Tomorrow are the UI claims. The only way to know what is going on.


At the Ballpark July 30th
Nov 8, 2008
I only look at the UI claims as they come in from the states. The Adjusted numbers are totally bogus as I have pointed out. That is like taking the drunken traffic fatalities around Thanksgiving to New Years and cutting them in half and reporting some of them in June and July because they do not have enough drunken traffic fatalities in those months. Either you died in a drunken traffic accident or you did not. You did not die in June because the government does not want to count you in December. When you are dead, you are dead, and you are dead at the time you die. If you wait six months to plant your body it is really going to stink up the place. Best to count them and bury them when they die.

When you are unemployed, you are unemployed. We need to know how many people are unemployed to find out what is happening to the economy. Now, I know that a million or so will be employed by the census. So be it. At least it is a short term step in the right direction. The unadjusted numbers last week and this week should give us a good indication of how well we are doing. Lose a job in the service sector and gain a job with the Census people. It is all good. If the Unadjusted weekly number does not fall below 400,000 we have good cause to be worried.
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Whatever they are I predict the headline will say "unexpected."

They always play off against so called "expectations" so they can claim that things are better than they are.

In this case, we were just above 400 K. I expect that with all of the Census Hiring, they should have been well below 400 K.

Take away the Census Hiring, and things look grim. The economy is still falling

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