You Just Might Be a Liberal If.....

If you think I'm going to number a paper 1-60, take the test, and then grade it to appease you you're nuts.
I hope you all enjoyed it!

Merry Christmas to liberals and conservatives alike.

I am looking forward to someone posting a 'you may be a conservative if...' thread.

It's great but I was wondering when it would end.

I have to take the time to read all of it when I'm not rushed to get ready for work.
Having looked over the questions, I believe that 39 relate directly to the US, while the other 21 are more generic. I got 6 of the US questions wrong and nine of the generic questions wrong. Most of the economic ones........:cool:

Being a Liberal means counting the number of sentences instead of paying attention to the content.

Who's a liberal?

My last post was an example of looking out over a crowded room and yelling "HEY ASSHOLE!!" and waiting for someone to answer.
That was funny! Not as funny as dick cancer though.

Jesus, is every copy and paste this hacky? You hear the one about the GWBush Lie Clock in heaven? Ayuckyuckyuck.
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My last post was an example of looking out over a crowded room and yelling "HEY ASSHOLE!!" and waiting for someone to answer.

No, it was an example of somebody quoting me personally and looking for an answer...

...and you got one...:eusa_whistle:

All I can say is if the shoe fits.......

I bet you can say more than have in the past..

...isn't there a female poster online right now you can go and stalk, er hassle, er say hello to?
You could be a Liberal if you spend most of your time making fun of other people's posts yet get deeply offended when somebody does the same exact thing to you!!!:razz:

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