TONIGHT: Hillary Clinton To Accept Historic Nomination For President

Don't boo, vote
DO you think those booing will vote for her.....paying people to fill guys are looking at a mirage and think you have a titan.... no attn to the hag behind the curtain
All that matters is who the masses vote for. I think the trump fans are nothing more than the teabaggers 8 years older. Bring it
Trump has captured his tv audience which consists mostly of non college educated older males.

That won't be enough.

You need a strong broad coalition to get elected President.
Trump has more than TV audience which is why he won nomination...try harder to convince yourself....

Yeah, we know who Trump's audience is...

Nancy Pelosi was talking about this in a PBS interview just the other day.

"Guns, Gays, and God" is her mnemonic.


Hillary Clinton Thursday night will be the first woman to accept the presidential nomination of a major U.S. political party, capping a historic week in which Democratic leaders made the case that she is the best person to serve as president.

More: Hillary Clinton To Accept Historic Nomination For President


The Long, Hard Fight To Finally Get A Woman At The Top Of The Ticket

Some pictures of Hillary through the years:



More: 1970s Hillary Clinton Had The Wardrobe Of Your Dreams

Tonight Hillary makes history. Congratuations, Hillary! Women have come a long way!

Historic, hardly
but glad to see the Democrats have tried to add the word major party
to make it seem so .... typical Democrat parsing of words worthy of the infamous, "It depends on what the meaning of the words 'is' is."

No doubt, if the Queen gets in..... the Democrats will have a good old fashioned
purge of historical documents-- can't have another outdoing her or an obvious reminder
of how the Democrats are trying to undermine the accomplishments of another woman

otherwise, she is just playing second fiddle, again - but she does it so well :)

but until then
The Real First Women ever nominated to run for President

by Neotrotsky on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Perhaps the Democrats should have gone with

"The first person nominated by the DNC, who self-identifies as a woman "

just as much of a parsing of the words
but more contemporary, in a leftist kind of way
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She she not the first women nominated for president of the US. Nothing historic here.
Did they mention yet where she was named after Edmund Hillary ?

Are you one of Putin's thugs?

nyet comrade

did they talk about where she came under sniper fire ?
Mountain out of molehill.

Trump has more lies on politifact so shut the fuck up dumb ass

too funny
too bad they have no worth

being that most of them are biased left
it does not mean much

but considering that Queen Hillary is not really the "first" woman and Democrats have
to parse words to make it seem like it is more- it is to be expected
that the Democrats depend on half truths to make their case :)

Political Fact-Checking Under Fire
it is from that right wing NPR

Study Finds Fact Checkers Biased Against Republicans | US ...

Once Again, PolitiFact Struggles to Explain Data Showing They Treat GOP Unfairly
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A message from Monica...:bye1:

Then don't work fox fox news because there women have to blow it.

You can prove this.

Most of those women are college educated....and smarter than all of the lefties on this board.
It's already been proven

Please elaborate.

I've never heard this before.

I don't watch much Fox News.....but I do hear a lot of whining about the women who work there.

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