*Time To Fire Them In Droves!*

Do it now start the fire machine!

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Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad

More of your silly birther conspiracy, frank? And your claims of what I 'woulda' done is just more imagination.

Remember, your claims regarding 'spying' are just more blithering nonsense.

1. Get the fuck out Skyler and don't come back *SWAMPY*.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
Clear crimes that you can never prove. Funny that.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
Clear crimes that you can never prove. Funny that.

And by 'never', you mean other than the 8 felony convictions and 6 guilty pleas.

Perhaps 'never' doesn't mean what you think it means.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
Fire them all. Get new people in there that aren’t democrat activists.

1. Yes do it before the mid term elections.
2. Time to act!

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
Clear crimes that you can never prove. Funny that.

And by 'never', you mean other than the 8 felony convictions and 6 guilty pleas.

Perhaps 'never' doesn't mean what you think it means.
They have nothing to do with Trump.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad

More of your silly birther conspiracy, frank? And your claims of what I 'woulda' done is just more imagination.

Remember, your claims regarding 'spying' are just more blithering nonsense.

1. Get the fuck out Skyler and don't come back *SWAMPY*.


No thank you. I'll continue to demonstrate the absurdity of your 'swamp' conspiracy theory.

And the silliness of firing Mueller when his investigation has been so fantastically productive.

Though Mueller's effectiveness is why Trump and his supporters want the investigation stopped to begin with.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
Clear crimes that you can never prove. Funny that.

And by 'never', you mean other than the 8 felony convictions and 6 guilty pleas.

Perhaps 'never' doesn't mean what you think it means.
They have nothing to do with Trump.

Cohen directly implicated Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. With Trump's National Security Advisor and Foreign policy adviser admitting to lying to the FBI about their contacts with Russia.

Again, I don't think 'never' means what you think it means.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
Fire them all. Get new people in there that aren’t democrat activists.

So all these republicans are 'democratic activists'?

Um, wow. Conservatives are starting to eat their own. But then, most conspiracy batshit eventually becomes conspiratorially cannibalistic.

1. Basic knowledge says there is a *SWAMP*.
2. When its painfully obvious Trumps hired people are working against him.
3. Only a complete fucking idiot can't see it.
4. Or a *SWAMPY* critter wants to cover it up.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
Fire them all. Get new people in there that aren’t democrat activists.

So all these republicans are 'democratic activists'?

Um, wow. Conservatives are starting to eat their own. But then, most conspiracy batshit eventually becomes conspiratorially cannibalistic.

1. Basic knowledge says there is a *SWAMP*.

'Basic Knowledge' is your word for assumption and imagination. The 'swamp' is merely a conspiracy you've been told to swallow by Trump. The corruption, graft, lies, frauds and embezzlers that have been found in the the Trump team....have been hand picked by Trump.

Trump is the source of the very corruption he claims he's trying to abolish. In reality, he brought it with him

2. When its painfully obvious Trumps hired people are working against him.

Its certainly obvious that these people are far more willing to work with the Mueller investigation than they are to continue lying for Trump.

And Trump has lied repeatedly to cover up his campaign's collusion with Russia. And compelled others to lie for him. And tried to shut down the investigation looking into that collusion.

Which is all very 'swampy'. And nothing an innocent man would do.
Sessions is executing Trump’s agenda on almost every issue.
I think their feud is a smoke screen.
Sessions is executing Trump’s agenda on almost every issue.
I think their feud is a smoke screen.

I think Trump is genuinely frustrated and angry by the Mueller investigation. And blames Sessions for not protecting him from it.

Which, of course, isn't what an Attorney General is supposed to do anyway.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

  1. Mid terms don'tmatter, its whats happening now that matter, people in or near the President need to be gotten rid of *ASAP*!
  2. It doesn't matter the fall out at this point, I see starting the cleanse as a good thing, Trump isn't no fool, he can't allow this bullshit swamp to exist any longer, he knows it and I know it.
  3. They got to go and now, no matter what Trump does the liberal media will complain, so he needs to just clean house, mop and flop.


Mid Terms do matter. Which is why Trump is spending so much energy stumping for them. As Trump himself has claimed, if they lose the midterms, Trump will be impeached.

I don't think he's right. I think they'd prefer to have a far more impotent and useless president than an impeached martyr. But the importance of the midterms is demonstrated in either case.

As for the 'swamp', that's just another conspiracy theory that Trump has told you to believe. Among many others. Trump has been directly implicated by his own personal lawyer in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. He's admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians. He has surrounded himself with liars, grifters, thieves, embezzlers, tax cheats and frauds. Or as Trump likes to call them.....the 'best people'.

Trump is the swamp.

He is, but who's waiting in the wings is a whole lot worse. Pence is counting on the Congress getting rid of trump, and thinks that God has picked him to be president. Plus, this article came out about him when he was in college. As much as I despise trump...and i surely do....this country will be in real danger of a different kind with Pence in charge.

Mike Pence dumped his college fiancee for being a 'sinner' and narced on his beer-drinking frat bros: report
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

  1. Mid terms don'tmatter, its whats happening now that matter, people in or near the President need to be gotten rid of *ASAP*!
  2. It doesn't matter the fall out at this point, I see starting the cleanse as a good thing, Trump isn't no fool, he can't allow this bullshit swamp to exist any longer, he knows it and I know it.
  3. They got to go and now, no matter what Trump does the liberal media will complain, so he needs to just clean house, mop and flop.


Mid Terms do matter. Which is why Trump is spending so much energy stumping for them. As Trump himself has claimed, if they lose the midterms, Trump will be impeached.

I don't think he's right. I think they'd prefer to have a far more impotent and useless president than an impeached martyr. But the importance of the midterms is demonstrated in either case.

As for the 'swamp', that's just another conspiracy theory that Trump has told you to believe. Among many others. Trump has been directly implicated by his own personal lawyer in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. He's admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians. He has surrounded himself with liars, grifters, thieves, embezzlers, tax cheats and frauds. Or as Trump likes to call them.....the 'best people'.

Trump is the swamp.

He is, but who's waiting in the wings is a whole lot worse. Pence is counting on the Congress getting rid of trump, and thinks that God has picked him to be president. Plus, this article came out about him when he was in college. As much as I despise trump...and i surely do....this country will be in real danger of a different kind with Pence in charge.

Mike Pence dumped his college fiancee for being a 'sinner' and narced on his beer-drinking frat bros: report

Democratic leadership isn't pushing the 'impeachment' narrative. Republicans are. Trump is.

President Pence is far, far worse than Trump. Especially when a democratically controlled house or senate would effectively render Trump largely inert legislatively and budgetarily.

They'll keep him right where he's at. And use his conspiracy theories, pettiness, poor decision making and gullibility to their advantage. IMHO, anyway.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

  1. Mid terms don'tmatter, its whats happening now that matter, people in or near the President need to be gotten rid of *ASAP*!
  2. It doesn't matter the fall out at this point, I see starting the cleanse as a good thing, Trump isn't no fool, he can't allow this bullshit swamp to exist any longer, he knows it and I know it.
  3. They got to go and now, no matter what Trump does the liberal media will complain, so he needs to just clean house, mop and flop.


Mid Terms do matter. Which is why Trump is spending so much energy stumping for them. As Trump himself has claimed, if they lose the midterms, Trump will be impeached.

I don't think he's right. I think they'd prefer to have a far more impotent and useless president than an impeached martyr. But the importance of the midterms is demonstrated in either case.

As for the 'swamp', that's just another conspiracy theory that Trump has told you to believe. Among many others. Trump has been directly implicated by his own personal lawyer in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. He's admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians. He has surrounded himself with liars, grifters, thieves, embezzlers, tax cheats and frauds. Or as Trump likes to call them.....the 'best people'.

Trump is the swamp.

He is, but who's waiting in the wings is a whole lot worse. Pence is counting on the Congress getting rid of trump, and thinks that God has picked him to be president. Plus, this article came out about him when he was in college. As much as I despise trump...and i surely do....this country will be in real danger of a different kind with Pence in charge.

Mike Pence dumped his college fiancee for being a 'sinner' and narced on his beer-drinking frat bros: report

Democratic leadership isn't pushing the 'impeachment' narrative. Republicans are. Trump is.

President Pence is far, far worse than Trump. Especially when a democratically controlled house or senate would effectively render Trump largely inert legislatively and budgetarily.

They'll keep him right where he's at. And use his conspiracy theories, pettiness, poor decision making and gullibility to their advantage. IMHO, anyway.
As terrible as he is, he needs to stay there until the 2020 elections so that both of them can be voted out. Maybe that's what Mueller is waiting to do and will nail his ass the minute he becomes a private citizen.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
Clear crimes that you can never prove. Funny that.

And by 'never', you mean other than the 8 felony convictions and 6 guilty pleas.

Perhaps 'never' doesn't mean what you think it means.
They have nothing to do with Trump.

Cohen directly implicated Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. With Trump's National Security Advisor and Foreign policy adviser admitting to lying to the FBI about their contacts with Russia.

Again, I don't think 'never' means what you think it means.
"You've got him now!"
Sorry bout that,

  1. The axe is laid at the root, and President Trump knows how to SWING IT!
  2. I think he is just about to head for the microphone to announce it.
  3. FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!
Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad
There is no eveidence that either president Bush spied on any Kenyans, although I don't see the relevance.

More to the point there is no evidence anyone spied on tRump.
Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
Clear crimes that you can never prove. Funny that.

And by 'never', you mean other than the 8 felony convictions and 6 guilty pleas.

Perhaps 'never' doesn't mean what you think it means.
They have nothing to do with Trump.

Cohen directly implicated Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. With Trump's National Security Advisor and Foreign policy adviser admitting to lying to the FBI about their contacts with Russia.

Again, I don't think 'never' means what you think it means.
"You've got him now!"

I'm more than content to allow Mueller to complete his investigation with the time and resources necessary to finish it properly.

I'm in no rush at all.
Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad
There is no eveidence that either president Bush spied on any Kenyans, although I don't see the relevance.

More to the point there is no evidence anyone spied on tRump.

Indeed. But its not about whether or not it happened. Its about repeating the narrative.

It was the same for the birther conspiracy. It wasn't about where Obama was born. But reaffirming the narrative that he wasn't one of 'us'. That he was an 'outsider'. That he wasn't American like 'we' are.

The 'spying' narrative is wildly stupid. Where the FBI choose to 'spy' on the Trump campaign by getting wire taps on Carter page......AFTER page had left the Trump campaign. One of the most idiotic conspiracies in recent memory.

But if they repeat the narrative enough, folks like Frank will believe.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Keep them heads rolling, swing for the fences Mr. President!
  2. We Americans are with you!


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