Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

Look idiots. This restaurant tried to offer vegan stuff and the vegans just became a pain in the ass anyway. So they stopped. That’s their right

Period. End of story
Steak Pizzaiolo can be made vegan?
Now you are just being obtuse. it's not every dish, but if you want Italian, there are a number of dishes that are either flat out vegan already or would need very little changes to be made that way.
It's right on topic. The topic is about a restaurant owner making a business decision not to cater to vegans any longer, and the vegans protesting and being so upset about it.

If I go to a Chinese place and ask them to make me a pizza, they would tell me they don't make pizzas there, they make Chinese food. No problem, I'll simply go to a pizza parlor and get a pizza. So why are vegans upset about this restaurant in the op? Because they can't simply go to a vegan restaurant like I can go to a pizza parlor. There are not many around because they can't make money. With all this talk about how veganism is a growing trend and restaurants already having the ingredients to make vegan food, they don't. There is a reason for it.

I used to go to KFC all the time. Since covid, they completely changed. You can no longer go inside any of their restaurants, at least around here. They changed their menu from chicken dinners to chicken strips, sandwich's and nuggets. I don't want strips and nuggets, I want real pieces of chicken like they used to have. So now when I want a chicken dinner, I go to Popeye's. Over here, there is a Popeye's right across the street from KFC.
I did not realize that! I'll have to go see, we have both sorts of stores near me. No more KFC? Darn.
You're being too kind.

Savages love to kill as long as they can stay out of danger themselves. . It's not about vegans, it's about their defense of their savagery. The ones who have no compassion for animals are the same ones terrorizing other humans in Chicago, just a different skin color.
They like to think of themselves differently....but hedonistic, blood thirsty savages is exactly what they are. Rome descended to their lust for blood.
What they would love to see is the arenas return where their fellow man (never them however) was thrown to lions or gladiators disembowel each other.
That is their passion.

It takes a higher degree of intelligence to leave the savagery instinct behind. Sadly, intelligence is dwindling. Look at US universities.
As you can see, humanunkind is not likely to advance any further due to this as we can clearly see America is in decline to prove that point.

But thanks for remaining calm and trying to reason with savages.
I didn't realize you got it (no offense intended). Thanks for laying it out so "bluntly"
Oh geeze, now it's eggs!!!! Hell, we've only recently took a small step forward to stop abortions in this country and you're worried about having eggs from animals? :auiqs.jpg:

He was talking about baby male chicks being ground up alive en masse, which is standard practice in the egg industry because male chicks are of no use to them.


Not even close. I probably cook a larger variety of cuisines than vegans eat.
I'm talking variety of individual foods.

Not a type of cooking.

American style chicken and potatoes and French style chicken and potatoes are still just chicken and potatoes.
Sure there is. I want the meat that they provide. It's a business. Animals are like crops where you grow them specifically for food.

And your avatar says it all.
Blood thirsty imbecile.

I wish YOU could have been on one of those trains to Auschwitz where you would have been "just a piece of worthless flesh to be eradicated"
Seems the only way your type could ever understand.

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He was talking about baby male chicks being ground up alive en masse, which is standard practice in the egg industry because male chicks are of no use to them.


You know, I didn't even know this! Thank you!

BTW, I love your latest video. I love the perspective you add. Keep them coming
Oh geeze, now it's eggs!!!! Hell, we've only recently took a small step forward to stop abortions in this country and you're worried about having eggs from animals? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes eggs too or do you think it's acceptable to grind baby chicks alive?

and the egg industry is just as cruel to animals as the beef industry

It an ethical choice but I guess you don't understand that
Auto correct is essential....French, Italian and Spanish spelling classes as an adult totally messed me up....and my stupid phone does what it wants.

I learned this stuff long before cell phones ever were popular.
Excuses excuses.

If you want to impugn someone's intelligence check your own spelling first.
He was talking about baby male chicks being ground up alive en masse, which is standard practice in the egg industry because male chicks are of no use to them.


Reading the wikipedia article on this makes me laugh because the new technology proposed for destroying male eggs instead of culling male chicks seems concerned about the pain threshold of chicken embryos.

Chicken Embryos.

I have a sad feeling many vegans who are concerned about chicken embryo pain are A-OK with abortion at any time in humans.

Crushing is the quickest way to kill the male chicks, and is as humane as you can get in this regards.

Also your whole "blender" thing is a lie. Industrial macerators are far faster and I doubt said male chicks even know what happened, even in their limited mental state.
Yes eggs too or do you think it's acceptable to grind baby chicks alive?

and the egg industry is just as cruel to animals as the beef industry

It an ethical choice but I guess you don't understand that

No, I don't understand how you equate eggs with grinding up baby chicks.

Reading the wikipedia article on this makes me laugh because the new technology proposed for destroying male eggs instead of culling male chicks seems concerned about the pain threshold of chicken embryos.

Chicken Embryos.

I have a sad feeling many vegans who are concerned about chicken embryo pain are A-OK with abortion at any time in humans.

Crushing is the quickest way to kill the male chicks, and is as humane as you can get in this regards.

Also your whole "blender" thing is a lie. Industrial macerators are far faster and I doubt said male chicks even know what happened, even in their limited mental state.
These are live chicks that are thrown into a macerator.

And you're OK with that right?

What if you next door neighbor ran his lawn mower over a bunch of baby birds that's OK too right?

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