Tom Brady (NFL): Wales Diagram


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Capitalism creates a new 'breed' of celebrity...

This yarn was inspired by The Last Boy Scout.


After Tom Brady suffered a devastating 41-33 loss to the upstart Philadelphia Eagles (NFL) in Super Bowl 52 [2018], he wondered if he should retire from professional football altogether! Brady was a new millennium phenomenon already, having won a whopping 5 Super Bowl titles under New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick since 2000(!). Brady didn't really need any more laurels/glories, having obtained multiple MVP honors. Brady decided at least to take a summer vacation to Wales.


Wales was an unusual nation, situated near England and Ireland and Scotland. Wales was not really akin to any of its neighbours and hence was both unusual and unique. There was a special culture in Wales and fishing ports and commerce and pleasant society life and a generally peaceful consciousness (when compared to larger nations such as America and England and Iran which were much more invested in global politics and competitive economics). Brady loved Wales and enjoyed travelling through the country and took time to reflect on his overwhelmingly unbelievable professional football career.


Brady was once the QB of the Michigan Wolverines college football team before joining the New England Patriots of the NFL. Brady was a backup QB to the hotshot Drew Bledsoe who many touted as an 'even better Dan Marino.' Bledsoe was quick and exciting, but he didn't possess the necessary field-leadership and coordinated team-play to carry his Patriots to a Super Bowl title. When Belichick decided to try-out Brady and was immediately impressed by his production and diligent, Brady became the new Patriots QB...and the rest was history(!). Brady was now happy travelling through Wales for his little vacation and pondered how a peaceful life might be calling for him. However, he was horrified to discover that Wales was guilty of some of the same 'worldly vices' as America and England. In fact, Brady discovered there were even reports of mishandled toxic-waste and eco-pollution committed by a few industrial companies in Wales. Brady realized there was 'suffocation' and hysteria everywhere in the modern world and wondered if he should just 'bite-the-bullet' and play a couple of more NFL seasons under Coach Belichick as the Patriots star-QB. Brady did, however, decide that his Wales toxic-waste discovery during his vacation motivated him to take part in various socially-conscious charities when he returned to America (i.e., eco-activism!).


As Brady returned to America and began meeting with Coach Belichick who was preparing for the upcoming season and coordinating the summer training camp for the Patriots, Brady decided to call his ex-girlfriend (a beautiful Miami Dolphins cheerleader named Patricia!). Brady explained he was a happily-married man who took a contemplative and much-needed summer vacation to Wales but discovered some of the same 'worldly vertigo' in Wales (i.e., toxic-waste) that was suffocating him as a 'star-QB' for the Patriots. Patricia giggled in amusement, realizing that her ex-boyfriend NFL superstar was trying to 'escape' the traffic of American society but discovered similar 'complications' in what he expected would be a 'refreshing Wales visit.' Patricia told him that Brady's 'revelation' about 'modern troubles' was a sign that he should toughen up and take up the reins as the Patriots QB again (despite his disappointing Super Bowl loss to the Philadelphia Eagles). Patricia told Brady, "Ambition and success in this 'modern world' is gauged by compromise, Tom. Play more football..."


After speaking with his ex-girlfriend Patricia, Brady decided to rent an American sci-fi horror-film on Netflix --- Alien: Covenant (Ridley Scott). Brady decided that the pure survivalism symbolism in the sci-fi horror-film reflected an American 'obsession' with capitalism and competitive behaviours. The predatory alien creature from the film, known as the 'Xenomorph,' was really a new age 'Godzilla' --- a vile nemesis symbolizing new age fears of complete extinction in a modern world teeming with competition (i.e., Wall Street). Brady strapped on his spiritual laces and prepared for the upcoming NFL season with Coach Belichick.


GOD: Brady is a 'modern man.'
SATAN: He's pensive about success...
GOD: The Patriots are a complete dynasty.
SATAN: They're the ultimate team of the new millennium.
GOD: Brady's loss to the upstart Eagles sent him thinking!
SATAN: That's why he decided to travel to Wales.
GOD: In Wales, Brady found a reason to participate in the 'world.'
SATAN: It's ironic how there's intrigue everywhere these days (it seems).
GOD: If Belichick did not give Brady a chance, the Patriots would have kept Bledsoe.
SATAN: Yes, and they wouldn't have won 5 Super Bowl titles...
GOD: All this 'celebrity' has compelled Brady to become more 'philosophical.'
SATAN: I'm glad Brady called his ex-girlfriend Patricia for needed advice!
GOD: Women always provide needed emotional balance for thinking men.
SATAN: Capitalism consciousness and modern media create a guilt 'leviathan.'
GOD: Americans appreciate films like Celebrity, Casino, and Caddyshack.
SATAN: Americans are pensive about labour...
GOD: Tom Brady will be likened to Bill Gates of Microsoft(!).
SATAN: I completely agree.



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