TNHarleys solution to the school shooting problem

Holy crap! Thank God that when I turned 18, I could just walk into the pawn shop and walk out with whatever rifle I wanted that I could afford, and I did! You fuckers are looking to deprive future generations of the same freedom. :(

Freedom is losing today. :(

Alas, poor Freedom, I knew him well.
Holy crap! Thank God that when I turned 18, I could just walk into the pawn shop and walk out with whatever rifle I wanted that I could afford, and I did! You fuckers are looking to deprive future generations of the same freedom. :(

Freedom is losing today. :(
I have always held that liberal public schools are the greatest threat to freedom we face, seconded only by the media traitors that should hang.
You have a better plan to stop the shootings ? If not shut the fuck up. We could have metal detectors in pretty fast. Pups plan is better but would take longer. Arming teachers is stupid. When they had problems with plane hijackings they didn't give the pilot a gun they put in detectors to keep them from getting on the plane.
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.

What the-? :eek:

Dude, when I was in school, pretty Dragonflies would fly in and out of the 2 open doors all day. It's school, not prison!

You pull some crap like that, and the kids will be institutionalized, just like prison! WTF?!
if you want a secure environment for the students, you gotta make it secure. Talking won't help, laws won't help. The crazies will still be out there and so will guns. You want school killings to stop? Secure the schools - anything less is pissin' up a rope.

How 'bout securing the crazies instead? :whatsign:
That would be part of the long term solution. The problem exists now and needs an immediate solution. Security is the only viable option to stop school shootings. Society must decide if they want to pay the price in dollars or kids lives.

Then what is? Fairy dust won't keep the crazies out. Lay out a better plan that will work.
You ever been around someone that's institutionalized in the head? Making school like prison is not the solution.

Hell, my cat that just died was institutionalized.
You have a better plan to stop the shootings ? If not shut the fuck up. We could have metal detectors in pretty fast. Pups plan is better but would take longer. Arming teachers is stupid. When they had problems with plane hijackings they didn't give the pilot a gun they put in detectors to keep them from getting on the plane.
Arming teachers is not stupid. Liberals are stupid.
Arming teachers is the last line of defense. The objective is to prevent the shooter entry. If he gets in, the security system has failed - by definition. It's an entirely different situation to throw down on a live target, especially one committed to killing you, than compared to training and target shooting. Frankly, most teachers couldn't handle it.

They would need to practice often, and like you said, it’s still not the same.
Holy crap! Thank God that when I turned 18, I could just walk into the pawn shop and walk out with whatever rifle I wanted that I could afford, and I did! You fuckers are looking to deprive future generations of the same freedom. :(

YUP. The person should be of sound mind and character. The requirement should be more than just 18 years old, and a citizen. Most of the school shooters have been kids who had all kinds of red flags on their permanent record. If you want a gun, get good grades, stay out of trouble. Those are the least likely to want a gun to get even for what happened to them in school.
Arming teachers is the last line of defense. The objective is to prevent the shooter entry. If he gets in, the security system has failed - by definition. It's an entirely different situation to throw down on a live target, especially one committed to killing you, than compared to training and target shooting. Frankly, most teachers couldn't handle it.

They would need to practice often, and like you said, it’s still not the same.

Better than what's going on now.
Arming teachers is the last line of defense. The objective is to prevent the shooter entry. If he gets in, the security system has failed - by definition. It's an entirely different situation to throw down on a live target, especially one committed to killing you, than compared to training and target shooting. Frankly, most teachers couldn't handle it.

They would need to practice often, and like you said, it’s still not the same.
Like I said, the last line of defense - kill or be killed time. The solution is for that scenario to never happen by NEVER allowing a shooter inside a school. Stop 'em at the door (gate).
BAN BACKPACKS! Back in the day none of us had a backpack....we carried the books home we needed for homework and left the rest of them in our lockers. And we grew up straight and tall. Look at the kids' posture these's deformed from lugging around those packs.....and without backpacks, there's only one way to get a pistol into a school...your easy frisk.
Arming teachers is the last line of defense. The objective is to prevent the shooter entry. If he gets in, the security system has failed - by definition. It's an entirely different situation to throw down on a live target, especially one committed to killing you, than compared to training and target shooting. Frankly, most teachers couldn't handle it.

They would need to practice often, and like you said, it’s still not the same.

Better than what's going on now.

Is there some magical, mind-reading system wherein bullets find the target you want to aim for?

Because I could never bear to have accidentally shooting an innocent child on my conscience.

School shootings are scenes of madness and chaos and confusion. It’s not like the movies where you’re introduced to the bad guy before the action begins.
Arming teachers is the last line of defense. The objective is to prevent the shooter entry. If he gets in, the security system has failed - by definition. It's an entirely different situation to throw down on a live target, especially one committed to killing you, than compared to training and target shooting. Frankly, most teachers couldn't handle it.

They would need to practice often, and like you said, it’s still not the same.

Better than what's going on now.

Is there some magical, mind-reading system wherein bullets find the target you want to aim for?

Because I could never bear to have accidentally shooting an innocent child on my conscience.

School shootings are scenes of madness and chaos and confusion. It’s not like the movies where you’re introduced to the bad guy before the action begins.

No, but you can add a laser that will "paint" the impact point.
The school area needs to be secure from entry. Armed guards alone aren't enough. They have to react to an active shooter to be effective. Stop the shooter from getting inside to begin with.

Use electronic ID badges as the first gate, then pass into an enclosed metal detection area. This area is under guard and that guard allows final access into the school. This guard is behind bullet proof glass with gun ports.
That is not a realistic plan imo
Why not.? If you can keep the weapons out the killings stop.
The investment to retrofit every school in america to accomodate this plan is not realistic. Not to mention the cost of employment to staff it and its upkeep.
Metal detectors at unlocked entrances should be looked into but his tunnel idea is not feasible
Yep, it would be expensive as hell but worth it IMO. Being that guns are the preferred choice of weapons for school shootings I propose a 50% sales tax on guns and ammo to pay for the extra school security.

There wouldn't be very much funding for the security you claim to want, then. Funding would would fall woefully short and gun shops would close, thereby reducing the revenue further. Something tells me it's really not the security of the children that motivates you.
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Secure the schools the same as any government building. That's it. This isn't rocket science people. Hell if you want to really take it to the next level; put the local PD precinct on the same campus with the school.
BAN BACKPACKS! Back in the day none of us had a backpack....we carried the books home we needed for homework and left the rest of them in our lockers. And we grew up straight and tall. Look at the kids' posture these's deformed from lugging around those packs.....and without backpacks, there's only one way to get a pistol into a school...your easy frisk.

How old are you. They haven't put lockers in schools since the 1990's

Locker Shocker : Growing Number of Schools Eliminate the Metal Boxes

Locker Shocker : Growing Number of Schools Eliminate the Metal Boxes
December 06, 1989|

But school lockers are now becoming history in a small but slowly growing number of Southern California schools.

"It's too hard to carry all your books. Let me show you my history book," said Jefferson Middle School student Jason Knowles, displaying a thick text. "Now, picture eight of these," continued the eighth-grader, whose 75-pound frame carries a heavy backpack daily.

Diana Pichierri, principal of Desert Springs Middle School, a new school in the Palm Springs Unified School District that was built without lockers
Oh, and TNHarley....

I will not be armed. I am a teacher, not a guard. From people who whine about teachers getting paid too much, not working enough, being disrespected as “babysitters” and “liberal indoctrination,” we get a proposal adding more burden to our shoulders?

To hell with that.
I wonder how many teachers actually thought that way that were unfortunately shot in a gun free school, and as their life ebbed form then, did they change their minds?

I guess the world will never know.

Pay me more and we’ll talk. Respect my job more and we’ll talk. Prioritize education with actual funds so that I don’t buy supplies for the classroom, and we’ll talk.

None of that matters if you're dead.
1. Actual security in schools. Armed guards and or trained and armed teachers.
2. Raise age to buy guns, enlist in military and vote to 21. Raising the age to buy guns sounds like a good idea. If we were to do that, being able to enlist our vote doesnt make much sense IMO.
3. Expand background checks to get OKd by local police. If it passes the fed check and the local police reject it, they should explain why, with evidence. There should also be a reasonable time limit on their part. Maybe 2 days?
4. This is the most important part. Sadly, its also the part that is least likely to happen. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING. be a father. Be a mother. Parents need some damn responsibility and take care of and pay attention to their kids. Dont let medicine raise your kids, you straighten their ass out. Quit being a coward. Just because a child doesnt pay attention to everything, doesnt mean they need medicine. They need you. Obviously that isnt always the case but lets be real, ok?
I dont want to discuss you bedwetters wanting to take our guns. We didnt do anything wrong.
These are reasonable solutions, lets discuss these.
Do you like them? Want to tweak one? Have a REASONABLE one of your own?
Lets hear it.

I don't know if we can afford multiple armed guards in every school. But we do need to invest in physical security of the schools

I don't support raising the age to buy guns to 21. Many 18 year olds hunt and are responsible gun owners. But they don't need an AR-15 for hunting

We need to eliminate the loopholes in the way we do background checks. Too easy to fall through the cracks (gaps)

It would be nice if we could legislate being good parents, eliminate poverty, stop bullying....but adding guns to the equation does not help

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