*Time To Fire Them In Droves!*

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Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

7 Nov, 2018....

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Lol. It's going to be something like that. Trump is not a nice guy and the failed plotters will pay dearly. Personally I'd fire Sessions and deport him to Cuba so he could live out his days in a genuine progressive banana republic

Deport a US citizen?

I take it you wouldn't concern yourself with anything as trivial as laws.

Sessions could be deported as a National security risk

Based on what precedent?

Remember, we're talking about the *actual* law. Not the imaginary version you're making up.
Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad

More of your silly birther conspiracy, frank? And your claims of what I 'woulda' done is just more imagination.

Remember, your claims regarding 'spying' are just more blithering nonsense.
Obama told everyone that he was "born in Kenya" he didn't get to Columbia on his brains or hard work

Except that he didn't tell anyone that he was 'born in Kenya' in the real world. In the wasteland of your imagination, sure.

Which is where your 'spying' claims reside as well.
Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

A Puerto Rican self-proclaimed socialist wins her primary in New York.
No one in the right wing media knew her name.
A black man has been nominated for governor in Florida, the first time in history,
and no one on Fox ever mentioned his name before.
You're tuned into the wrong channel.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?

1. Mueller is supposed to be looking at *Russian Collusion* claims.
2. You know those bought and paid for by Hillary, in *RUSSIA* and launched by McCain?
3. You have been soundly beaten now get the fuck out!

I don't know why President Trump is holding back from firing Sessions. The guy is less than useless. Recusing himself from arguably the most important issue to face the administration is like a general running away from a battle because he doesn't like the strategy. It might not be a capital offense but he needs to be dismissed, and soon.
A Puerto Rican self-proclaimed socialist wins her primary in New York.
No one in the right wing media knew her name.
A black man has been nominated for governor in Florida, the first time in history,
and no one on Fox ever mentioned his name before.
You're tuned into the wrong channel.
None of the fake news rump swabs knew who those freaks were before they won, either...Suffice to say the audience for the CPUSA news is far smaller than you might have believed.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?

1. Mueller is supposed to be looking at *Russian Collusion* claims.

Mueller is supposed to be looking into the Russian Collusion claims....and prosecuting any crimes he finds along the way. Read the order seating the special counsel.

Mueller is looking into the Collusion claim. And all the other crimes he's finding among Trump associates. Is it Mueller's fault that Trump has surounded himself with grifters, frauds, tax cheats, liars, thieves and embezzlers?
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

  1. Mid terms don'tmatter, its whats happening now that matter, people in or near the President need to be gotten rid of *ASAP*!
  2. It doesn't matter the fall out at this point, I see starting the cleanse as a good thing, Trump isn't no fool, he can't allow this bullshit swamp to exist any longer, he knows it and I know it.
  3. They got to go and now, no matter what Trump does the liberal media will complain, so he needs to just clean house, mop and flop.

I don't know why President Trump is holding back from firing Sessions. The guy is less than useless.

Sessions refuses to allow the Justice Department to become a political wing of Trump's GOP, there to investigate and imprison Trump's political opponents.

So yeah. But Trump's standards, Sessions is useless.

Recusing himself from arguably the most important issue to face the administration is like a general running away from a battle because he doesn't like the strategy. It might not be a capital offense but he needs to be dismissed, and soon.

Sessions probably shouldn't have lied before congress about his contacts with Russia.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

  1. Mid terms don'tmatter, its whats happening now that matter, people in or near the President need to be gotten rid of *ASAP*!
  2. It doesn't matter the fall out at this point, I see starting the cleanse as a good thing, Trump isn't no fool, he can't allow this bullshit swamp to exist any longer, he knows it and I know it.
  3. They got to go and now, no matter what Trump does the liberal media will complain, so he needs to just clean house, mop and flop.


Mid Terms do matter. Which is why Trump is spending so much energy stumping for them. As Trump himself has claimed, if they lose the midterms, Trump will be impeached.

I don't think he's right. I think they'd prefer to have a far more impotent and useless president than an impeached martyr. But the importance of the midterms is demonstrated in either case.

As for the 'swamp', that's just another conspiracy theory that Trump has told you to believe. Among many others. Trump has been directly implicated by his own personal lawyer in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. He's admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians. He has surrounded himself with liars, grifters, thieves, embezzlers, tax cheats and frauds. Or as Trump likes to call them.....the 'best people'.

Trump is the swamp.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.

1. You would be onto something if *ANY* of that rang true, look didn't I dismiss you Skyler?
2. McCain was *SWAMP*.
3. Obama~*SWAMP*.
President Trump is outside the *SWAMP*.
4. Thats why America supports him even though the liberal media is constantly attacking him.
5. Trumps aware of the situation.
6. Now go Skyler, go fuck yourself and stay out of this thread!

Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

  1. Mid terms don'tmatter, its whats happening now that matter, people in or near the President need to be gotten rid of *ASAP*!
  2. It doesn't matter the fall out at this point, I see starting the cleanse as a good thing, Trump isn't no fool, he can't allow this bullshit swamp to exist any longer, he knows it and I know it.
  3. They got to go and now, no matter what Trump does the liberal media will complain, so he needs to just clean house, mop and flop.


Mid Terms do matter. Which is why Trump is spending so much energy stumping for them. As Trump himself has claimed, if they lose the midterms, Trump will be impeached.

I don't think he's right. I think they'd prefer to have a far more impotent and useless president than an impeached martyr. But the importance of the midterms is demonstrated in either case.

As for the 'swamp', that's just another conspiracy theory that Trump has told you to believe. Among many others. Trump has been directly implicated by his own personal lawyer in the direction and coordination of federal felonies. He's admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians. He has surrounded himself with liars, grifters, thieves, embezzlers, tax cheats and frauds. Or as Trump likes to call them.....the 'best people'.

Trump is the swamp.
The failed coup will cost democrats seats as if Obama were still potus
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
I thought you said months ago that Mueller would be fired within the week?

1. And well he should of been months ago, he is off track chasing butterflies trying to catch some one doing something wrong, what about the *RUSSIAN COLLUSION*.

Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.

1. You would be onto something if *ANY* of that rang true, look didn't I dismiss you Skyler?
2. McCain was *SWAMP*.
3. Obama~*SWAMP*.
President Trump is outside the *SWAMP*.

Your 'swamp' is a fictitious conspiracy theory you've been told to believe. One of many, many conspiracy theories you've been told to swallow.

McCain was an honorable man, despite the fact that I disagreed with him. And he sacrificed far more for this country than Trump ever has.

4. Thats why America supports him even though the liberal media is constantly attacking him.

Trump's disapproval is above 50%. And his ratings for honesty and integrity are abysmal. And likely to continue to stay low as the Mueller investigation continues. And more of Trump's associates plead guilty to a litanny of federal felonies. Or implicate Trump in the direction and coordination of federal felonies.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad

1. Yes and why isn't Obama on trial?
2. *Obama Swamp*.

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
I thought you said months ago that Mueller would be fired within the week?

1. And well he should of been months ago, he is off track chasing butterflies trying to catch some one doing something wrong, what about the *RUSSIAN COLLUSION*.


Mueller has well over a dozen investigators working for him. The idea that he can't investigate collusion AND prosecute the myriad of crimes of Trump associates....lacks plausibility.

Mueller can do both. As was his mandate when seated as the special counsel.

Mueller is doing his job. And very well.

Which is the reason that Trump and republicans want him stopped.
Sorry bout that,

Trump will use the failed democrat Party coup against them in the midterms.

What 'coup'? You're huffing even more conspiracy theories. Even a passing application of reason demonstrates the absurdity of your entire premise:

A republican lead investigation seated by a republican under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican before a republican run House committee under a republican controlled house.....

....is a 'democrat party coup'?

Why, Frank. That's just silly.
Had Bush spied on the Kenyan you'd be calling for a firing squad

1. Yes and why isn't Obama on trial?

Because your imagination isn't a standard of evidence. Nor is Frank's.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
I thought you said months ago that Mueller would be fired within the week?
You said a year and a half ago Trump would be gone by now.

1. Trump is just getting started, and you can bet you last dollar if *ANYTHING* happens to Trump revolution will follow.
2. Liberal Media will be first thing to go, we will find you.

Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.

Cons: The Premise. The entire 'swamp' narrative is yet another hapless conspiracy theory.

While Mueller's investigation has been remarkably productive. In only 15 months he has half a dozen guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, a trial and 8 felony convictions.

There are clearly crimes among the Trump campaign and Trump administration....as Mueller's results have indicated. Why would we fire Mueller for getting results?
None of which have any bearing on his charter.

Imagine that.

Any good investigator can find some kind of charges against anyone, particularly if they have someone good at playing the perjury trap game.

But let's account people guilty of coping to a plea when they are being bankrupted or having children threatened.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Well this whole situation on all these swamp critters working for the President has hit CRITICAL MASS!
  2. Where to start is the only question.
  3. I would start at the top, JEFFRO SESSIONS!
  4. Mueller next.
  5. Rubinstein afterwards.
  6. These are the main turds infront of the drain clogging it up, get them gone and many will quit.
  7. Who agrees?
  8. I've been reading Trumps tweets, he knows whats up and whats happening, he is NOBODIES fool!
  9. I know many will say after the elections in November, but President Trump needs to take the fucking bull by the horns and get cracking!
  10. Lets debate the pros and cons.
uld you fire Sessions for cause, or pure political cover? Would you fire Mueller for cause, or just to obstruct justice? What are the reasons for firing Rosenstein? Has he broken the law, or is this about protecting a president?

Are we a nation of laws, or have we devolved into a banana republic?

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