To the NeverTrumpers: Will You Now Heed the Call?

Will You Vote for Trump or Enable Criminal hiLIARY to Takeover the Country

  • Yes, I will vote for Trump

  • No, I will allow Criminal hiLIARy to take over the country

Results are only viewable after voting.
If people are sitting out the vote its because they don't have strong feelings about who is going to get in. If its Trump or Clinton whatever they are proposing to do really doesn't matter to them. What their presidency may look like doesn't bother them enough to go vote so I won't chastise anyone.

The people that care what a Trump/Clinton Presidency may look like will hit the polls, the ones who will take either are going to sit it out. Nothing anyone says will motivate them, they are content with the outcome either way.

I cannot fathom a Clinton Presidency so I voted early. Trump/Pence
As did me and my wife. Voted yesterday straight republican ticket. She got to register and vote at same time. Paper Ballots. Maybe our Republican governor don't trust the demoncrats. :D
I bet she voted for Hillary.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
FoxNews has trained them to ignore reality.
hiLIARy aided and abetted the serial rape and sexual abuse performed by her husband over decades.

You lie because it's the only thing you know how to do.

Bill Clinton didn't rape anyone. Broaderick refused to testify under oath that he raped her, when faced with the threat of perjury.

She also appeared with him, smiling, a year after this supposed rape. Who does that?

Poor Synthabrain can't handle reality.

And bumping this thread as it is now time for the NeverTrumpers to heed the call and save the nation from the Clinton Fronted Soros Dictatorship.
And more reasoning for NeverTrumpers to Heed The Call:

But, I would suggest to the NeverTrumpers, you should hold your nose and vote for the slimeball anyway. I offer you two reasons: Hillary Clinton & the Democratic Party.

The second may be the more important. For, let’s face it. The lady is not well. Her doctors are lying to us. And she is not apt to last more than eighteen months — which means that, if she is elected, we are apt to have Tim Kaine, an admirer of liberation theology, for our president.

More to the point, however, whether she lives on and on or not, hers will be Barack Obama’s third term. Obamacare will be fully institutionalized and any reforms that are made will put us further on the slippery slope to a single-payer system. Think about it: you can have medical care as good as that which the federal government provides to veterans. To be sure, Trump has blathered nonsense about this at one time or another. But he is running for President today as an opponent of Obamacare.

That is not, however, the most important matter at stake. The real issue is whether in the future we will have open discussion of political issues and free elections. Think about what we have now — a federal bureaucracy that is fiercely partisan. An IRS that tries to regulate speech by denying on a partisan basis tax-exempt status to conservative organizations. A Department of State that hides the fact that its head is not observing the rules to which everyone else is held concerning security of communications and that colludes with a Presidential campaign to prevent the release of embarrassing information. A Department of Justice that ought to be renamed as the Department of Injustice, which does its level best to suppress investigations that might embarrass the likely nominee of the Democratic Party. An assistant attorney general that gives a “heads up” to that lady’s campaign. An Attorney General who meets on the sly with her husband shortly before the decision is made whether she is to be indicted. A federal department that promotes racial strife and hostility to the police in the interests of solidifying for the Democrats the African-American vote.

Think about what else we have now — a press corps that colludes with a campaign, allowing figures in the Clinton campaign to edit what they publish. Television reporters who send the questions apt to be asked at the presidential debates to one campaign. A media that is totally in the tank for one party, downplaying or suppressing news that might make trouble for that party, inventing false stories about the candidates nominated by the other party, managing the news, manipulating the public, promoting in the party not favored the nomination of a clown, protecting the utterly corrupt nominee of the other party from scrutiny.

Let’s add to this the fact that the Democratic Party is intent on opening our borders and on signing up illegal aliens to vote. If you do not believe me, read what Wikileaks has revealed about the intentions of Tony Podesta. Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally change America.” He called his administration “The New Foundation.” Well, all that you have to do to achieve this is to alter the population.

To this, I can add something else. Freedom of speech is under attack...

An Open Letter to the NeverTrumpers from a Sympathizer - Ricochet
Just bumping this to say a YUUUUUUGGGGGGE Thank You to everyone who Heeded The Call.
Now that Trump's stopped being Trump, I say let's give him a chance. LOL

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