Today is the day Romney won the election of 2012

I think you need your binky. Willard and the GOP got their asses handed to them today.

Changing it to a tax. I don't think so dude. Can't wait to see Ubama blush in front of the cameras. Even though its going to be hard to tell.

One thing you CONservatives are not considering is the power of Obama's get out the vote campaign.

Just like in the 2008 campaign many of the people who are going to re-elect Obama this fall are going to be people whom the CONservative establishment generally counts on to NOT show up at the polls.

These are the people who Obama will point to as being helped the most by his policies and HURT the most by corporate greed and the status quo represented by Mitt Romney.

Romney will be TOAST once the adds beginning running late this summer depicting "ordinary" Americans and their testimonials about how having healthcare for the first time in their lives "allowed little Janie to get the treatments she needs for her leukemia" and so on. Especially when combined with other testimonials depicting other ordinary Americans describing how their lives, communities, ect. were devastated by mitt Romney the businessman!

Watch for the poor and the working poor to re-elect Obama this year.

CONservatives will make the mistake of thinking that these people actually give a shit about government spending or the national deficit. They don't. They don't have platinum or gold cards, or bank accounts either. They have never had medical insurance. They have never had a mortgage. They could care less about interest rates, the DOW, or NASDAQ.

Their concerns are much more on the table (for today anyway) a roof overhead (for now) and access to a doctor and medicine BEFORE it becomes an emergency room situation!
SCOTUS has deemed it a tax, Romney needs to frame it as such. It will now be viewed as the largest in history. I'm disgusted that we now live in a country that can force you to purchase a product, and spare me the dumbass car insurance argument, but on a personal level, Romney has to be the happiest camper in America. He can now run on King Obama' s horrible economy, and now he can run on what is an unpopular mandate.

AND Romney's base just got very energized. I heard his campaign warchest got increased by a million bucks in the first hour or two after the ruling came out. There were some cons who were not exactly Romney supporters, as well as a lot of independents; I think what happened this morning changed all that.
SCOTUS has deemed it a tax, Romney needs to frame it as such. It will now be viewed as the largest in history. I'm disgusted that we now live in a country that can force you to purchase a product, and spare me the dumbass car insurance argument, but on a personal level, Romney has to be the happiest camper in America. He can now run on King Obama' s horrible economy, and now he can run on what is an unpopular mandate.
When the public realizes that it can vote itself goodies from the public coffers any free republic is over.
SCOTUS has deemed it a tax, Romney needs to frame it as such. It will now be viewed as the largest in history. I'm disgusted that we now live in a country that can force you to purchase a product, and spare me the dumbass car insurance argument, but on a personal level, Romney has to be the happiest camper in America. He can now run on King Obama' s horrible economy, and now he can run on what is an unpopular mandate.

AND Romney's base just got very energized. I heard his campaign warchest got increased by a million bucks in the first hour or two after the ruling came out. There were some cons who were not exactly Romney supporters, as well as a lot of independents; I think what happened this morning changed all that.


I believe this is the first nail in Obamas reelection coffin. :clap2:
AND Romney's base just got very energized. I heard his campaign warchest got increased by a million bucks in the first hour or two after the ruling came out. There were some cons who were not exactly Romney supporters, as well as a lot of independents; I think what happened this morning changed all that.

C'mon, this is the 21st century. A million in campaign finance is about as "energized" as the static shock you get touching your doorknob.

The 2012 Money Race: Compare the Candidates - Campaign Finance - Election 2012 -

With $261 million, Obama's campaign has more than twice the cash as Romney's.
Yeah..but that's it.

The GOP will harden it's position..and the base will follow along.

Democrats and Independents aren't going to move that way.

This is why they moved to repeal the Healthcare Reform Bill, Republicans mistakenly thought that since their base was so supportive of this, that all voters must be. They do not have their finger on the pulse of America.

They have no clue.

Plus healthcare reform is good for businesses and consumers.

As soon as the decision was read the stock market dived.

Not true!

Insurance stocks stock up.

Just heard it a second ago on talk radio news. DOW and NASDAQ down again but they've been trending down for weeks.

Funny. Listening to KKOB (770 AM Albuquerque) because I just had to hear Limbaugh's three hour mouth fart following this SCOTUS decision lol!


Right after limbaugh's rant though the news came on and sure enough they interviewed a woman whose daughter will finally be able to get the medicine she needs now following her kidney transplant.:clap2:

It's already starting! This type stuff is going to get REALLY brutal in the next four months.

Pass the popcorn please! :badgrin:
SCOTUS has deemed it a tax, Romney needs to frame it as such. It will now be viewed as the largest in history. I'm disgusted that we now live in a country that can force you to purchase a product, and spare me the dumbass car insurance argument, but on a personal level, Romney has to be the happiest camper in America. He can now run on King Obama' s horrible economy, and now he can run on what is an unpopular mandate.

AND Romney's base just got very energized. I heard his campaign warchest got increased by a million bucks in the first hour or two after the ruling came out. There were some cons who were not exactly Romney supporters, as well as a lot of independents; I think what happened this morning changed all that.

Yup. I think this is a win, win for Romney and the GOP.

You want to Romney to run on, and people to donate to, revoking health insurance for millions of Americans?

Please! Run on that!

Yup, But not till after I drown all the puppies in America

Make all the jokes you want! Clearly you don't realize how many people currently benefit from Obamacare.
SCOTUS has deemed it a tax, Romney needs to frame it as such. It will now be viewed as the largest in history. I'm disgusted that we now live in a country that can force you to purchase a product, and spare me the dumbass car insurance argument, but on a personal level, Romney has to be the happiest camper in America. He can now run on King Obama' s horrible economy, and now he can run on what is an unpopular mandate.

Whether it's called a tax or a penalty, it's cash in the coffers to pay for the project, and we all knew there was a huge price tag on ACA going in. And it could be the exact wording the Dems were looking for to diffuse the next phase of Romney's attack - "it's not a tax, it's a penalty". Roberts said as much, but held the opinion that penalty = tax is nothing new. Let's see what the Spinmeister does with this.

I see that Romney has distanced himself from MA's version of ACA which the current governor says is a small-scale model of ACA which works great. Deval says that they have been able to bring insurance to 99.8% of their kids, 98% of their total population, the cost of care has come down significantly, and it hasn't busted their budget in the 6 years it's been in place. Since this is Romneycare, how can he attack a nationalized version of the same model without looking like a boob - not that he's all that afraid of being seen for what he is, apparently.

I don't think Rmoney is in a good place right now at all.

My opinion is quite the opposite.

This blows the wind out of the meme that Romney's been sporting "Obama wasted his time on this.."

It also pulls the plug on the "Leadership" meme. This was a huge mistake on the part of Republicans.

In fact..I would say this day probably marks the end of Romney's chances.

But that won't stop the spending.

Bear in mind, too, that even according to the Court's own decision, what just got upheld today was based on the plan he put in place for Mass. How's he gonna run on repealing it?

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