Todays Current Events Survey.How Many People Do You Know,Who Are Just Dying To Vote For Joe Biden? Just Can't Contain Themselves.

So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?
You mean cult-like behavior? I don't think you see that level of crazy from Biden voters.
Of course not. Biden's an empty-suit.
What you folks have is a religion.....the religion of Progressive/Socialist thought.
No other religion is allowed.
So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?
You mean cult-like behavior? I don't think you see that level of crazy from Biden voters.
No enthusiasm that’s called
In 1919, when Yeats wrote his famous poem, his wife was struggling to survive the great Spanish Flu Pandemic. It is relevant to this discussion.

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
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Hes not Trump. There is no other reason to be "for" him.

As far as I know, voting out of HATE is not a great motivator. I dont think it has ever won an election. That gives me hope
Not giving a shit about the person you're voting for is why they want mail-in ballots.
You can sit on your fat ass and stay at home and maybe vote for the POS that's been served up to you.
Showing up at the polls takes effort.
if Biden loses, Maxine and her wig will blame it on racism being Biden is black.
I saw a Biden bumper sticker once lately.........but I think they were just passing through at the gas station near the interstate......
In 1919, when Yeats wrote his famous poem, his wife was struggling to survive the great Spanish Flu Pandemic:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
So..........he had the virus and was delusional when he wrote that.........did he recover.
i wonder how many white girls under 25 are just dying to let Biden sniff their hair
So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?

LMAO Not one single soul I know is voting for Biden. They see him as I do. A complete moron who should never be a leader of any kind.
So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?

LMAO Not one single soul I know is voting for Biden. They see him as I do. A complete moron who should never be a leader of any kind.
and that's why he's not out.
So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?

Democrats I know don't care for Joe Biden. I've seen as lot of Trump signs out here and maybe two Biden signs. I just don't see the excitement for Biden like I do Trump. Maybe that will change as the election approaches. I don't get the polls either. Maybe Biden really is that far ahead, or maybe it's 2016 all over again. We'll find out in November.
So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?

Democrats I know don't care for Joe Biden. I've seen as lot of Trump signs out here and maybe two Biden signs. I just don't see the excitement for Biden like I do Trump. Maybe that will change as the election approaches. I don't get the polls either. Maybe Biden really is that far ahead, or maybe it's 2016 all over again. We'll find out in November.
when the news doesn't match the actual, that's all you need to know.
Biden is just as exciting as a pallot of horse manure that was accidently delivered to your front lawn
So what is it about Joe Biden where as the leftist polls are just keeping him 15 points ahead of Trump? Is it that he has the most amazing personality/charisma in the world? is Biden the first white man who can articulate all of his words and never stumbles/makes a gaffe? Do millions and millions just adore Biden because he has never said anything racially charged?
Well, you guys tell me,,,how many people/friends are you aware of that just can't wait till Nov. 3 to vote for Joe Biden? to the extent where most of these people have to take a crap 4 times a day in utter excitement over the possibility of a President Joe Biden?
You mean cult-like behavior? I don't think you see that level of crazy from Biden voters.
The left as a whole are lunatics.
Nobody I know personally is excited about voting for Biden, though if he were his younger self he would certainly be much more popular with voters. Even those I know who respect him and his politics worry he just won’t be a good enough candidate (or debater) to beat Trump. Of course most of his supporters just see him as an alternative to Trump crazy and to reactionary Republican politics. He is their “lesser evil,” even if not a really positive good. Some Republicans or independents vote for Trump in the same way, but DT has legions of fanatic supporters as well.

As for myself, I REALLY don’t like Biden both for his politics and as a candidate. But I despise the conman and incompetent huckster Republican for dividing our nation along all the wrong lines, and for unleashing authoritarian “Know Nothing” politics that may destroy us completely. Not a good choice at all.

What lines are being divided? Before the virus, everybody was winning, besides the unemployment numbers, earnings were making gains on inflation. Everyone who talks about dividing the nation are being pretty vague. You are one to share your views, so I'd be curious about your take on division. Thanks.
Nobody I know personally is excited about voting for Biden, though if he were his younger self he would certainly be much more popular with voters. Even those I know who respect him and his politics worry he just won’t be a good enough candidate (or debater) to beat Trump. Of course most of his supporters just see him as an alternative to Trump crazy and to reactionary Republican politics. He is their “lesser evil,” even if not a really positive good. Some Republicans or independents vote for Trump in the same way, but DT has legions of fanatic supporters as well.

As for myself, I REALLY don’t like Biden both for his politics and as a candidate. But I despise the conman and incompetent huckster Republican for dividing our nation along all the wrong lines, and for unleashing authoritarian “Know Nothing” politics that may destroy us completely. Not a good choice at all.

What lines are being divided? Before the virus, everybody was winning, besides the unemployment numbers, earnings were making gains on inflation. Everyone who talks about dividing the nation are being pretty vague. You are one to share your views, so I'd be curious about your take on division. Thanks.
A fair question. Just not possible to answer in a few sentences.

The Democrats have their talking points and so do Trump Republicans. They ALL hammer into their constituent’s minds simple hot button issues. On most of these issues I find myself opposed in different degrees to both sides.

On every issue from immigration to abortion to “family values” to crime & policing to taxation and regulations to “globalization” to defense budgets to trade relations to global warming — the politicians seek “hot button” slogans to divide Americans into one or another of the two main capitalist parties. Why? How is it even possible that two parties channel all the passion and diversity of American thinking?

In reality the two parties are both frauds, and the heat generated between Americans over the “hot button” issues is mostly social madness. The parties are more alike than different, as are Americans themselves. But Trump makes a career out of heightening those fraudulent differences, gets people hating each other, spewing insults and talking about Civil War.

Trump today rails against Democrats and corrupt big city politicians, but his whole life he and his father worked with them, with the worst of them, and developed a simple amoral understanding of society. He was happy working with the building trades mafia, but always sought to rise higher.

Trump wasn’t just ambitious though. He embodied the incredible narcissism of the 70s and 80s, flaunting his wealth as only those raised up with a silver spoon can do. His personal empire-building was always poorly run and ever collapsing — until he monetized his true skill as gruff media personality, and created his posh “brand.” I watched him do all this and even enter into the big boys’ “respectable circles” as I grew up in NYC. Sure this is all just a discussion of character, but when a society is as troubled as ours, “character is destiny” in a President can — and today I believe has — translated into disaster for the nation. Many Americans, not just “TDS liberals,” feel as I do.

As President I believe Trump is dangerous and incompetent, a conman and a reactionary who plays on popular illusions. That is not to say he is consciously “evil.” He can be charming. He believes in himself. Way too much. He used to say things about “the Establishment” that made me smile. He was against “endless war” and I think he really has tried to avoid war. I did not vote for Hillary.

But MAGA is based on a huge reactionary myth. There is no returning to the 1950s or whenever people imagine we were great. There is only going forward intelligently. Nothing Trump is doing is helping prepare Americans for a new multipolar world, which is coming whether we like it or not. That world requires stronger international cooperation, less U.S. bullying. Nothing he is doing is preparing our own people to heal even the growing divisions in our own society. He is enflaming those divisions, opposing fundamental reforms necessary in this new age of American state capitalism.

Democrats are hypocrites where Trump is shameless, but the hypocrite at least usually pays homage to virtue. The shameless Trump lives or dies on division and dreams of the past.

You seem like a conservative guy from “Middle America” with traditional values and some “practical” dollar and sense views on economy. I can respect that, but I do not share those views. My own values are both revolutionary (in the sense that “all men should be equal under law and should from birth have equal opportunities to the greatest extent possible”) and also international. Those are updated “Enlightenment” values straight out of our best American traditions.
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