Time for cameras in all classrooms and body cams on teachers!!

There are some private schools which have installed multi-view cameras in all classrooms, in all the corridors, in all the common rooms, in the principal's office. Pretty much everywhere but the bathrooms.
As a parent you must sign a consent form for your child to attend the school.
These private schools have basically zero property damage. Zero classroom disruptions. Zero lawsuits brought against the teachers. Zero cases of bullying, Zero cases of theft from other students.
The result is across the board academic excellence.
Which school would you rather your child attended?
There are some private schools which have installed multi-view cameras in all classrooms, in all the corridors, in all the common rooms, in the principal's office. Pretty much everywhere but the bathrooms.
As a parent you must sign a consent form for your child to attend the school.
These private schools have basically zero property damage. Zero classroom disruptions. Zero lawsuits brought against the teachers. Zero cases of bullying, Zero cases of theft from other students.
The result is across the board academic excellence.
Which school would you rather your child attended?
And if something happens, they can kick the kids out just like that, that is above and beyond hand-picking the students. Can public schools do that?

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