TONIGHT: Hillary Clinton To Accept Historic Nomination For President

Wow, what a convention!!!!!


Talk about the power of positivity!! The whole "Let's roll up our sleeves and get this done together" vibe that has been on display since the start of the convention was very inspiring.

Very impressive speech.
Has any candidate ever been boo..d by so many of her own party at their own convention......there is historic baby
Don't boo, vote
DO you think those booing will vote for her.....paying people to fill guys are looking at a mirage and think you have a titan.... no attn to the hag behind the curtain
All that matters is who the masses vote for. I think the trump fans are nothing more than the teabaggers 8 years older. Bring it
Trump has captured his tv audience which consists mostly of non college educated older males.

That won't be enough.

You need a strong broad coalition to get elected President.
Trump has more than TV audience which is why he won nomination...try harder to convince yourself....

Yeah, we know who Trump's audience is...

Don't boo, vote
DO you think those booing will vote for her.....paying people to fill guys are looking at a mirage and think you have a titan.... no attn to the hag behind the curtain
All that matters is who the masses vote for. I think the trump fans are nothing more than the teabaggers 8 years older. Bring it
Trump has captured his tv audience which consists mostly of non college educated older males.

That won't be enough.

You need a strong broad coalition to get elected President.
Trump has more than TV audience which is why he won nomination...try harder to convince yourself....

Yeah, we know who Trump's audience is...

See this is why you will reaaly believe your own talking point lies...........
DO you think those booing will vote for her.....paying people to fill guys are looking at a mirage and think you have a titan.... no attn to the hag behind the curtain
All that matters is who the masses vote for. I think the trump fans are nothing more than the teabaggers 8 years older. Bring it
Trump has captured his tv audience which consists mostly of non college educated older males.

That won't be enough.

You need a strong broad coalition to get elected President.
Trump has more than TV audience which is why he won nomination...try harder to convince yourself....

Yeah, we know who Trump's audience is...

See this is why you will reaaly believe your own talking point lies...........

Duh, that's why they're my talking points...
[See this is why you will reaaly believe your own talking point lies...........

No dear, it's you who believes the lies. Republicans can't get anyone to vote for them if they're honest about what they'll do and what the result will be. Like tax cuts create jobs. They don't, they never have, and yet Republicans keep repeating this lie, and when they get into power, they cut taxes, and jobs disappear. Reagan had the good sense to raise taxes when he saw that revenues didn't increase and the deficit went up. W was too stupid to realize what he'd done and we all saw how that ended.
with any luck, sometime during her speech she will have another seizure that can't be ignored.
Or a stroke on live TV Fucking epic.

What makes you NaziCons so evil and vicious?
After tonight, I think they finally realize that their candidate sucks and they have absolutely no hope of winning the election. Now they wish for death or injury for their political opponent as their only hope. Pathetic, petty, and evil. I'm not a Hillary fan, and I have tongue in cheek wished for the "sweet meteor of death" this election cycle. In all seriousness, I would not wish death or illness on anyone. I now feel better about voting against Trump than I did before the convention.
Yup, female solidarity.

Maybe Monica can get her old job back in The White House. (No pun intended.)

I am sure Hillary would not care.

But the GOP would probably try to impeach Bill again ...

... but wait ... they can't ... Bill isn't the POTUS again ...

... minor detail ... the GOP would probably impeach him again ... .

Sorry Monica.

See what happens when you kiss and tell (or even blow and tell).

[See this is why you will reaaly believe your own talking point lies...........

No dear, it's you who believes the lies. Republicans can't get anyone to vote for them if they're honest about what they'll do and what the result will be. Like tax cuts create jobs. They don't, they never have, and yet Republicans keep repeating this lie, and when they get into power, they cut taxes, and jobs disappear. Reagan had the good sense to raise taxes when he saw that revenues didn't increase and the deficit went up. W was too stupid to realize what he'd done and we all saw how that ended.
Reagan did not really raise tax rates however. His revenue increases were not really tax hikes.

GHW Bush on the other hand hiked taxes on the poor and working class with his payroll tax hike.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010
A message from Monica...:bye1:

What a beautiful blue eyed dark haired Polish beauty!

Question: how do you keep the flies off a bride at a Polish wedding?

Answer: there is a big can of garbage in the corner of every Polish wedding to attract the flies away from her.

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