Tonights"Mountain Monster"Episode:,American Werewolves In W.Virginia?,Anyone See It?

Feb 1, 2013

"Devil Dog" Tonight's episode was the best one so far, and they even had footage of the creature.
Unbelievable! monster dogs are learking thru the hills of West Virginia, ripping apart coyotes as if they were chickens.
In the episode the hunters came across 7 or 8 coyotes that were viciously killed, most may have had their stomaches ripped open.
What is going on out there!!!!
Also, you got to love the heavy Virginia "Hunters Accents". I would imagine they need captions for the viewers in the Northeast.
If you missed it, they will repeat it soon on "Destination America" channel.
:eek: Great Show! watch it if you can.

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