Today Is MLKS Birthday

You would call MLK an Uncle Tom.
/---/ Mallard Filmore will make libs head expode, especially today.
A lot of blacks were communists then. Because the communist party treated blacks as equals. It's funny how dumb whites like you try to diss. For most of this nation's history people who have not been white have lived under a form of fascism.
Communists treat masses as equals among masses. In communism, there is no equality. There is a locked in 1 percent and then there are masses.
Martin Luther King was born on this day in 1929 during Jim Crow. So once again I will post words from him that many of you here don't know he said.

His rape tape gets released in 2027. A lot of statues are going to be torn down and streets and schools renamed once the public hears it. His days being known as a hero are almost over. His reputation will be quite the opposite in 2 years.

It’s multiple other threads.
Funny, you don't seem to be able to use more than five or six words at a time. You are a stupid individual obviously, I'm not the only one who's noticed.
Funny, you don't seem to be able to use more than five or six words at a time. You are a stupid individual obviously, I'm not the only one who's noticed.
Hilarious since maga can only read and follow 3-4 word sentences. Hell without the three words of bad, nasty and terrible their leader wouldn’t be able to communicate with them
Hilarious since maga can only read and follow 3-4 word sentences. Hell without the three words of bad, nasty and terrible their leader wouldn’t be able to communicate with them
I'm beginning to think that you must have majored in nasty 101 and shitty 101 in whatever crappy School you went to. Then you dropped out in the third grade. LOL you really are that stupid! :laughing0301:
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