Tom Perez -vs- Keith Ellison For DNC Chair


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Perez - commie/union or Ellison - islamic/blm/nation of islam both should drive the party into the ground...
Tom Perez -vs- Keith Ellison For DNC Chair – CNN Debate 10pm Tonight…
Posted on February 22, 2017 by sundance


While there is a considerable amount of cross-over between the two ideological camps, essentially the direction the Democrat party will take in the 2018 mid-term election is the most visible issue. Political junkies will be able to identify what direction is chosen by seeing which candidate the DNC selects for Chair.

♦ Tom Perez – represents the more traditional communist elements of the hard core leftists. His identity politics coalition is generally La Raza Latinos, Labor Unions, RevCon Communists, Fem-Nazi’s and wealthier virtue signaling Limo-liberals. The modern institutionally Democrat party per se’; and Perez holds most of the liberal media support.

Tom Perez endorsements: former Vice President Joe Biden, former Attorney General Eric Holder, former Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

♦ Keith Ellison – represents younger Black Lives Matter, Social Justice Warriors and Muslim Brotherhood types. Ellison carries the college aged Bernie Sanders supporters who were foiled by the traditional party apparatus in the Democrat Presidential Primary process.

Keith Ellison endorsements: Sen. Bernie Sanders; Sen. Elizabeth Warren; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer; Rep. John Lewis; New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley

Essentially, it’s various degrees of moonbattery. Ellison’s clan is the younger more visibly nuttery elements. Perez’s clan are the older, boomer generation, more insidious deeper long-term communist types. Arguably Perez clan is more dangerous, Ellison’s clan is the type easier to poke fun of.

It is rumored that Team Ellison has a slight lead. However, Team Perez has been pulling out all the psy-ops over the past several days to blunt Team Ellison.


Tom Perez -vs- Keith Ellison For DNC Chair – CNN Debate 10pm Tonight…
This is back to the Sanders Clinton split.

The Clinton and Perez camp are backed by corporate elitist "limousine liberal" types
who want to keep the party and power as is, the career politicians who won't push for change
that is really sustainable reform, but will push for "agenda" that "makes them look good and stay in office."

The Sanders and Ellison backers are the loose and independent grassroots
"real progressive" Democrats and Greens, the truly INCLUSIVE type folks trying to make communities
and govt work.

You can make fun of these types and say the approach is backwards.
But the sincerity and willing to listen and work with people is on the grassroots side.

The problem with the "top down management side" remains as it's always been.
With Ellison, because he has served in Congress, maybe he could bridge the gap between
these two "classes" -- what struck me in particular was he said he would step down as Congressman
to take the job of DNC Chair as a full time commitment he felt was more critical.

I'm not sure the DNC is willing to sacrifice a member in Congress at a time those seats are precious.
But I do believe the D party agenda is best established by independent development through the party structure, where members and leaders FUND and RUN their OWN programs,
and start pulling these responsibilities and resources OUT OF FEDERAL GOVT.

So if Ellison is serious about the role, I think he could use DNC chair to do that.
It would take SERIOUS commitment by the whole D party to create their own independently
managed programs, such as by taking BACK the "federal exchanges" that Obama set up through ACA,
and using that model to register and manage "member benefits" for D party members in place of
welfare and health care for prison inmates, social security, welfare, immigrant amnesty and status.

I'm interested to see how far we could take this.
If federal govt is going to be reduced back down to just the minimum Constitutional duties
prescribed originally, then could all the other programs that are deemed extra-constitutional
be shifted back to States and people to manage through statewide or national corporate programs.
And if so, could Parties take on responsibility for organizing these democratically for the
masses they represent. And quit fighting to impose or defend programs through federal govt
if the parties can just as easily set up and manage their own programs directly themselves
Real Anti-Semites Against Fake Anti-Semitism
The left opposes bombing synagogues except when it supports it.
February 24, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Keith Ellison is suddenly very concerned about anti-Semitism.

The former Nation of Islam member who appeared on stage with Khalid Abdul Muhammad (“that old no-good Jew, that old imposter Jew, that old hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating… just crawled out of the caves and hills of Europe, so-called damn Jew”) and defended the anti-Semitism of Louis Farrakhan (“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?”) is worried about the hatred of Jews.

The leading candidate to head the DNC who used to rant about, “European white Jews… trying to oppress minorities all over the world” denounced President Trump for having, “taken… so long to even say the word ‘anti-Semitism.’”

How long did it take Ellison to stop defending the anti-Semitism of Farrakhan or of Joanne Jackson?

And Ellison isn’t through yet. He associates with CAIR, a hate group that has defended terrorists who target synagogues, and touts an endorsement from Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson.


When Ahmed Ferhani was arrested for a plot to attack a synagogue, CAIR held a rally to support him.

Linda Sarsour, who had described throwing stones at Jews as “the definition of courage”, accused the Trump administration of anti-Semitism. Sarsour claims to be raising money to repair a vandalized Jewish cemetery. While the campaign was touted by the media, it is unclear who the actual donors are.

What is clear is that Linda Sarsour supported Ahmed Ferhani. Sarsour insisted on calling the anti-Semitic terrorist a “boy” or a “kid”. She also defended the Riverdale Jewish Center bomb plotters.


Linda Sarsour is a bigot who supports the anti-Semitic BDS movement and assorted Islamic terrorists. At a pro-Hamas event, she called for limiting friendships with Jews to opponents of the Jewish State. She is expected to share a stage at a BDS event with a woman who played a role in the murder of two Jewish college students.

This is anti-Semitism.

The left has a studied disinterest in true anti-Semitism. It views Linda Sarsour and Keith Ellison as heroes. It makes excuses for Ahmed Ferhani or James Cromitie. It has opportunistically decided to exploit accusations of anti-Semitism to attack President Trump. But if the bomb threats to Jewish centers or the cemetery vandalism turn out to be the work of Muslims, then the hot potato will fall.


The left doesn’t oppose anti-Semitism. It opposes the right. It will accuse the right of anti-Semitism when convenient even while its ranks swell with the blackest and ugliest bigotry imaginable. It is rotten with anti-Semitism. It can’t and won’t reject it. It won’t even reject the murder of Jews, the bombing of synagogues and membership in anti-Semitic hate groups when its own heroes are doing it.

Behind the fake outrage is a real outrage. Behind the fake anti-Semitism is real anti-Semitism.

Real Anti-Semites Against Fake Anti-Semitism
i think we should all say a prayer for Ellison --- if he's elected, the world will soon be rid of another scourge - the Democratic Party!!!

Gooooooo, Keith!!

Keith! Keith! He's their man.

If he can't destroy it,nobody can!

Gooooooo, Keith!!
This is back to the Sanders Clinton split.

The Clinton and Perez camp are backed by corporate elitist "limousine liberal" types
who want to keep the party and power as is, the career politicians who won't push for change
that is really sustainable reform, but will push for "agenda" that "makes them look good and stay in office."

The Sanders and Ellison backers are the loose and independent grassroots
"real progressive" Democrats and Greens, the truly INCLUSIVE type folks trying to make communities
and govt work.

You can make fun of these types and say the approach is backwards.
But the sincerity and willing to listen and work with people is on the grassroots side.

The problem with the "top down management side" remains as it's always been.
With Ellison, because he has served in Congress, maybe he could bridge the gap between
these two "classes" -- what struck me in particular was he said he would step down as Congressman
to take the job of DNC Chair as a full time commitment he felt was more critical.

I'm not sure the DNC is willing to sacrifice a member in Congress at a time those seats are precious.
But I do believe the D party agenda is best established by independent development through the party structure, where members and leaders FUND and RUN their OWN programs,
and start pulling these responsibilities and resources OUT OF FEDERAL GOVT.

So if Ellison is serious about the role, I think he could use DNC chair to do that.
It would take SERIOUS commitment by the whole D party to create their own independently
managed programs, such as by taking BACK the "federal exchanges" that Obama set up through ACA,
and using that model to register and manage "member benefits" for D party members in place of
welfare and health care for prison inmates, social security, welfare, immigrant amnesty and status.

I'm interested to see how far we could take this.
If federal govt is going to be reduced back down to just the minimum Constitutional duties
prescribed originally, then could all the other programs that are deemed extra-constitutional
be shifted back to States and people to manage through statewide or national corporate programs.
And if so, could Parties take on responsibility for organizing these democratically for the
masses they represent. And quit fighting to impose or defend programs through federal govt
if the parties can just as easily set up and manage their own programs directly themselves
Except that Ellison represents Clinton and Perez represents Sanders.

Both are essentially the same now.
Real Anti-Semites Against Fake Anti-Semitism
The left opposes bombing synagogues except when it supports it.
February 24, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

Keith Ellison is suddenly very concerned about anti-Semitism.

The former Nation of Islam member who appeared on stage with Khalid Abdul Muhammad (“that old no-good Jew, that old imposter Jew, that old hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating… just crawled out of the caves and hills of Europe, so-called damn Jew”) and defended the anti-Semitism of Louis Farrakhan (“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?”) is worried about the hatred of Jews.

The leading candidate to head the DNC who used to rant about, “European white Jews… trying to oppress minorities all over the world” denounced President Trump for having, “taken… so long to even say the word ‘anti-Semitism.’”

How long did it take Ellison to stop defending the anti-Semitism of Farrakhan or of Joanne Jackson?

And Ellison isn’t through yet. He associates with CAIR, a hate group that has defended terrorists who target synagogues, and touts an endorsement from Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson.


When Ahmed Ferhani was arrested for a plot to attack a synagogue, CAIR held a rally to support him.

Linda Sarsour, who had described throwing stones at Jews as “the definition of courage”, accused the Trump administration of anti-Semitism. Sarsour claims to be raising money to repair a vandalized Jewish cemetery. While the campaign was touted by the media, it is unclear who the actual donors are.

What is clear is that Linda Sarsour supported Ahmed Ferhani. Sarsour insisted on calling the anti-Semitic terrorist a “boy” or a “kid”. She also defended the Riverdale Jewish Center bomb plotters.


Linda Sarsour is a bigot who supports the anti-Semitic BDS movement and assorted Islamic terrorists. At a pro-Hamas event, she called for limiting friendships with Jews to opponents of the Jewish State. She is expected to share a stage at a BDS event with a woman who played a role in the murder of two Jewish college students.

This is anti-Semitism.

The left has a studied disinterest in true anti-Semitism. It views Linda Sarsour and Keith Ellison as heroes. It makes excuses for Ahmed Ferhani or James Cromitie. It has opportunistically decided to exploit accusations of anti-Semitism to attack President Trump. But if the bomb threats to Jewish centers or the cemetery vandalism turn out to be the work of Muslims, then the hot potato will fall.


The left doesn’t oppose anti-Semitism. It opposes the right. It will accuse the right of anti-Semitism when convenient even while its ranks swell with the blackest and ugliest bigotry imaginable. It is rotten with anti-Semitism. It can’t and won’t reject it. It won’t even reject the murder of Jews, the bombing of synagogues and membership in anti-Semitic hate groups when its own heroes are doing it.

Behind the fake outrage is a real outrage. Behind the fake anti-Semitism is real anti-Semitism.

Real Anti-Semites Against Fake Anti-Semitism
The shit can give you a headache trying to sort it all out.
So the party is going further left-wing/commie/marxist/unions controlling America, LOSERS...
Democrats elect Perez party chairman on second ballot
3 / 19

Associated Press
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By BILL BARROW, Associated Press 9 hrs ago

"We are all in this together," Perez said, calling on Democrats to fight "the worst president in the history of the United States."
Democrats elect Perez party chairman on second ballot

How many presidents heard this same/lame bull shit before = all GOP.
My message to the left - FUCK YOU and good riddance...:bye1:
And the dnc deputy chair an islamic beast...
Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Keith Ellison Named DNC Deputy Chair
February 26, 2017
Daniel Greenfield


While Perez did have the backing of Obama's people, the hard Bernie left was in Ellison's camp. So this was really a compromise between the far left and the extreme radical left. And that is what the Dems now look like. It's a struggle between the far left and the sort of extremists who deem them Neo-Liberals for not wanting to abolish the United States tomorrow.

The Dems are descending deeper into the swamps of radical political extremism.

Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Keith Ellison Named DNC Deputy Chair
So the party is going further left-wing/commie/marxist/unions controlling America, LOSERS...
Democrats elect Perez party chairman on second ballot
3 / 19

Associated Press
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By BILL BARROW, Associated Press 9 hrs ago

"We are all in this together," Perez said, calling on Democrats to fight "the worst president in the history of the United States."
Democrats elect Perez party chairman on second ballot

How many presidents heard this same/lame bull shit before = all GOP.
My message to the left - FUCK YOU and good riddance...:bye1:
They've absolutely no idea why they lost last year and will still have no idea in 2018 and even 2020.
Perez is BONOBO's choice. BONOBO now has control of the DNC.
Perez is a 'Pure Lain' communist.........just like BONOBO.
Watch for the BONOBO army to take over 100% of what's left of the DEM party.
After all look what a great job BONOBO did losing every fucking thing that could possibly BE lost to the REPs including about 1200 legislative seats across the country.
What could possibly go wrong with the DEM party now right?
It is too bad...I had high hope for keith ellison......instead of going for the black, muslim racist democrat, the racist democrat party went with the latino racist democrat to lead them.....

ellison was a sure bet to increase the number of Republicans elected in we will just have to work harder...
It is too bad...I had high hope for keith ellison......instead of going for the black, muslim racist democrat, the racist democrat party went with the latino racist democrat to lead them.....

ellison was a sure bet to increase the number of Republicans elected in we will just have to work harder...
Ya it's a shame about Ellison.
BUT on a brighter note the word is Robby Mook will be tapped to be be the campaign manager for Pocahontas.
He's already working up a complete list of every indian reservation where he'll have Pocahontas spend most of her time and money campaigning at.
The bumper stickers Robby will be handing out will be in the shape of a 'turkey feather'.
Smart eh?
It is too bad...I had high hope for keith ellison......instead of going for the black, muslim racist democrat, the racist democrat party went with the latino racist democrat to lead them.....

ellison was a sure bet to increase the number of Republicans elected in we will just have to work harder...


The progressives are doing a fine job for the Democratic party leave them be...


The democrats basically said black folks are too lazy to vote, hispanics are our only hope, besides jews who always vote for us no matter what for some strange reason.

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