Todays Liberals.So,If We Had Elected Hillary,There Would Be No Tornadoes,Shootings&Climate Change.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?

Are you really so stupid that you believe this nonsense?

todays conservatives.......full of hate, full of lies, full of fear.....wants to kill.....

I believe I just described you.
If they blame Trump for those things, then they -must- believe they would not have happened if Hillary were President.
No way around it.
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?
You mean there would be no working for Russia.


Trump has to work for Russia and Putin. Without Putin, there would be no President Trump today.
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?

Of course, all this weather will stop if we just start paying more carbon fart taxes.
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?
Yeah..... poor effort here, troll. You must be retarded.
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?

Of course, all this weather will stop if we just start paying more carbon fart taxes.
so according to Liberals, if Hillary was President, I wouldnt be getting violent diarreah attacks 10 times a week?
:huh1: :hyper: So apparently, it looks like this will be one of the issues they will run on in 2020. Global Warming and Climate Change. Vote for a Democrat in 2020, and all of these weather events will come to an end, we will stop it!
But weren't there bad weather events and shootings when Obama was President? :oops-28:
It seems that every time something bad has happened since Trump became President {like the shootings & climate change events} He and conservatives got the blame.
So does anyone out there actually believe that if Hillary was elected, these current Tornadoes raking havock in the south & rust belt never would of happened?
And if Hillary was elected, no one would of ever opened fired into a crowd/church/event?
You mean there would be no working for Russia.


Trump has to work for Russia and Putin. Without Putin, there would be no President Trump today.

i guess that this means that there will be tornadoes in canada this summer so long as Trump remains president
The Democrats (Progressive, Socialists) have politicized and weaponized WEATHER so that everything is MAN'S FAULT and requires big government intervention, more taxes, and fees on fossil fuels, and anything that is touched by fossil fuels which is everything we make, or buy. Yeah, good luck with that.
Nah we'd be locked in virtual gridlock over some sorry congressional investigation into the President, or, business as usual.
we are going into Hurricane season, I guess Trump gets blamed for our Hurricanes and the typhoons that land in China/Japan

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