Time for Congress to Defund the Deepstate - One Senior Bureaucrat at a Time

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
I had this on background a good part of the day, Pausing for meetings, I managed to hear it all.

Five and a half hours of Merrick Garland refusing to answer the questions of the congressmen who fund not only his agency and the agencies under him, but his personal salary.

I've never had a job at which I could refuse to answer the questions of the people who owned the company and still get a paycheck.

It's budget time. I get that congress cannot cut off all funding for the DOJ. Why not cut off Merrick Garland's paycheck until he starts being forthcoming with them? His salary by rights should be coming from the DNC, or the Biden campaign anyway. No doubt George Soros would immediately set up a Go Fund Me for Garland, but at least the taxpayers would no long be paying him to lie, dodge questions and openly refuse to be accountable to their elected representatives.
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I had this on background a good part of the day, Pausing for meetings, I managed to hear it all.

Five and a half hours of Merrick Garland refusing to answer the questions of the congressmen who fund not only his agency and the agencies under him, but his personal salary.

I've never had a job at which I could refuse to answer the questions of the people who owned the company and still get a paycheck.

It's budget time. I get that congress cannot cut off all funding for the DOJ. Why not cut off Merrick Garland's paycheck until he starts being forthcoming with them? His salary by rights should be coming from the DNC, or the Biden campaign anyway. No doubt George Soros would immediately set up a Go Fund Me for Garland, but at least the taxpayers would no long be paying him to lie, dodge questions and openly refuse to be accountable to their elected representatives.

Merrick Garland is a political appointee. He isn’t part of the Deep State. DS members don’t leave when administrations change. They’re the people who keep things running, when the people we elected can’t tell their heads from their assholes.
Merrick Garland is a political appointee. He isn’t part of the Deep State. DS members don’t leave when administrations change. They’re the people who keep things running, when the people we elected can’t tell their heads from their assholes.
A rare reasonable point from you, sir!

Garland is not be an insider member of the Deepstate, just as you say. But he is obviously completely controlled by them. Do you notice how many of his answers to congress are words to the effect (WTTE) of "that is under the purview of _______________," who is in charge of that particuIar thing so wouldn't know anything about it?" It is his second most common answer after "I'm not telling, NYAH!" or however he puts it.

What does he keep chanting? "Ongoing investigation" when the statute of limitations has passed?

Perhaps I should have said "one senior Deeptstate enabler at a time."
It's budget time. I get that congress cannot cut off all funding for the DOJ. Why not cut off Merrick Garland's paycheck until he starts being forthcoming with them? His salary by rights should be coming from the DNC, or the Biden campaign anyway. No doubt George Soros would immediately set up a Go Fund Me for Garland, but at least the taxpayers would no long be paying him to lie, dodge questions and openly refuse to be accountable to their elected representatives.

I have heard the highlights and I am appalled, as well. The problem with your solution is it is not legal. The government approach has to be by way of an impeachment and conviction in the Senate to remove the Attorney General. There are problems with that. First, the checks and balances of the simple three-branch government model are vulnerable to partisan conspiracy to populate the three branches with politically aligned personnel. Secondly, the removal of bureaucrats is still not going to solve the problem, because the first problem of the partisan conspiracy remains. The only solution is to reorder the entire government system with a more sophisticated separation model.


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A rare reasonable point from you, sir!

Garland is not be an insider member of the Deepstate, just as you say. But he is obviously completely controlled by them. Do you notice how many of his answers to congress are words to the effect (WTTE) of "that is under the purview of _______________," who is in charge of that particuIar thing so wouldn't know anything about it?" It is his second most common answer after "I'm not telling, NYAH!" or however he puts it.

What does he keep chanting? "Ongoing investigation" when the statute of limitations has passed?

Perhaps I should have said "one senior Deeptstate enabler at a time."
The Deep State is what keeps things going, even when we have a dysfunctional Congress and/or Executive.
The Deep State is what keeps things going, even when we have a dysfunctional Congress and/or Executive.
The Deep State is a drain on our treasury, and currently the worst threat to our democratic republican form of government, even more so than the deliberate lack of election integrity, though that is a close second.

The election of a president that you find to be a bloated orange blob who cannot keep his hands off of women and who advocates policies with which you disagree is not a “dysfunctional” executive. No more than the election of a president that I find to be a demented diaper-wearing puppet who cannot keep his hands off of little girls and who advocates policies with which I disagree is a “dysfunctional” executive.

It just means that your side lost the 2016 election, and my side the 2020. Get over yourself, and I will also.

Elections have consequences and we tend to get the government we deserve, for better or worse. Even when it is for the worse, I greatly prefer that to long-serving, nameless bureaucrats who follow their own policy agendas instead of those of the the elected officials appointed over them.
The Deep State is a drain on our treasury, and the worst threat to our democratic republican form of government.

Partisan Politics is the biggest threat to our Democracy

Long term Civil Servants are what keep the country running during partisan bickering
Partisan Politics is the biggest threat to our Democracy

Long term Civil Servants are what keep the country running during partisan bickering

They don’t keep “the country” running. The country is kept running by individuals who are strive to work hard to better themselves, and in doing so provide goods and services to their fellow Americans at affordable prices.

The country is kept running by builders, transporters, buyers, sellers, manufacturers, service providers, skilled technicians and menial laborers. Those who work all day to move it on down the line.

NOT by paper pushers who don’t even touch paper any more, but who “work at home,” on government provided devices enjoying their low-stress, low-work jobs even more than they used to when at least they had to sit in a cubicle.

What you are referring to that the LTCS bunch keeps running is “the government,” not “the country.”

They don’t keep “the country” running. The country is kept running by individuals who are strive to work hard to better themselves, and in doing so provide goods and services to their fellow Americans at affordable prices.

The country is kept running by builders, transporters, buyers, sellers, manufacturers, service providers, skilled technicians and menial laborers. Those who work all day to move it on down the line.

NOT by paper pushers who don’t even touch paper any more, but who “work at home,” on government provided devices enjoying their low-stress, low-work jobs even more than they used to when at least they had to sit in a cubicle.

What you are referring to that the LTCS bunch keeps running is “the government,” not “the country.”

We the People created a more perfect union
To do so, they created a Government of the people, by the people and for the people
The Deep State is a drain on our treasury, and currently the worst threat to our democratic republican form of government, even more so than the deliberate lack of election integrity, though that is a close second.

The election of a president that you find to be a bloated orange blob who cannot keep his hands off of women and who advocates policies with which you disagree is not a “dysfunctional” executive. No more than the election of a president that I find to be a demented diaper-wearing puppet who cannot keep his hands off of little girls and who advocates policies with which I disagree is a “dysfunctional” executive.

It just means that your side lost the 2016 election, and my side the 2020. Get over yourself, and I will also.

Elections have consequences and we tend to get the government we deserve, for better or worse. Even when it is for the worse, I greatly prefer that to long-serving, nameless bureaucrats who follow their own policy agendas instead of those of the the elected officials appointed over them.
Is the answer to let everyone go and have a new administration start from scratch?
You have no perception of how our Government works
You never cease being an arse .
Apart from being more widely experienced than you could likely imagine , I know chapter one of enemy infiltration backwards . You ensure that your bureaucrats are appointed only on the basis of following orders and paying an extreme price if failing .
In modern times we invented and perfected Diplomacy which is the polite name for Control. So stop trying to teach me how to suck eggs and being an arrogant prick in the process .
You never cease being an arse .
Apart from being more widely experienced than you could likely imagine , I know chapter one of enemy infiltration backwards . You ensure that your bureaucrats are appointed only on the basis of following orders and paying an extreme price if failing .
In modern times we invented and perfected Diplomacy which is the polite name for Control. So stop trying to teach me how to suck eggs and being an arrogant prick in the process .
You are a Russian bot

You have no perception of how our government works

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