Tomorrow Is Hillary's Birthday And Her Real October Surprise Will Be Revealed


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013

1. N-word video

2. Kim Dotcom’s Hillary b-day revelations

Hillary’s 33,000 emails might not be ‘missing’ after all | New York Post

Ever read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf "?

It's the biography of conservatives.
my private position is that i secretly hope she drops dead of a stroke. my public position is that i'm deeply concerned about her healthcare.
The responses from these batshit crazy Republicans explain why they think I'm crazy.
The responses from these batshit crazy Republicans explain why they think I'm crazy.
It's not that you're crazy, Dean. It's just that the squirrels in your attic are going nuts looking for their nuts.
Can any liberal on here explain why standard FBI protocol was NOT followed in the Hillary Investigation?

Here is my theory...

It's because OBAMA knew Hillary had an illegal server, and even E-mailed her on that server. OBAMA would have been it was all a bullshit sham investigation.

They say that anything the President sends over e-mail is CONFIDENTIAL FROM THE anything between Hillary and Obama ON HER SERVER was confidential.... there is another lie by HILLARY AND OBAMA.

2 lying corrupt piece of shit peas in a pod.

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