Time for bi-partisan action - getting rid of George Santos

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Five House Democrats introduced a resolution on Thursday to expel Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from Congress, calling him a “serial fraudster” amid growing revelations that Santos has lied about nearly every aspect of his résumé, leading to bipartisan calls for his resignation.​

Look at this moron:


He has no business anywhere near the GOP.

The GOP should have beaten the Dems to the punch by a mile. I don't care that Dems would embrace this cross-dressing, check-bouncing, lying weasel, if he were one of them. That's them Dems. If the GOP wants to position itself as the party of honesty, they need to get rid of this guy, yesterday.

What possible defense is there? When Mitt Romney attacks you and he's right, that's about as wrong as a Republican can be. He's obviously faking being a Republican with his AR15 lapel pin, his draq queen past, and his pushing to the front to shake hands with Biden and the dignitaries. He's gotten well over fifteen minutes of fame with his elaborate prank. Let him retire now and write his book.

GOP needs to cut its losses. It may be time for Trump to step up and take charge. He is the presumptive front-runner and only declared candidate for 2024, so he is the leader.

Five House Democrats introduced a resolution on Thursday to expel Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from Congress, calling him a “serial fraudster” amid growing revelations that Santos has lied about nearly every aspect of his résumé, leading to bipartisan calls for his resignation.​

Look at this moron:

View attachment 755852

He has no business anywhere near the GOP.

The GOP should have beaten the Dems to the punch by a mile. I don't care that Dems would embrace this cross-dressing, check-bouncing, lying weasel, if he were one of them. That's them Dems. If the GOP wants to position itself as the party of honesty, they need to get rid of this guy, yesterday.

What possible defense is there? When Mitt Romney attacks you and he's right, that's about as wrong as a Republican can be. He's obviously faking being a Republican with his AR15 lapel pin, his draq queen past, and his pushing to the front to shake hands with Biden and the dignitaries. He's gotten well over fifteen minutes of fame with his elaborate prank. Let him retire now and write his book.

GOP needs to cut its losses. It may be time for Trump to step up and take charge. He is the presumptive front-runner and only declared candidate for 2024, so he is the leader.
You know this can backfire. Because Biden did the same thing in 1988, he lied, he plagiarized bigtime, he got kicked from the democrat presidential ticket. Riddle me this, what's the difference between Biden and Santos? Biden is liar-in-chief, Santos is a noob from the republican universe.
Republicans have too small a margin in the House, they will never force him to resign.

But Santos’ financial and election funding difficulties will force their hand
I am all for it as soon as Dick Blumenthal resigns for stolen valor.
Sure, but first all the Dem LIARS must resign.
Great minds think alike!:)
He should resign when Joe Biden resigns.
See, this is why I stopped being a Republican years ago, and only reluctantly started supporting them when we finally had a pro-American Republican at the top of the ticket.

Why would anyone but a partisan hack vote Republican if the standard Republicans set for themselves is to be no worse than Dems?

You do get that Santos didn't lie to Democrat voters, he lied to Republican voters, right? He knew Democrats would hate him no matter how much of a drag queen, fraudster he was as soon as he took the (R) label. He lied, and he lied, and he lied. Admit that his GOP constituents were taken in, and get rid of the guy.

What is the upside to keeping him around? Who, besides George Santos, benefits from that?
You know this can backfire. Because Biden did the same thing in 1988, he lied, he plagiarized bigtime, he got kicked from the democrat presidential ticket. Riddle me this, what's the difference between Biden and Santos? Biden is liar-in-chief, Santos is a noob from the republican universe.
Yes, I agree. Democrats would love this guy, and may well embrace him if he tearfully announces that he is reformed and was only committing his fraud due to the evil GOP.

If the Republicans are different and don't tolerate such people in their ranks, this is their chance to show it.

When I was a Republican, we got rid of Larry (Wide Stance) Craig, about as fast as we could. The GOP did not vote to expel him, which we should, but he didn't bother to run for re-election. Nobody in the GOP at that time used the "Dems are even bigger fags" defense. He was mocked by his own party, and I amazed he was thick skinned enough to finish his term.

What will the GOP do if Santos runs again?
Did anyone, per chance, watch the 2023 state of the union speech? Apparently, Santo's biggest sin was he was a Republican. Democrats hate lies so much that is their entire basis for existence, its their life blood, its their creed. Heaven forfend some else challenge their lies.
Again, I am not defending Santos and not saying he should not be removed from Congress, but in the immortal words of Joe Biden


1. Santos conned his way into Congress ... because his Constituents and the media failed to do the slightest bit of research / vetting prior to the election, ALMOST making me want to keep Santos in Congress because they pretty much deserve his ass for not doing the most basic research on him before the election.
-- Its called 'VETTING', people! How about trying it next time?! Good freakin' grief! (Is it REALLY Santos' fault that the media and people who voted for him are THAT stupid?)

2. The US has arguably the biggest serial liar in the WH this country has ever had, an 84yo who has lied almost as much about his own past, IF NOT MORE, as Santos...but no one is trying to toss his ass out for it. Instead they shake their heads and say, 'Poor OLD, dementia-ravaged, 'crazy uncle' Joe...poor senile, delusional bastsrd - he's doing it again.'

3. And of all the things Democrats in the House are proven to be guilty of, to include TREASON - failed criminal Impeachment attempts during which Democrats were proven to have illegally manufactured evidence, altered evidence, and committed perjury in an attempt to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President - THEY have not been / are not getting booted out of Congress (and sent to Gitmo where they belong).

No, instead those treasonous bastards are going to be voting to kick Santos out for doing what Biden does almost every single day!

The irony and hypocrisy is almost mind-numbing and funny as hell.

If a TRULY OBJECTIVE, NON-PARTISAN list of politicians who needed / deserved to be booted from Congress IN PRIORITIZED / DESERVED ORDER was created, I would argue Santos would not make the top 5.

Just sayin'...
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Five House Democrats introduced a resolution on Thursday to expel Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) from Congress, calling him a “serial fraudster” amid growing revelations that Santos has lied about nearly every aspect of his résumé, leading to bipartisan calls for his resignation.​

Look at this moron:

View attachment 755852

He has no business anywhere near the GOP.

The GOP should have beaten the Dems to the punch by a mile. I don't care that Dems would embrace this cross-dressing, check-bouncing, lying weasel, if he were one of them. That's them Dems. If the GOP wants to position itself as the party of honesty, they need to get rid of this guy, yesterday.

What possible defense is there? When Mitt Romney attacks you and he's right, that's about as wrong as a Republican can be. He's obviously faking being a Republican with his AR15 lapel pin, his draq queen past, and his pushing to the front to shake hands with Biden and the dignitaries. He's gotten well over fifteen minutes of fame with his elaborate prank. Let him retire now and write his book.

GOP needs to cut its losses. It may be time for Trump to step up and take charge. He is the presumptive front-runner and only declared candidate for 2024, so he is the leader.
Dont the voters have anything to say about it?
Did anyone, per chance, watch the 2023 state of the union speech? Apparently, Santo's biggest sin was he was a Republican. Democrats hate lies so much that is their entire basis for existence, its their life blood, its their creed. Heaven forfend some else challenge their lies.

Santos is a Cancer on his party
They refuse to cure their cancer

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