Time Order


May 18, 2011
Hey, I'm getting old and cannot remember how these fell into place in relation to time. Vietnam War ending, fathers receiving custody of their children more frequently, abortion law. Somehow I keep thinking someone's feet are missing from the fire. :confused:
This mystery is unfolding. I found some information on the net that pertains. I'd like to quote it without seeming the "sock puppet". From Father’s Property To Children’s Rights: A History of Child Custody; Mary Ann Mason 1994, Columbia University Press; Berkeley Law - From Father

"Beginning in the 1970s a major swing in custody law sharply reversed what had been a well-entrenched preference for mothers. Most states adopted laws conferring an equal status on the custodial rights of mother and father with a favorable attitude toward joint custody. Biological parents gained rights over the growing numbers of non-biological parents, particularly stepparents and foster parents, who were, in fact, raising the children as traditional families broke down. The state took a more active role in monitoring standards of parental conduct, frequently intervening to take temporary or permanent custody of the child. On the other hand, the state supported an ever-growing population of single parents, allowing them to maintain custody of their children. New reproductive technology, separating conception and childbearing, blurred the concept of biological parenthood and challenged the ingenuity of lawmakers."
Another clue: Since the 1970s, certain conservative men’s organizations, commonly called fathers’ rights groups, have been seeking to increase their visibility and influence over divorce-court proceedings. While their tactics have changed, they remain a threat to women’s hard-won gains.

As I see it they remain a threat to the human race. And why do we not hear more about what they were for and what they stand for now. They certainly had and have a role in the abortion issue but they detach themselves from that. And deny their actions had bearing.

Why aren't they out in public beating their drum?
Upfront and in your face, it says to me, Conservatives shit and hide real good on the child custody laws and point a lot of fingers at young women who have abortions. What is that all about?
Upfront and in your face, it says to me, Conservatives shit and hide real good on the child custody laws and point a lot of fingers at young women who have abortions. What is that all about?

I dunno, why not ask THEM??
Seriously, your thread title, and your question, they don't fit. Maybe it's me, but I honestly didn't have a fucking clue to what you were going on about, and I'm leaving this thread, because frankly, I don't care.

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