Tomorrows Obama Economic Speech; What If We Have Another Bad Stock Market Day?

Mar 16, 2012

Isn't tomorrow the unemployment claims report? What if it takes another dive? and what if the DOW tanks another 150/200 points,along with several declining data?
Over the years Obama has been well known to see the DOW tank most times when he spoke to the nation.
Tomorrow is a very risky ordeal for Obama as he is planning another boring speech in Ohio,we all know it will be laughable and meaningless at this point. There is nothing Queen Barry can do to save the world.
and this week, everything is bush's fault? how about the weeks the dow was jumping 100/150 points a day? were those weeks bush's fault too?
The May jobs report killed Obama.

Business is done until we shat ourselves of this Marxist asswipe.

Romney and the Republican Congress will have their hands full, but optimism will finally return.
He's in a win win situation....

He says everything is Bush's fault and the media goes along with it...
He says the private sector is fine...the media goes along with it.....
He says he created let's see tomorrow he will say he created 5 million jobs...again the media smiles
He says whatever he feels like and the dopes buy into it...

Everyone behind him is hootin and hollerin and fainting in his almighty presence.

This has nothing to do with the economy and everything to do with getting him reelected.
And I agree....
I hope the market tanks tomorrow.
I am hoping for a drop of 500 points or better.

The media will say that's Bush's fault.
And if the market goes up the Libs will be pushing the
right to say thank you Mr.President.
The stock market is a weird animal.
I have seen the market tank when the job numbers were real good...
It is a unique snapshot on the overall state of business and the economy.
Look at it now.The market has been doing well and our country is a few steps away from becoming
Greece and the rest of Europe.Taking a look at the market now and saying all is well with the USA
is ridiculous.

But anytime a Lib can kiss Obama's ass well they will take it...
the stock market numbers are meaningless, the dow could be 15,000, and yet we can still have the current Obama 14% Unemployment. odds are the market will slowly tank right thru election day, and when romney wins, obama will take all the credit when it jumps 1000 the next week.
Quite the long view- been watching too much 24/7 Fox OCD BS. You should call yourself RW Pygmy shrew LOL.

Breaking News for dupes: Bush gave us this Great Depression. Dems are blaming the "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) now, and of course the lying BS Propaganda Machine that's brainwashed you fools...
The stock market is a weird animal.
I have seen the market tank when the job numbers were real good...
It is a unique snapshot on the overall state of business and the economy.
Look at it now.The market has been doing well and our country is a few steps away from becoming
Greece and the rest of Europe.Taking a look at the market now and saying all is well with the USA
is ridiculous.

But anytime a Lib can kiss Obama's ass well they will take it...

NOBODY said all is well, DUPE. And the USA is a long way from Greece Now if we can just keep your lying, cheating, greedy,hateful, incompetent disgrace of a party from power another few years....and bring back the fairness doctrine so almost half the country aren't braiwashed, chicken little Pub dupes.
Quite the long view- been watching too much 24/7 Fox OCD BS. You should call yourself RW Pygmy shrew LOL.

Breaking News for dupes: Bush gave us this Great Depression. Dems are blaming the "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) now, and of course the lying BS Propaganda Machine that's brainwashed you fools...


[ame=]Batman ualuealuealeuale - YouTube[/ame]
Dow Jones Industrial Average: INDEXDJX:.DJI quotes & news - Google Finance


Check out the Stock Market history from the link. When Bush handed it over to Obama, it was around "6,000".

Yea, Obama has been rotten for business. :eusa_whistle:

And on October 12th 2007 the Dow was over 14,000
And who was President then?.....

It's OK you don't have to get back to us on that...

Oh yeh it was Bush.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Oct 15 Falls 733.08 to close at 8,577.91, down 7.87%, second largest point loss in history

And who was President then?
Oh yeh it was Bush.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Dec 01, 2008 Falls 679.95 to close at 8,149.09, down 7.70%, fourth largest point loss and twelfth largest percent loss in history

And who was President then?
Oh yeh it was Bush.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Feb 28, 2012 Rises 23.61 to close at 13,005.12, first close above 13,000 since Apr 25, 2007, nearly 5 years ago

And who was President then?
Oh yeh it was Obama.... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:


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