Zone1 Now you're a racist if you keep an organized pantry


Aunt Thomasina
Somebody cancel this racist bitch!
Omigod, I LOVE her pantry!! I keep mine on a several-shelved ancient plant-lighting fixture that I don't use anymore. I would LOVE a built-in pantry like that.

Okay, I do have pasta organized now (since the last flour moth attack: it's not really cosmetic, turns out. Freeze the pasta for a day or so, then store in glass.) but I've used large glass canning jars, not these plastic ones like she's doing, which I don't think are especially secure. As for the wicker baskets, I don't see it. The crucial thing is to be able to SEE what you've got. If it's in wicker, you can't see what's there. My principal is to have one ahead of everything often used. When that gets moved to active use, put the item on the grocery list.

Wait, does this make me a Karen?

Yeah, obviously I'm a Karen and always have been. :)
Will do .. I'll get racist items for my racist pantry while I drink my racist coffee and bathe in my white priviledge.
If you use Dove soap, or Ivory, or that white bath foam, well, that would just be so awful.
It's almost as if Marxist academia is having some sort of contest to see who can come up with the most utterly ridiculous form of racism.
I think that's exactly what they are doing, except they don't think of it as ridiculous. They think of it as creative analysis, I suppose.

It's certainly a sort of overall hatred of the whole U.S. culture, however. Also, it's part of this Woke glamorization of ineffectiveness and disability. Anyone who is addicted, criminal, incompetent, etc., is glorified and everyone normal, strong, and able is held up for public scorn. I wonder how long this can last, and I suppose the people doing it are probably not among our more productive citizens. Michelle Obama went to Princeton: they let her in because they recruited her very tall brother for basketball. She majored in Black Studies. I always thought that was sort of sad: go to Princeton and waste such an opportunity on Black Studies!!
How about Sioux Bee honey?

Seems to me we're losing a lot of diversity here ------
a white person ... making traditional, black comfort foods like fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread and red beans / rice ... oh my!
Our house doesn't have a pantry. I demand reparations. I demand $50K so I can build on and buy a bunch of pretty baskets, containers, and a label maker because I am too incompetent to look in the baskets and containers to see what is in them.
a white person ... making traditional, black comfort foods like fried chicken, collard greens, cornbread and red beans / rice ... oh my!
I wouldn't be so quick to assume those are black foods. They were our cooks and we taught them what to cook and how, after all. Okay, excepting the collard greens. I don't think whites eat them. Maybe turnip greens, but not collards.
If you swim in the ocean, that would be racist too - all that white froth.
It's interesting to see how creative they are getting about reasons to hate us! Kind of reaching, I'd say, like with the pantries, but hey, as long as everyone is having a good time, right? :eek:
It's interesting to see how creative they are getting about reasons to hate us! Kind of reaching, I'd say, like with the pantries, but hey, as long as everyone is having a good time, right? :eek:
I think we should mock them over their own racist idiocy. Right now I am sitting at a restaurant - and the tablecloth is white. How dare they!
Next anyone who doesn't eat 'soul food' will be called racist.
No, no, no ---- if a white DOES eat "soul food," whatever that is, and it sure isn't just Southern food because we taught them that ---- then they'd say we are culturally appropriating and that isn't allowed either.

These things are easy to mock and don't really matter, except to show poor intellectual ability on the part of blacks, but I'm interested in where authorities are very carefully drawing the line. For instance, commuting highways. Several times blacks have tried that one on, blocking the 695 around Baltimore and other circles around big cities, to stop commuter traffic and get lots of attention. Police don't let that go on long! For one thing, people don't know it's happening and drive right though fast and hit these "protestors." All this is very likely to start a race riot, as is any black incursion into white neighborhoods --- remember those white lawyers with guns outside ready to defend their home a couple years ago when some blacks decided it was somehow a GOOD idea to march in a white neighborhood --- I forget what those ones were up to.

The thing about riots is that they absolutely cannot be stopped. Too many people, can't be done. This is why riot police clearly don't even try: they can't and they know it. Sometimes they've tried, in history, not here, by mowing down the demonstrators, as at Champs de Mars in the French Revolution, or St. Petersburg in Russia, but what invariably happens right away is violent revolution and lots of people being killed.
Well heck. Yesterday, we're racists for drinking coffee. And today we're racists for keeping our pantry organized.

It's a heck of a thing, ain't it?


'A Loyola University professor is claiming that organized pantries are rooted in “racist and sexist social structures,” and that the new so-called “pantry porn” trend, in which people show off their “neatly aligned glass spice jars tagged with printed white labels” and “wicker baskets filled with packages of pasta, crackers and snacks,” has become a status symbol for white women.'

'Associate professor Jenna Drenten wrote an op-ed for the website, the Conversation, in which she reacted to what she calls “pantry porn,” a phenomenon where “obsessively organized kitchens” have become “a new status symbol” on social media.'

“What lies beneath the surface of this anti-messiness, pro-niceness stance is a history of classist, racist and sexist social structures,” the professor added.

How about "refrigerator porn"? ;)

beer in frig.JPG
No, no, no ---- if a white DOES eat "soul food," whatever that is, and it sure isn't just Southern food because we taught them that ---- then they'd say we are culturally appropriating and that isn't allowed either.

These things are easy to mock and don't really matter, except to show poor intellectual ability on the part of blacks, but I'm interested in where authorities are very carefully drawing the line. For instance, commuting highways. Several times blacks have tried that one on, blocking the 695 around Baltimore and other circles around big cities, to stop commuter traffic and get lots of attention. Police don't let that go on long! For one thing, people don't know it's happening and drive right though fast and hit these "protestors." All this is very likely to start a race riot, as is any black incursion into white neighborhoods --- remember those white lawyers with guns outside ready to defend their home a couple years ago when some blacks decided it was somehow a GOOD idea to march in a white neighborhood --- I forget what those ones were up to.

The thing about riots is that they absolutely cannot be stopped. Too many people, can't be done. This is why riot police clearly don't even try: they can't and they know it. Sometimes they've tried, in history, not here, by mowing down the demonstrators, as at Champs de Mars in the French Revolution, or St. Petersburg in Russia, but what invariably happens right away is violent revolution and lots of people being killed.
Good points.

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