To the NeverTrumpers: Will You Now Heed the Call?

Will You Vote for Trump or Enable Criminal hiLIARY to Takeover the Country

  • Yes, I will vote for Trump

  • No, I will allow Criminal hiLIARy to take over the country

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?

Sadly for you racist Trumpkins, they aren't going to support your joke of a candidate. Be prepared to cry a river on Nov 8.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?

What crimes? What criminality can be linked to Huma's laptop?

Be specific and post links.

These idiot Trumpkins have got nothing. It's more nonsensical blather, as always. They are completely desperate because, deep down, most of them know Trump is going to get crushed on Nov. 8.
I am not really sure who 'my kind' is, but keep melting.
Standard apathetic pajama boy who wants so badly to crawl back into the womb.

Swing and a miss. You're not very good at gauging other people.
Nah I nailed it.

No, you really didn't, but you can pretend otherwise if it fits your narrative. Either way, I am not too concerned what an internet random thinks of me.
No, you really didn't, but you can pretend otherwise if it fits your narrative. Either way, I am not too concerned what an internet random thinks of me.
Well good, then I guess I will stop getting alerts telling me that you keep responding then?

It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
Because the court cases are total horse crap and everyone knows it.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
Because the court cases are total horse crap and everyone knows it.
Lol you are basing that on no facts whatsoever and you know it. You just believe anything that comes out of that orange sack of shit's mouth.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
Because the court cases are total horse crap and everyone knows it.
Lol you are basing that on no facts whatsoever and you know it. You just believe anything that comes out of that orange sack of shit's mouth.
I am basing it on the Clintonistas past behavior as they use every crook in their crime syndicate to smear decent people and scare them away from running against them.

And you are stupid enough to believe their bull shit.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?

Because it doesn't penetrate the Fox Noise bubble. It's just a bunch of Mexican judges out to get Trump, as far as these Repug peasants are concerned.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
Because the court cases are total horse crap and everyone knows it.
Lol you are basing that on no facts whatsoever and you know it. You just believe anything that comes out of that orange sack of shit's mouth.
I am basing it on the Clintonistas past behavior as they use every crook in their crime syndicate to smear decent people and scare them away from running against them.

And you are stupid enough to believe their bull shit.
Lol you're just making shit up as you go along.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?
Because you are a democrat,democrats and lying are like 2 peas in a pod. If ANY of what you said was true you know damn well the Clinton Media Machine would just be waiting for orders to release it all.
I'll cast my vote for somebody other than Hillary and Putin, I mean Trump.
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?

What crimes? What criminality can be linked to Huma's laptop?

Be specific and post links.

These idiot Trumpkins have got nothing. It's more nonsensical blather, as always. They are completely desperate because, deep down, most of them know Trump is going to get crushed on Nov. 8.

^^^ blah blah sleepy...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz ^^^
It's down to this:

We have a growing mountain of evidence that hiLIARy is a criminal. She abused the power of her office to sell government favors and recklessly endangered the country through the use of her insecure personal email server (which in and of itself is a "stroking gun" proving intent).

So, NeverTrumpers: on November 8th will you vote for Trump or abstain and enable Criminal HiLIARy and her Crime Family Syndicate to takeover the country?
Oh Christ. Trump has actual court cases coming up involving both fraud and him raping a 13 year old. Why do you people just ignore this?

hiLIARy aided and abetted the serial rape and sexual abuse performed by her husband over decades.
Gary Johnson is a fake libertarian who draws voters away from Clinton mostly those who are moderate to conservative democrats. Jill Stein draws the democrats that are closer to communists and democratic socialists than democrats so yes ANY vote for a 3rd party merely helps Clinton.
^^^ Dumbass contradicts himself in the very next sentence.

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