Tiki Torch Trial

Remember the hoopla over this......... such a slam dunk it took 7 yrs to get to court to die with a whimper. Staged event that quietly disappears......
Doubt it ever gets revived.

Well first off there is your Questionable Source:
  • Overall, we rate Revolver.News right biased and Questionable based on poor sourcing techniques and a complete lack of transparency.

WTF is a "Soros Prosector"? Someone who took a donation from George Soros' PAC????

I couldn't figure out what that mishmash of a link you posted, but I did find this link:

This link said the Jury was deadlocked, and the parties are meeting back in Court in early August where the state will announce if the are to hold another trial. It seems there were conflicting jury instructions which was confusing the jury.

Anyway, it's certainly not a victory if this guy is to be retried. Bad enough to face the legal fees for one trial, now they're gonna pay double and do it over again. Hardly a win for the defense.

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