Time is the 4th dimension

Newton did not understand special relativity and viewed them as absolute

You could call the "theory of relativity" also the "theory of the absolute light speed" because the astonishing effects of this theory came because you will always only measure the same speed for the lightspeed (in the vacuum) whatever your own speed is. So the philosophical idea "everything is relative" is not really an idea, which has to do with the philosophy "everything is relative" and/or anti-philosophy "there is no truth". Newton thought space and time are constant and Einstein showed c is a constant, what's btw the reason why we call the lightspeed "c" (for constant).
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Without any doubt two great men. Newton stood by the way on the shoulders of Kepler.

And my text here above was a little confused. Correction:
"You could call the "theory of relativity" also the "theory of the absolute light speed" because the astonishing effects of this theory came because you will always only measure the same speed for the lightspeed (in the vacuum) whatever your own speed is. So the philosophical idea "everything is relative" and/or anti-philosophy "there is no truth" has not really to do with the "theory of relativity" of Einstein. Newton thought space and time are constant and Einstein showed c is a constant, what's btw the reason why we call the lightspeed "c" (for constant)."
I don’t know what you said as I have dementia
What would happen if a hypersphere would touch us? You would see a point coming from nowhere

I realize this is all just pure speculation, but interestingly enough, what you are describing goes a long way to explain some aspects of both the paranormal as well as mysteries like UFOs.
I don’t know what you said as I have dementia
What would happen if a hypersphere would touch us? You would see a point coming from nowhere ...

I realize this is all just pure speculation, but interestingly enough, what you are describing goes a long way to explain some aspects of both the paranormal as well as mysteries like UFOs.

Sorry - I don't believe in any paranormal things or UFOs (... except real UFOs). We are for example natural telepaths, what means we are able to transform thoughts into waves or scribbles and to hear or read in this way also the thoughts of others. That's not paranormal, that's normal.
Hubble was able to convince Einstein that time was indeed a dimension, and what was lacking in Einstein's theories.
Because time is a dimension, and Christ and God are inter-dimensional, (as will we be in glorified bodies) they can move forward and backward in the dimension, which is how God can tell us the future accurately. He can visit the future at will...

God my foot. How can you possibly know that rubbish? The arrogance of you to suggest you have unique knowledge of what your silly god thinks and does.
No one can predict the future with certainty especially some ratbag ghost who is predicting judgement day and that other bullshit.

Grow up. You've been conned.
If I told you the place we could meet ??
It would mean zero even if I gave you exact directions
You also need the time
But part of your equation has to include race, religion, gender to factor one showing up early or late to the meetup. *L*
Sleep disorders factor into the equation as well, they might not even show up, or have you not seen Rowan Atkinson's character in Rat Race?

And don't get me started with the whole hair style and variety of makeup wearers, factoring into precise timing.
It does exist as things do change over time
. A star eventually runs out of its hydrogen .
Black holes inc in entropy and never dec
. Our own moon has more crators than the past
Time (clock) as the present, past and future is a conception/invention of the human brain .
The theory of gravitation and electromagnetic fields would fail in a space of any dimension other than three. The inverse square laws depend on 3 spatial dimensions.

I don’t know what you said as I have dementia
What would happen if a hypersphere would touch us? You would see a point coming from nowhere ...

I realize this is all just pure speculation, but interestingly enough, what you are describing goes a long way to explain some aspects of both the paranormal as well as mysteries like UFOs.

Sorry - I don't believe in any paranormal things or UFOs
Whether you believe them or not, people have these experiences, far too often to dismiss all of them as nonsense. I've seen UFOs at least once, REAL UFOs as you put it, I'm no idiot or fool and know what I saw and there is nothing on this Earth made by man that can do these things (especially since I saw them in the 1960s).
The theory of gravitation and electromagnetic fields would fail in a space of any dimension other than three. The inverse square laws depend on 3 spatial dimensions.

Yet, it's God and logic that define nature. We would not have it otherwise.
The theory of gravitation and electromagnetic fields would fail in a space of any dimension other than three. The inverse square laws depend on 3 spatial dimensions.

Why? Timespace is already defined as being FOUR dimensions!
I'm referring to four spatial dimensions. And yes time is another dimension in a mathematical sense. Largely because you can form a sort of Pythagorean theorem.
S² = x²+y²+z² + (ict)²
where ic is a factor which converts time to units of space.
S is called a "separation" of events in space and time. S is invariant for any observer. Ie a moving observer may see space and time differently from another observer, but S remains the same.

The theory of gravitation and electromagnetic fields would fail in a space of any dimension other than three. The inverse square laws depend on 3 spatial dimensions.

Why? Timespace is already defined as being FOUR dimensions!
I'm referring to four spatial dimensions. And yes time is another dimension in a mathematical sense. Largely because you can form a sort of Pythagorean theorem.
S² = x²+y²+z² + (ict)²
where ic is a factor which converts time to units of space.
S is called a "separation" of events in space and time. S is invariant for any observer. Ie a moving observer may see space and time differently from another observer, but S remains the same.

Yes, but the inverse square law was conceived and written with no knowledge of higher orders of reality in Newton's day. Couldn't it be rewritten to include other dimensions?
Yes, but the inverse square law was conceived and written with no knowledge of higher orders of reality in Newton's day. Couldn't it be rewritten to include other dimensions?
I read about it a few decades ago and forgot the reason, but it has to do with mathematical constraints that that the dimensionality imposes on the field. If you picture the "solid angle" vs. distance from a point source, It's linear in two dimensions, squared in 3 dimensions, and a cubed (a volume) in four dimensions. There might be an inverse cubed law with 4 spatial dimensions but I forgot the details. Nevertheless all of physics would break down.

If you are interested on some deeper math for the space-time dimensions, Google "relativity quaternions".

Quaternions already give a basis that encapsulates the relativistic difference between time and 3-D space quit neatly.
I don’t know what you said as I have dementia
What would happen if a hypersphere would touch us? You would see a point coming from nowhere ...

I realize this is all just pure speculation, but interestingly enough, what you are describing goes a long way to explain some aspects of both the paranormal as well as mysteries like UFOs.

Sorry - I don't believe in any paranormal things or UFOs
Whether you believe them or not, people have these experiences, far too often to dismiss all of them as nonsense. I've seen UFOs at least once, REAL UFOs as you put it, I'm no idiot or fool and know what I saw and there is nothing on this Earth made by man that can do these things (especially since I saw them in the 1960s).

Whatever you saw ... you saw it. But what it means and what's the real background, who knows?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Hamlet ... ah sorry ...: Shakespeare

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