Zone1 Time to get serious about racism

EvilCat Breath

Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2016
These racists need to be punished, severely. They hide. Scratch that woman in the grocery store, she has a racist and organized pantry. The mailman starts his day with a racist cup of coffee. Find those with clean kitchens and dunk them in a bucket of Clorox.

Some people can find outrage in a void.
The best thing is living in a small city where people respect one another.

I like my life in a tiny semi-rural farming town where the only graffiti is that which rolls through town on train cars.

I just pray that the real racists stay the hell out of my neighborhood -- the ones that live in the leftist burbs of the population center that's 25 miles away from me.

The best thing you can do about racism is to quit living your life on the internet looking for stuff to get upset about.
The best thing to do about racism is for the government to stop practicing it, with their “hirer fewer whites” initiatives…. and announcements that whites will not be considered for specific, prestigious jobs….and welcoming everyone except whites and Asians to join college prep programs….etc….etc….etc….
The notion of racism is too useful to the democrat party to ever go away.
That is why they are pushing the systemic racism lie…..the “hands up don’t shoot” lie…..the “cops are shooting unarmed blacks” lie….etc., etc.

Any black born within the last 50 years has been given more opportunities than whites. I got disgusted with the whole thing after my work in the admissions field as I witnessed how the leftist administrators had meetings to figure out how to get 3.2 GPA blacks in and reject 3.7 GPA Jews and Asians. My final straw was when they rejected a smart Jewish boy whose mother had died when he was a child to make room for a black boy with far inferior grades and test score.
The notion of racism is too useful to the democrat party to ever go away.
I am a Democrat myself, so I prefer to use the term "anti racist" when discussing hypocrisy and semi totalitarian thought control on this topic.

My "racism" consists of and is limited to evaluating blacks using the same criteria I use when I evaluate whites. My standards are mild. All I ask for is decent behavior.
Time to get serious about racism
Conservatives certainly have – the racist right’s agenda of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, conservatives’ hateful rhetoric hostile to American of color, the racist right’s efforts to disenfranchise voters of color, and the campaign of lies and misrepresentation concerning ‘woke’ and ‘cancel culture’ demonstrate that conservatives are indeed serious about implementing a policy of racism and hate.
Conservatives certainly have – the racist right’s agenda of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, conservatives’ hateful rhetoric hostile to American of color, the racist right’s efforts to disenfranchise voters of color, and the campaign of lies and misrepresentation concerning ‘woke’ and ‘cancel culture’ demonstrate that conservatives are indeed serious about implementing a policy of racism and hate.
I certainly hope so.

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