TNHarleys solution to the school shooting problem

Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
A shooter walks into your classroom after gunning other classrooms. You know he's coming. Do you want a gun or not? It really is that basic and simple.
Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
I wonder how many teachers actually thought that way that were unfortunately shot in a gun free school, and as their life ebbed form then, did they change their minds?

I guess the world will never know.

Pay me more and we’ll talk. Respect my job more and we’ll talk. Prioritize education with actual funds so that I don’t buy supplies for the classroom, and we’ll talk.
Bring back State Mental Hospitals

Long overdue.

Deinstitutionalization and Mass Murders
Could deinstitutionalization have contributed to the rise of mass shootings? Since 1976, there has been an average of 20 mass murders a year. J. Reid Meloy, Ph.D., is a forensic psychologist who studied them. He found that mass murderers suffer mental illnesses that range from chronic psychotic disturbances and schizophrenia to paranoid disorders. They have the paranoid, narcissistic and schizoid traits of personality disorders.

These were not normal people who simply "snapped." Instead, they suffered for years from untreated or poorly treated mental illness. Most planned the shooting for years. Meloy argues that behavioral threat assessments are available and that these are our best hope of prevention. (Source: "
Seven Myths of Mass Murder," Psychology Today, April 21, 2014.)


The danger of closing 'asylums'

Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
A shooter walks into your classroom after gunning other classrooms. You know he's coming. Do you want a gun or not? It really is that basic and simple.

You guys are hilarious. We’re not supposed to use the fear of mass shootings to discuss gun control, but you’ll use it to try to bully me into agreeing to be armed.
Prioritize education with actual funds so that I don’t buy supplies for the classroom, and we’ll talk.

and here is where TNHarley's idea goes, down the endless rathole of left wing kleptocracy... public education.

We spend over $10k per kid in the public schools, and they claim that does not fund pencils, because they steal, lie, hate, and discriminate....

W dumped a trillion into that rathole and was rewarded for doing so with record low test scores as he left office...

SCHOOL VOUCHERS = the real solution.
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.
That is not a realistic plan imo
Why not.? If you can keep the weapons out the killings stop.
The investment to retrofit every school in america to accomodate this plan is not realistic. Not to mention the cost of employment to staff it and its upkeep.
Metal detectors at unlocked entrances should be looked into but his tunnel idea is not feasible
The tunnel is required to make it secure. Any perp entering is trapped between the ID turnstile and the final gate after metal detection. He also has an armed guard behind bullet proof glass on high alert after the MD goes off.

A unguarded metal detector is a waste - it adds no proactive security.
1. Actual security in schools. Armed guards and or trained and armed teachers.
2. Raise age to buy guns, enlist in military and vote to 21. Raising the age to buy guns sounds like a good idea. If we were to do that, being able to enlist our vote doesnt make much sense IMO.
3. Expand background checks to get OKd by local police. If it passes the fed check and the local police reject it, they should explain why, with evidence. There should also be a reasonable time limit on their part. Maybe 2 days?
4. This is the most important part. Sadly, its also the part that is least likely to happen. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. be a father. Be a mother. Parents need some damn responsibility and take care of and pay attention to their kids. Dont let medicine raise your kids, you straighten their ass out. Quit being a coward. Just because a child doesnt pay attention to everything, doesnt mean they need medicine. They need you. Obviously that isnt always the case but lets be real, ok?
I dont want to discuss you bedwetters wanting to take our guns. We didnt do anything wrong.
These are reasonable solutions, lets discuss these.
Do you like them? Want to tweak one? Have a REASONABLE one of your own?
Lets hear it.
all these people screaming 'we have to do something' with no solution ideas. just blame a gun. wow!!!!!
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.

What the-? :eek:

Dude, when I was in school, pretty Dragonflies would fly in and out of the 2 open doors all day. It's school, not prison!

You pull some crap like that, and the kids will be institutionalized, just like prison! WTF?!

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Number 2 sticks out the worst to me. You are simply punishing one group of adults to avoid punishing another. I see no reason to stop highschool grads from joining the military. In fact that choice is the only path out of poverty & crime that many kids have. Your solution would leave them in limbo for 3 years.

Then we should recognize 18 years old as the age of majority and allow anyone one who is 18 and therefore an adult to buy liquor and anything else that is restricted to the age of 21 at present

100% right, there has to be only one age of majority, be it 18, 21 or whatever.
1. Actual security in schools. Armed guards and or trained and armed teachers.
2. Raise age to buy guns, enlist in military and vote to 21. Raising the age to buy guns sounds like a good idea. If we were to do that, being able to enlist our vote doesnt make much sense IMO.
3. Expand background checks to get OKd by local police. If it passes the fed check and the local police reject it, they should explain why, with evidence. There should also be a reasonable time limit on their part. Maybe 2 days?
4. This is the most important part. Sadly, its also the part that is least likely to happen. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. be a father. Be a mother. Parents need some damn responsibility and take care of and pay attention to their kids. Dont let medicine raise your kids, you straighten their ass out. Quit being a coward. Just because a child doesnt pay attention to everything, doesnt mean they need medicine. They need you. Obviously that isnt always the case but lets be real, ok?
I dont want to discuss you bedwetters wanting to take our guns. We didnt do anything wrong.
These are reasonable solutions, lets discuss these.
Do you like them? Want to tweak one? Have a REASONABLE one of your own?
Lets hear it.

If we could do number 4, we wouldn't need 1-3. But to get to number 4, we probably need some of 1-3 implemented in the interim. Sadly, we're looking at 4 in the rear view mirror.
Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
A shooter walks into your classroom after gunning other classrooms. You know he's coming. Do you want a gun or not? It really is that basic and simple.

You guys are hilarious. We’re not supposed to use the fear of mass shootings to discuss gun control, but you’ll use it to try to bully me into agreeing to be armed.
Not bullying you at all. It's a common sense question. My answer is HELL YEAH GIMME A GUN. I want the chance to protect myself and my students.
Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
A shooter walks into your classroom after gunning other classrooms. You know he's coming. Do you want a gun or not? It really is that basic and simple.

You guys are hilarious. We’re not supposed to use the fear of mass shootings to discuss gun control, but you’ll use it to try to bully me into agreeing to be armed.

You don't have to be armed. you just have to be willing not to throw a hissy fit if a fellow teacher who is a CCW holder is armed at school.

This doesn't involve anything by you except staying out of the way.
Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
A shooter walks into your classroom after gunning other classrooms. You know he's coming. Do you want a gun or not? It really is that basic and simple.

You guys are hilarious. We’re not supposed to use the fear of mass shootings to discuss gun control, but you’ll use it to try to bully me into agreeing to be armed.
Not bullying you at all. It's a common sense question. My answer is HELL YEAH GIMME A GUN. I want the chance to protect myself and my students.


It’s not my job.

And yes, you’re using a mass shooting to further your agenda. I’ve heard from several conservatives on here that that’s BAD.
Maybe if Public Schools had CHOICE to keep or get rid of students instead of taking them back again and again and again regardless of what they do to other students, to teachers...regardless if they are emotionally disturbed, have behavioral disorders, etc.
Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
A shooter walks into your classroom after gunning other classrooms. You know he's coming. Do you want a gun or not? It really is that basic and simple.

You guys are hilarious. We’re not supposed to use the fear of mass shootings to discuss gun control, but you’ll use it to try to bully me into agreeing to be armed.

You don't have to be armed. you just have to be willing not to throw a hissy fit if a fellow teacher who is a CCW holder is armed at school.

This doesn't involve anything by you except staying out of the way.

You mean out of the crossfire?
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.

I don't have an issue with having all schools fenced and gated with one entry
way onto the campus. Have a camera and loudspeaker at the Gate.
Possibly a metal detector.

Have the individual escorted to the office and then they do whatever
they're going to do or whatever they're there for.

Not all visitors are gonna have badges.

This should be mandatory. The first thing that must be done is to secure
that campus.
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.

What the-? :eek:

Dude, when I was in school, pretty Dragonflies would fly in and out of the 2 open doors all day. It's school, not prison!

You pull some crap like that, and the kids will be institutionalized, just like prison! WTF?!
if you want a secure environment for the students, you gotta make it secure. Talking won't help, laws won't help. The crazies will still be out there and so will guns. You want school killings to stop? Secure the schools - anything less is pissin' up a rope.
1. Actual security in schools. Armed guards and or trained and armed teachers.
2. Raise age to buy guns, enlist in military and vote to 21. Raising the age to buy guns sounds like a good idea. If we were to do that, being able to enlist our vote doesnt make much sense IMO.
3. Expand background checks to get OKd by local police. If it passes the fed check and the local police reject it, they should explain why, with evidence. There should also be a reasonable time limit on their part. Maybe 2 days?
4. This is the most important part. Sadly, its also the part that is least likely to happen. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. be a father. Be a mother. Parents need some damn responsibility and take care of and pay attention to their kids. Dont let medicine raise your kids, you straighten their ass out. Quit being a coward. Just because a child doesnt pay attention to everything, doesnt mean they need medicine. They need you. Obviously that isnt always the case but lets be real, ok?
I dont want to discuss you bedwetters wanting to take our guns. We didnt do anything wrong.
These are reasonable solutions, lets discuss these.
Do you like them? Want to tweak one? Have a REASONABLE one of your own?
Lets hear it.
Turn schools into armed camps?

I suppose that means add metal detectors, x ray machines, building a bunker style layout.

Oops, then what happens when they leave school? Sitting ducks?

Teachers being asked to shoot students instead of teaching them. What if a teacher is scared? Shoot first?

Are you sure you've thought this through?

How about banning military style assault weapons? After all, if you are so afraid of the government, perhaps you should move to Russia. I hear Republicans think we should be more like them.
Besides, if you are heavily armed, the government isn't going to send someone who could get killed. No, they will send drones. You won't even see it coming. Bam! You died holding your AR. How much protection did it offer?

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