Todays Bad New On Social Security&Medicare.Will This Be Brought Up In The State of The Union?Along With The Other Crises?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
So today we are finding out that SS/Medicare may go broke in 2033. Great! so now we wait and see if our President brings this up in the upcoming state of the union. But in the meantime, will dems/libs blame this sudden news on Republicans? really? who had control of congress these previous two years? borrowing and/or spending a few more trillion dollars that we don't have? Biden is gonna have a hard time convincing us that all is well after these last two years! yah, who is just all giddy over the high cost of gas and food? along with the mess with are in overseas.
Social Security went broke the minute our government allowed themselves access to it. They emptied it and are stealing our children's money to give to the ones they stole from, but it's not enough, so they cut what they give the seniors and the Democrats want to get rid of what they call an entitlement altogether. Of course they are going to blame the Republicans. And they need us to be stupid enough to believe it...
It is not going broke and the Government has not used the SS funds as a piggy bank. If Congress can't fix it, it will only be able to pay out about 70 % of the benefits they guaranteed us. The SS fund purchase US treasury notes with the excess funds in past year and has been cashing them in to pay part of the benefits it owes. Those notes will deplete now they say by 2033.

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