp and he told me it's double the size it was two years ago. If you've ever been to a homeless camp you will understand how horrifying the situation really is.
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Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

I was just about to say the same exact thing but you beat me to it. I volunteer often with a homeless outreach program here in my city and the conditions these people face are horrifying. The victimization rates they face for violent crime and sexual assaults is staggering. Mental heath is the largest factor when it comes to homelessness in my city. Most people foolishly jump to addiction as the main reason, though that is cause in some cases, but they would be incorrect.

The numbers are rising where we volunteer, two -three years ago we would see roughly 40-50 people when we feed, now it's closer to 80-100. I was speaking to one of them that lives in a homeless camp and he told me it's double the size it was two years ago. If you've ever been to a homeless camp you will understand how horrifying the situation really is.

Our numbers are increasing as well. We've gone from having a couple small camps located sporadically throughout the city to two pretty large camps near the running trails. With winter coming and the shelters already overtaxed, I fear for them greatly.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

I was just about to say the same exact thing but you beat me to it. I volunteer often with a homeless outreach program here in my city and the conditions these people face are horrifying. The victimization rates they face for violent crime and sexual assaults is staggering. Mental heath is the largest factor when it comes to homelessness in my city. Most people foolishly jump to addiction as the main reason, though that is cause in some cases, but they would be incorrect.

The numbers are rising where we volunteer, two -three years ago we would see roughly 40-50 people when we feed, now it's closer to 80-100. I was speaking to one of them that lives in a homeless camp and he told me it's double the size it was two years ago. If you've ever been to a homeless camp you will understand how horrifying the situation really is.

Our numbers are increasing as well. We've gone from having a couple small camps located sporadically throughout the city to two pretty large camps near the running trails. With winter coming and the shelters already overtaxed, I fear for them greatly.

Not here so much but where we used to live there are two men's homeless shelters, two in a city of over 850,000 people and one of those is worthless, just a huge money mill that does the bare minimum to help the ones that need help. I have a huge problem when I see BMWs and other luxury vehicles in the parking lot of a homeless spots reserved for employees. Jesus has a sad
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