Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day

A number of years ago the Polish government officially down graded the number of Jews allegedly kill at Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million. And changed the sign at the camp to reflect the new lower count.

(google it and you will see for yourself)

Yet even with the 2.5 million difference in numbers.......the magical 6 million figure has remained intact in the public's mind. .. :cool:

Fuzzy math. Doesn't matter so long as the sacred 6 MILLION remains unmolested.

Only with 'the holocaust™' can there be no discussion of the real facts without the claims of denier being vomited. I take that back, add Global Warming. Nice company.
The so called Holocaust is the only historical event considered 100% closed case and air tight.

Historians argue and debate, and write endless books on the battle of Gettysburg, attack on Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, etc.

But there is zero debate allowed about the fact in several countries you can wind up in prison for publicly questioning any aspect of the official Holocaust story.

Which begs the question......what are they trying to hide from the public?? .. :cool;
For the 500,000 Freemasons who died in concentration camps:

Jake, your ignorance is a measure of history being skewed throughout the last 70 years. People think THE ODESSA FILE is a bio film. Call me a tool all you want, it doesn't alter the fact that history in regards to this issue has been so thoroughly fabricated that people are willing to swallow shit like roaming gas chambers on wheels.

If you step back from the insanity and do some research there is plenty to be learned. And none of it excuses the mistreatment of people by Nazis.

You and your narrative emboldens the insanity of the neo-fascists. There is no cover up. The Nazis and their allies were even worse than the evidence reveals.

One instance: "the roaming gas chambers" existed.

These were trucks with sealed cargo containers on the back that could hold from 8 to 20 people. More than 20k mentally incapable were murdered this way: drive the truck to the asylum, do the deed, and drive them to a grave site.
The so called Holocaust is the only historical event considered 100% closed case and air tight.

Historians argue and debate, and write endless books on the battle of Gettysburg, attack on Pearl Harbor, Kennedy assassination, etc.

But there is zero debate allowed about the fact in several countries you can wind up in prison for publicly questioning any aspect of the official Holocaust story.

Which begs the question......what are they trying to hide from the public?? .. QUOTE]

The evidence overwhelms the ability to absorb the massiveness of the atrocity.

Sunni, debate here all you want; it has no impact on anything.
I see the Pussy Brigade is out in full force on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Pretty sad day when human beings cannot take a moment to remember those murdered in such a horrendous way. Pretty damn sad.
I need to send a card to someone so I'm glad I saw the thread. Sorry I read some of the replies. Gracies saved the day. Thoughtful replies, Gracie.
Just curious why we don't have American Indian Rememberance Day?

Well over 100 million Native Americans experienced a horrendous genocide that lasted for several centuries.

That event is basically hidden and buried in the publics mind........and rarely in the media.

Yet an event that took place in Europe and has nothing to with America. Is constantly brought to the public's attention almost daily in the, TV, and in the movies.

And practically every large city in the U.S. has a Holocaust Museum or memorial to keep the propaganda machine running at full speed.

I guess the Native Indian's should have hired a better PR firm to champion their cause. .. :cool:

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