To ignite the economy:


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2009
When Kennedy was elected, he challenged the country to put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth. This created the new world, It was a hinge moment in the history of mankind that connected and divided everything that came before with everything that followed.

Why not do it again?

We as a county should commit to end the importation of any kind of energy from any foreign sources by the year 2022. Drill our own oil, mine our own coal, gasify coal, harvest Natural gas, use solar, nuclear, wind batteries and all the rest.

This would remove us from the world market of energy consumption and undermine the importance of the Middle East in our planning and economy. It would create hundreds of thousands of jobs and create an industrial expansion like the dot com revolution of the 90's. With our demand removed from the world's demand, the price of oil would drop everywhere to prices low enough to spur the economies and open the markets of countries world wide.

Our drive to achieve this would catapult us into the front of the energy research fields and we would have the products to manufacture and export to the rest of the world.

Just a thought.
Let's commit to bringing Conservatives back to veto-proof power in Congress and 75% of the US State houses by 2016
What Kennedy did first was big time tax cuts and that ended the recession. This time we got Obamacare's massive tax hike and the economy's gotten worse. Proposing more state control of the economy now is crazy.
What Kennedy did first was big time tax cuts and that ended the recession. This time we got Obamacare's massive tax hike and the economy's gotten worse. Proposing more state control of the economy now is crazy.

Proposing more control of the economy? I suppose that's part of it, but not really. Just a short notice to all that there will be no energy imported into the USA after 2012. A national understanding that the uptick in domestic production would need to occur to meet the upcoming changeover.

A deconstruction of the EPA would probably be a needed step to make this happen. That is, at the Federal level. Then each state could do what it wanted to make the fortune. I would assume that states like California might continue to import energy from neighboring states and also build windmills.

The oil shale states might exploit that. The natural gas states might use that. Coal states the same. Maybe some more Hoover dams.

Is anyone else a little tired of funding the guys that are attacking us?
But it was Republican President Eisenhower who put down the foundation by building the highway system and funding NASA. Eisenhower supported a 90% plus tax rate on the richest Americans. Course, this was when liberals were still a major factor in the Republican Party before they all left and conservative moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party because they hated blacks.. It's why the Republican Party today is 90% white.
But it was Republican President Eisenhower who put down the foundation by building the highway system and funding NASA. Eisenhower supported a 90% plus tax rate on the richest Americans. Course, this was when liberals were still a major factor in the Republican Party before they all left and conservative moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party because they hated blacks.. It's why the Republican Party today is 90% white.

True enough, my demented friend. Liberals fled the Republican Party because Ike supported Civil Rights and forced the integration of Democrat schools in the south
But it was Republican President Eisenhower who put down the foundation by building the highway system and funding NASA. Eisenhower supported a 90% plus tax rate on the richest Americans. Course, this was when liberals were still a major factor in the Republican Party before they all left and conservative moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party because they hated blacks.. It's why the Republican Party today is 90% white.

True enough, my demented friend. Liberals fled the Republican Party because Ike supported Civil Rights and forced the integration of Democrat schools in the south

"Democrat schools"? Yea, I guess you could call schools "democrat" considering how much conservatives hate education.

Still, the Republican Party became 90% white, which it remains today, because they hate black people. Look at how they treat the president.
...Proposing more control of the economy? I suppose that's part of it, but not really. Just a short notice to all that there will be no energy imported into the USA after 2012...
Our biggest foreign supplier is Canada and its border with the US is 5,525 unmilitarized miles crossed by energy importing railroads, highways, power lines, and pipelines. Consider what kind of enforcement we want here because a customs guard every ten feet means hiring ten million guards with 20 million bureaucrats for just Canada. The second biggest foreign energy supplier is Mexico...
When Kennedy was elected, he challenged the country to put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth. This created the new world, It was a hinge moment in the history of mankind that connected and divided everything that came before with everything that followed.

Why not do it again?

We as a county should commit to end the importation of any kind of energy from any foreign sources by the year 2022. Drill our own oil, mine our own coal, gasify coal, harvest Natural gas, use solar, nuclear, wind batteries and all the rest.

This would remove us from the world market of energy consumption and undermine the importance of the Middle East in our planning and economy. It would create hundreds of thousands of jobs and create an industrial expansion like the dot com revolution of the 90's. With our demand removed from the world's demand, the price of oil would drop everywhere to prices low enough to spur the economies and open the markets of countries world wide.

Our drive to achieve this would catapult us into the front of the energy research fields and we would have the products to manufacture and export to the rest of the world.

Just a thought.

The economic cicurmstances JFK was working with are radically different than the economy we have now.

His solutions, THEN, cannot tell us much about the solutions we must find TODAY.
What Kennedy did first was big time tax cuts and that ended the recession. This time we got Obamacare's massive tax hike and the economy's gotten worse. Proposing more state control of the economy now is crazy.

What massive tax hike? Obama cut taxes.
But it was Republican President Eisenhower who put down the foundation by building the highway system and funding NASA. Eisenhower supported a 90% plus tax rate on the richest Americans. Course, this was when liberals were still a major factor in the Republican Party before they all left and conservative moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party because they hated blacks.. It's why the Republican Party today is 90% white.

True enough, my demented friend. Liberals fled the Republican Party because Ike supported Civil Rights and forced the integration of Democrat schools in the south

"Democrat schools"? Yea, I guess you could call schools "democrat" considering how much conservatives hate education.

Still, the Republican Party became 90% white, which it remains today, because they hate black people. Look at how they treat the president.

Yes and no. Clinton wasn't black..he was just a democrat. And they impeached him.
But it was Republican President Eisenhower who put down the foundation by building the highway system and funding NASA. Eisenhower supported a 90% plus tax rate on the richest Americans. Course, this was when liberals were still a major factor in the Republican Party before they all left and conservative moved from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party because they hated blacks.. It's why the Republican Party today is 90% white.

Very observant. When the Racists were Democrat Party Leaders in the 60's, that is when the lynchings and the pronounced violence against Blacks was at its zenith. When Nixon implemented his Southern Strategy and converted the South into a Republican enclave, the violence ended even though the the racism continued.

The highway system as envisioned by Eisenhower was a Defense project. The Space program under Ike, JFK and LBJ was a R&D project for the delivery systems for Nukes.

The 90% tax rate was softened by the various deductions for almost anything you can imagine.

Most of the deductions traditionally allowed were eliminated by the tax deal struck by Reagan in the 80's. Since that deal was made, the Congress has averaged more than 1 change to the tax code every single day.

As far as Liberals leaving one party for the other, by definitions used today, there were no liberals in 1960.
...Proposing more control of the economy? I suppose that's part of it, but not really. Just a short notice to all that there will be no energy imported into the USA after 2012...
Our biggest foreign supplier is Canada and its border with the US is 5,525 unmilitarized miles crossed by energy importing railroads, highways, power lines, and pipelines. Consider what kind of enforcement we want here because a customs guard every ten feet means hiring ten million guards with 20 million bureaucrats for just Canada. The second biggest foreign energy supplier is Mexico...

Do you envision allot of Canadians in plaid flannel shirts carrying cans of gas across the border to fill up the pick ups in International Falls? envision allot of Canadians in plaid flannel shirts carrying cans of gas across the border to fill up the pick ups in International Falls?
lol! I really need to spend more time w/ the cartoon channel over the holidays. This is what I was going at (from here)...

--and Canada's also America's biggest foreign electrical power source too.
...Obamacare alone meant so many new hikes it even included hiring 40,000 new IRS workers.
Every time CON$ mindlessly parrot this GOP scripted lie...
Back here on the Planet Earth the US Treasury's IRS Congressional budget request starts with--
Implement the Affordable Care (ACA) Act.

Implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 presents a major challenge to the IRS. ACA represents the largest set of tax law changes in more than 20 years, with more than 40 provisions that amend the tax laws. Although the new law goes into effect gradually over many years, many provisions required immediate action, including the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, the Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Credit, and the expanded Adoption Credit.

To enact the range of provisions that were retroactive to 2009 and immediately effective for calendar year 2010, the IRS focused on: developing new systems and business processes for near-term provisions; conducting initial planning for longer-term provisions; and defining appropriate outreach activities for each affected group.

--and goes on and on about hundreds of millions needed right now for the new hires.

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