Time to charge Antifa under RICO law

Big Herc is right as rain here.

Time to run these thugs in under RICO, and if they are funded by Soros as suspected, sue him and confiscate his funds.

All of these dumb shits need to be sitting in the penitentiary getting their wigs split, the cons in the joint just aren't going to go for this.

I think RICO is targeted for organized crime, I don't think Antifa is organized and I really doubt Soros is involved with them.
I think RICO is targeted for organized crime, I don't think Antifa is organized and I really doubt Soros is involved with them.

That's exactly what antifart is. RICO is a perfect avenue to destroy them.
I think RICO is targeted for organized crime, I don't think Antifa is organized and I really doubt Soros is involved with them.

Of course Antifa is organized.

How do you think they can get people from all over the country to converge on Atlanta as they are doing now, if they weren't highly organized. The Thugs that have been pinched are from Maine, Washington, Nevada, all over.
Big Herc is right as rain here.

Time to run these thugs in under RICO, and if they are funded by Soros as suspected, sue him and confiscate his funds.

All of these dumb shits need to be sitting in the penitentiary getting their wigs split, the cons in the joint just aren't going to go for this.

The FBI.....

Big Herc is right as rain here.

Time to run these thugs in under RICO, and if they are funded by Soros as suspected, sue him and confiscate his funds.

All of these dumb shits need to be sitting in the penitentiary getting their wigs split, the cons in the joint just aren't going to go for this.

I'm not an expert, but RICO laws would probably be overkill based on the spirit of the law. I could be wrong of course, it just seems like overkill.

Though on that same note, what if they are engaging in terror? Could terror funding be pursued, especially if from a foreign source?
Big Herc is right as rain here.

Time to run these thugs in under RICO, and if they are funded by Soros as suspected, sue him and confiscate his funds.

All of these dumb shits need to be sitting in the penitentiary getting their wigs split, the cons in the joint just aren't going to go for this.


ANTIFA has no organizational structure.

and SOROS? Give it a rest. LOL

you don't seem to grasp the basic fundamentals of anything. Why do you even come on here and post?
Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈænti(ˌ)fə/) is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It consists of a highly decentralized array of autonomous groups that use both nonviolent direct action and violence to achieve their aims.[1][2][3] Most antifa political activism is nonviolent, involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, speeches, protest marches, and community organizing.[4][5][6] Some who identify as antifa also combat far-right extremists (such as neo-Nazis and white supremacists) and, at times, law enforcement,[2] with tactics including digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage.[2][7]

Individuals involved in the movement subscribe to a range of left-wing ideologies, and tend to hold anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-state views. A majority of individuals involved are anarchists, communists, and socialists who describe themselves as revolutionaries, and have little allegiance to liberal democracy,[8] although some social democrats also participate in the antifa movement.[6][9][10] The name antifa and the logo with two flags representing anarchism and communism are derived from the German antifa movement.[11] Dartmouth College historian Mark Bray, author of Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook, credits Anti-Racist Action (ARA) as the precursor of modern antifa groups in the United States.[12][13]
JESUS! How many people here are dumber than dirt?

and this is no defense of ANTIFA . Just the facts

Of course Antifa is organized.

How do you think they can get people from all over the country to converge on Atlanta as they are doing now, if they weren't highly organized. The Thugs that have been pinched are from Maine, Washington, Nevada, all over.
They are not even as organized as USMB. What assets do you think could be seized?
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Get the Explosives operatives and network first then The monetary processing and bail funders then the Training & Expertise Associates ...
I think RICO is targeted for organized crime, I don't think Antifa is organized and I really doubt Soros is involved with them.
Right, Antifa does not even exist, rather, they are just a theory thingy

Besides, since they don't exist how could they be organized?


I'm sure they all just met up one day and it was a split decision thing moment.
'AntiFa' is a word. It refers to a group of people who share a common political attitude -- namely, hate-America.

They're not the kind of people who do much serious thinking, so they don't have an ideology as such ... to the extent that they do, it tends towards a self-indulgent anarchism.

And since they're not really serious, they are not organized, not in the way the Oathkeepers were organized, or the Communist Party is organized (or in the way patriots need to organize).

Even if they were organized, criminal prosecution of them would be a terrible idea. (Of course, prosecute the individuals who commit crimes like torching a police car, etc. But a national prosecution on vague 'conspiracy' charges would backfire.)

It would garner them enormous publicity and huge sympathy from liberals who are now dubious about them. (Because they drive away voters from the Democrats every time they riot.)

If you don't believe me, read about the criminal prosecution of the 'Chicago Seven'. [ Chicago Seven - Wikipedia ]

Another point: We don't want to give the government more power to pursue political deviants. They may use it against a few annoying anarchists, but the real target will be us. People who want the government to expand its powers to use against the Left are living in the past. THINGS HAVE CHANGED IN AMERICA! We have got to understand this and start to act accordingly.

Actually, we should encourage AntiFa. They won't be a serious military threat in some future confrontation, and right now, they drive normal people in our direction. I wish there could be an AntiFa -led riot-and-looting session a week before every election.

In the meantime, go here for more information on them:
[ AntifaWatch ]

There are also a couple of books to read about them: Mark Bray has written one, pro-AntiFa, and the wonderful Andy Ngo has written another one, against them.

We must know the enemy, but this particular enemy is not a serious one.
Of course Antifa is organized.

How do you think they can get people from all over the country to converge on Atlanta as they are doing now, if they weren't highly organized. The Thugs that have been pinched are from Maine, Washington, Nevada, all over.
Social media. Just like the guys doing burnouts in intersections.
Right, Antifa does not even exist, rather, they are just a theory thingy

Besides, since they don't exist how could they be organized?


I'm sure they all just met up one day and it was a split decision thing moment.
I think it has to do with cell phones and the internet.

In high school my daughter would go out at night and, when asked where, she'd admit she didn't know. She'd go out and text her friends and see if anyone had ideas on what to do and where to meet. I think that is the level of Antifa organization.
Who is that head of Antifa? Where are their headquarters? Do they have a website?

again, cellular organization, a loose conglomeration of various local cells that come together for larger events and sort out who decides what on the fly, if at all.

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