To designate As Terrorist group, or not ?


Extra long Bad Ass Cut.
Sep 17, 2011
You all have heard about the terror plot, in case you have not I have linked it here.

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted - Yahoo! News

Now, Some say that the Mexican drug cartels should be designated as terrorist organizations, and prosecuted as such. What are the thoughts of you all on this ? What will it mean for the paltry stance of our current crop if Republican candidates on illegal immigration, and NAFTA ? Would Mexico tolerate predator strikes in Juarez, Tijuana and Nogalas ? And what about the tentacles of thees gangs that have stretched into our city's ? Will we see Navy SEALS raiding crack houses and meth labs ? If you buy an ounce of weed from a member of MS-13 what does that mean for you ?
You all have heard about the terror plot, in case you have not I have linked it here.

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted - Yahoo! News

Now, Some say that the Mexican drug cartels should be designated as terrorist organizations, and prosecuted as such. What are the thoughts of you all on this ? What will it mean for the paltry stance of our current crop if Republican candidates on illegal immigration, and NAFTA ? Would Mexico tolerate predator strikes in Juarez, Tijuana and Nogalas ? And what about the tentacles of thees gangs that have stretched into our city's ? Will we see Navy SEALS raiding crack houses and meth labs ? If you buy an ounce of weed from a member of MS-13 what does that mean for you ?

Yes they are terrorists.

They use violence to try and affect people's behavior and coerce them into allowing the drug cartels to do anything they want.

Terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They are certainly terrorists in mexico where the intent is to replace the government. Right now they are only "for hire" in the US without an agenda of their own.
Ten Arizona sheriffs slammed the Obama administration on Friday over a botched federal operation that allowed up to 1,400 high-powered rifles to make their way to Mexico, calling for the president to launch an independent investigation and for Attorney General Eric Holder to step down or be fired.

Speaking at the state capitol in Phoenix, the sheriffs called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' 2009 operation, known as "Fast and Furious," a betrayal of state law enforcement.
Sheriffs blast "Fast and Furious" operation - CBS News

Why a gunrunning scandal codenamed “Fast and Furious,” a program run secretly by the U.S. government that sent thousands of firearms over an international border and directly into the hands of criminals, hasn’t been pursued by an army of reporters all trying to be the next Bob Woodward or Carl Bernstein is a story in itself.
"Fast And Furious" Just Might Be President Obama's Watergate - Forbes
So then should they be put on the list with Al Qaeda and pursued in the same manner ?
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So then should they be put on the list with Al Qaeda and pursued in the same manner ?

It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.
So then should they be put on the list with Al Qaeda and pursued in the same manner ?

It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.

Something like we did with the guy in Columbia ? Pablo Escabar ?
we will be targeting Mexican drug lords with drones sooner than you think. And I think the use will spread across the globe and it will occur with tacit agreement of the governments and in some instances without it. Drone strikes are seen differently than aircraft strikes and not as provocative.

However you will never ... hmm never say never. The probability of drone strikes in the US are almost zero. The Military has to abide by Posse Comitatus (which has been diluted to the point where they can be used in drug interdiction[see]) and the CIA is not supposed to operate here. The constitutional issues of assassinating people on American soil will probably keep drone strikes out of the US.
So then should they be put on the list with Al Qaeda and pursued in the same manner ?

It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.

Something like we did with the guy in Columbia ? Pablo Escabar ?

I would prefer something more like we did with Al-Alwaki. I think there is too much corruption in the mexican govt to successfully do the columbia thing again.

For those who want to know what we did with Pablo Escabar Pablo Escobar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.

Something like we did with the guy in Columbia ? Pablo Escabar ?

I would prefer something more like we did with Al-Alwaki. I think there is too much corruption in the mexican govt to successfully do the columbia thing again.

For those who want to know what we did with Pablo Escabar Pablo Escobar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is also a great book called "Killing Pablo", great read, and you could most likely get it at the used book store cheap. What do you guys think it will mean here in America, deep in our cities where the Mexican gangs have put down roots ?
Drug cartels are not terrorists. They are the Mexican government. It's just not socially acceptable, so they install puppets with their vast financial backing.
Dear EC: to curb and deter abuses of civil rights and liberties under the law,
I recommend requiring citizens, and especially any large institution that incorporates as an organization, to sign agreements to uphold the laws, Bill of Rights, and Code of Ethics; including respecting equal protection, due process, and representation of the interests of others under the same laws. That way, no person or group can abuse the laws by which they invoke their own rights.

The problems we face today come from individuals, corporations, even church or state entities invoking protections while denying the same to others; so large groups especially can abuse collective resources, authority and influence to violate civil rights of individuals.

If all individuals and organizations sign agreements to uphold the same laws we invoke,
then we would effectively have to work to earn and maintain our rights of citizenship,
or risk having these rights revoked if they are abused to violate the rights of others.

You all have heard about the terror plot, in case you have not I have linked it here.

U.S. Says Iran-Tied Terror Plot in Washington, D.C. Disrupted - Yahoo! News

Now, Some say that the Mexican drug cartels should be designated as terrorist organizations, and prosecuted as such. What are the thoughts of you all on this ? What will it mean for the paltry stance of our current crop if Republican candidates on illegal immigration, and NAFTA ? Would Mexico tolerate predator strikes in Juarez, Tijuana and Nogalas ? And what about the tentacles of thees gangs that have stretched into our city's ? Will we see Navy SEALS raiding crack houses and meth labs ? If you buy an ounce of weed from a member of MS-13 what does that mean for you ?
So then should they be put on the list with Al Qaeda and pursued in the same manner ?

It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.

It would be easier to legalize drugs and put these cartels out of business. Prohibition does not work.
So then should they be put on the list with Al Qaeda and pursued in the same manner ?

It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.

It would be easier to legalize drugs and put these cartels out of business. Prohibition does not work.

I didn't say anything about prohibition.

And to be honest I don't want drugs legalized....they are expensive enough without letting the govt get their greedy fingers involved :lol: (Italics indicate joke)
It would make things easier but the first time we drone strike a druglord in Mexico I don't think the Mexican govt. will be pleased.

If we talk to mexico first about it and come to some agreement where they aren't mad, we can act, and we can accomplish both without compromising the effectiveness of such a policy then sure.

It would be easier to legalize drugs and put these cartels out of business. Prohibition does not work.

I didn't say anything about prohibition.

And to be honest I don't want drugs legalized....they are expensive enough without letting the govt get their greedy fingers involved :lol: (Italics indicate joke)

I did not say that you said anything. see what you mean about the government getting involved, but at least it would be taxed. An economist at one of the Ivy League schools estimated that legalizing Marijuana would give the government 7 billion dollars a year in taxes and savings in law enforcement.
It would be easier to legalize drugs and put these cartels out of business. Prohibition does not work.

I didn't say anything about prohibition.

And to be honest I don't want drugs legalized....they are expensive enough without letting the govt get their greedy fingers involved :lol: (Italics indicate joke)

I did not say that you said anything. see what you mean about the government getting involved, but at least it would be taxed. An economist at one of the Ivy League schools estimated that legalizing Marijuana would give the government 7 billion dollars a year in taxes and savings in law enforcement.

You evil person wanting to take 7 billion out of hte hands of stoners!!!!!

Ok ok sorry, im just not in a serious mood right now.
I didn't say anything about prohibition.

And to be honest I don't want drugs legalized....they are expensive enough without letting the govt get their greedy fingers involved :lol: (Italics indicate joke)

I did not say that you said anything. see what you mean about the government getting involved, but at least it would be taxed. An economist at one of the Ivy League schools estimated that legalizing Marijuana would give the government 7 billion dollars a year in taxes and savings in law enforcement.

You evil person wanting to take 7 billion out of hte hands of stoners!!!!!

Ok ok sorry, im just not in a serious mood right now.
it would be a boon to the snack food industry!!!
I did not say that you said anything. see what you mean about the government getting involved, but at least it would be taxed. An economist at one of the Ivy League schools estimated that legalizing Marijuana would give the government 7 billion dollars a year in taxes and savings in law enforcement.

You evil person wanting to take 7 billion out of hte hands of stoners!!!!!

Ok ok sorry, im just not in a serious mood right now.
it would be a boon to the snack food industry!!!

mmmmmmmmmmm MUNCHIES


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