To (All) the White Girls Who Didn’t Get Into The College Of Their Dreams


Jun 2, 2011
To (All) the White Girls Who Didn?t Get Into The College Of Their Dreams | Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture

".........To paraphrase Mad Men: “Not every little girl gets to do what they want. The world could not support that many ballerinas…or Ivy League graduates.” My advice to Suzy, Abigail, and every other white girl who didn’t get into their first choice of college this year is to keep your rejection out of the public eye and do what every other kid does when they go off to school in the Fall: give it the ol’ college try. Seriously, make the most of the environment around you, and if you really don’t like it? Again, keep the Wall Street Journal out of it; have an amazing first year, and apply for transfer. And do it while understanding that the group of Black, Native, and Asian, and Latina first-year students hanging out on a Harvard quad had nothing to do with you not getting in in the first place.

That was your own comparative mediocrity."
What I've been preaching since day one. - poet.
To (All) the White Girls Who Didn?t Get Into The College Of Their Dreams | Racialicious - the intersection of race and pop culture

From two weeks ago...

Supreme Court Weighs In On Race With Affirmative Action, Voting Rights Cases

".........To paraphrase Mad Men: “Not every little girl gets to do what they want. The world could not support that many ballerinas…or Ivy League graduates.” My advice to Suzy, Abigail, and every other white girl who didn’t get into their first choice of college this year is to keep your rejection out of the public eye and do what every other kid does when they go off to school in the Fall: give it the ol’ college try. Seriously, make the most of the environment around you, and if you really don’t like it? Again, keep the Wall Street Journal out of it; have an amazing first year, and apply for transfer. And do it while understanding that the group of Black, Native, and Asian, and Latina first-year students hanging out on a Harvard quad had nothing to do with you not getting in in the first place.

That was your own comparative mediocrity."
What I've been preaching since day one. - poet.

It is not possible to maintain the same level of racial diversity in higher education while applying a race-blind admissions policy.

...whites make up by far the largest portion of low-income families.

In 2003, when the Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious admissions are constitutional if carefully carried out, it gave two basic reasons: they serve a compelling interest of society; and without them, selective colleges and universities would be much less diverse than they must be to serve that interest.

It appears that Suzy and Abigail may have a point, and Kendra appears to be a jealous vindictive bitch.

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