Today’s Muslim Outreach: Terror-Linked Muslim Umbrella Group Brings Hundreds to DC to Lobby Congress

"Muslims" is not what was trending yesterday. "Taliban" was trending. Specifically "Christian Taliban".

So please explain how any Christians in America are like this:

In 2015, Amnesty International reported that the Taliban committed mass murder and gang rape of Afghan civilians in Kunduz.[18] Taliban fighters killed and raped female relatives of police commanders and soldiers as well as midwives.[18] One female human rights activist described the situation in the following manner:[18]

In 2015 in Kunduz, Taliban death squads used a hit list of civilians – "activists, journalists and civil servants", carried out house-to-house searches and killed them. Taliban forces entered the house of a wounded woman and shot her fatally in the head.[4]

Boebert is lobbying for a theocracy. She's a Dominionist.
Christian Taliban are often Dominionists or some other Scofield perversion of scripture.

Secondly, "perverting Scripture" is NOT THE SAME as gang raping, abducting, and using children as human shields.

You are ridiculous and your rhetoric is dangerous.
Perverting Christianity is dangerous to the US.

Not nearly as dangerous as your rhetoric. Just wait. Wait til the next unhinged loon opens fire in a Christian church. It's coming, and soon, with what I'm seeing on Twitter.

Keep going, tolerant one. Keep ginning it up.
Just as the Westboro Baptist folks were Christians committing crimes because of their religion, but most people are smart enough not to blame an entire religion on the actions of a few.

But sadly you do not fall in that group
Westboro (all 15 of them) were as Christian as Obama.
But it would be like you to use the actions of 15 people to slander 2.2 billion people.
Sorry I wouldn't place the Scofield heresy above the US Constitution. Boebert is a moron.

I don't give a crap what Boebert says. YOU will not admit there is a difference between what she says and "Christian Taliban".

That's dangerous. Just wait and see. Tragically.
To Leftards 15 moonbats protesting at a funeral is worse than tossing acid in the face of any woman who dares to act as she chooses.

They already have a high percentage of mentally ill among them. I'm being serious when I say, with what I saw on Twitter yesterday, it's just a matter of time before we see massive deaths in Christian churches.

And for what? Because these loons don't like "perverting Scripture"? Like you give two craps what Scripture says surada

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