Thug harasses old homeless man, gets his ass knocked out...

Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

I was just about to say the same exact thing but you beat me to it. I volunteer often with a homeless outreach program here in my city and the conditions these people face are horrifying. The victimization rates they face for violent crime and sexual assaults is staggering. Mental heath is the largest factor when it comes to homelessness in my city. Most people foolishly jump to addiction as the main reason, though that is cause in some cases, but they would be incorrect.
I miss volunteering at the Mission, but driving a truck I'm just not home enough. My wife does though and she helps out with the Idaho Food Bank as well as homeless shelter where we moved.

You're right, addiction is only a symptom. Many are veterans, we send them to war and they come back broken and we do nothing to help them. We're taking in refugees while our own veterans live in the streets. Talking to them instead of about them is very educational and we include our kids too.

I'm glad you have a passion for the homeless. God bless you for that.
I saw something like that once. A black guy was giving a red headed white guy some shit from his yard (the white guy was standing across the street by his truck). The negro thought the white guy was intimidated by him so he walked over to him. The white guy punched him in the face twice and the black guy started walking backwards toward his house (still giving him shit, like the punches didn't bother him). His girlfriend or wife came out holding a baby and the black guy took the baby, then went back over toward the white guy like he wanted to fight again. :lol:
He went back to fight holding a baby?
Yeah, knowing the guy wasn't gonna hit him while he was holding a baby. Acting tough with his girlfriend trying to "hold him back". The other guy called him a pussy and told him to put the baby down but of course the negro just kept talking shit (still holding the baby, of course). The other guy just laughed and then left.
I saw something like that once. A black guy was giving a red headed white guy some shit from his yard (the white guy was standing across the street by his truck). The negro thought the white guy was intimidated by him so he walked over to him. The white guy punched him in the face twice and the black guy started walking backwards toward his house (still giving him shit, like the punches didn't bother him). His girlfriend or wife came out holding a baby and the black guy took the baby, then went back over toward the white guy like he wanted to fight again. :lol:
He went back to fight holding a baby?
Yeah, knowing the guy wasn't gonna hit him while he was holding a baby. Acting tough with his girlfriend trying to "hold him back". The other guy called him a pussy and told him to put the baby down but of course the negro just kept talking shit (still holding the baby, of course). The other guy just laughed and then left.
The negro thug much have watched the video: How Hamas men Fight'. Hide behind the women and kids.
Real fucking heros.
Note how the Good Samaritan bitch slapped the negro sub-human the first two times? Third time though? The fucking end.
The sub-human thug standing off to the side didn't have the balls to even help his 'bro'.
Fucking negro cowards!
One of my favorite experiences taking on a thug was when he started swearing at me from across the street. For no reason. I wasn't in the mood to take that shit that day. I just walked over to him smiling and when I was within a foot away I looked down and stepped on his foot. He reactively looked down at his foot too. I put all my weight on his foot and instantly shoved him in the chest. Classic Marine basic training. The thug fell backward while I still had all my weight on his foot. Snapped his fucking ankle in half in one second's encounter.
I just walked away with a nice big smile on my face. I still smile when I remember how easy it is to deal with fucking big mouth cowards.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.

We have a few of those also. Someone told me there used to be one that had been on the streets for over 30 years, one day he sort of disappeared and nobody knows what happened.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.

We have a few of those also. Someone told me there used to be one that had been on the streets for over 30 years, one day he sort of disappeared and nobody knows what happened.

Yeah...thats what happened to this guy,he just disappeared one day and I was stuck with a case of can dog food and a crap load of the Raman noodles he liked.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.

We have a few of those also. Someone told me there used to be one that had been on the streets for over 30 years, one day he sort of disappeared and nobody knows what happened.

Yeah...thats what happened to this guy,he just disappeared one day and I was stuck with a case of can dog food and a crap load of the Raman noodles he liked.

Ugh, I hope he had a dog.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.

We have a few of those also. Someone told me there used to be one that had been on the streets for over 30 years, one day he sort of disappeared and nobody knows what happened.

Yeah...thats what happened to this guy,he just disappeared one day and I was stuck with a case of can dog food and a crap load of the Raman noodles he liked.

Ugh, I hope he had a dog.

LOL....Yeah he had a dog. It was the reason I started helping him in the first place. He hit me up at a light and asked if i had something for his dog to eat so I went and picked up a couple of burgers one for him and one for the dog.
When he fed the dog both of them I asked him if he wasnt hungry.
He told me yeah I'm hungry but my dog hasnt eaten in awhile and he'd find something to eat later.
As I got to know the guy I found out the dog was his whole life and he loved him dearly.
At that point I started bringing him heart worm medicine,dog food and his Raman noodles.
I figured anyone who would put his dogs needs over his own was a nice guy and deserved some help.
Used to love driving up to the overpass and have the dog recognize my truck and come a runnin!!
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.
That's never true, but these people at some point give up and help is wasted on them. They aren't happy, they've just lost all hope. It's still compassionate to feed them and give them shelter when possible, knowing they won't change.
Good. That is what you get when you fuck with people for no reason. Hopefully it knocked some sense into him.
I feel bad for homeless people because this kind of thing happens to them all the time. Remember when some assholes were lighting them on fire? They are the most vulnerable people you can encounter.

And Jesus loves them dearly. I think that's why help came from an unseemly source.

I work with an Outreach program through our Church, being homeless is like getting sucked into a vortex, it's very very difficult to get out of. Many people associate being homeless to alcohol and drugs but the main factor is mental illness...that and many of them just give up.

Some of them actually enjoy not having any responsibilities.
There was a guy that lived under an overpass for twenty years here in Houston that I helped out on a regular basis who told me he liked his life the way it was.
That's never true, but these people at some point give up and help is wasted on them. They aren't happy, they've just lost all hope. It's still compassionate to feed them and give them shelter when possible, knowing they won't change.

Sure it is. The guy I knew liked not having any responsibilities other than his dog.
Would he accept a free house or car? Sure,but he'd turn around and sell em because he didnt want to take care of em.

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